
Showing posts from February, 2019


The things you miss about the faces that claimed Your day people who are just passing Time with You Scared of aging I miss the flash of White teeth A polaroid of precision gated bones Celebrating snatches from a postcard of Joy Talling me how happy You were to see me Your warm embrace The honey of your soft Voice Like the kiss of butter I miss my friend whose laugh would erupt like a Volcano Turning grown men into Bludshing yet pulsing Schoolboys Spasms of conversations Lost in the magic of a Glimpse Speech bubble people Eager to be popped Ripe for connecting I miss your walk Like a dance The shimmy of Limbs everytime you stepped Into a room You were like a Dazzling Glitterball Your eyes shone like Jewels For there was Something special About you

The Libra

"Dare i say it" Mother speaks laying a blanket Of Cinnamon Pancakes With honeyed syrup and a fly pinned to the top "This is my gesture of love" I eye it with discontent Pancakes before our normal Breakfast time My stepmothers attempt at Friendship once more Flawed and imprecise Like her Pancakes with a fly On top No jewellery Of stainless steel Diamante earing pods No hemmed skirt For a little Princess Patchwork Vintage Olden style Elizabeth Taylor Iconique Pancakes with Honeyed Syrup and a smile A semi nude Coffee skinned woman in a blue velvet Gown waterfall midnight hair And eyes like starlets "You are getting to know me," i extend "I will keep the damsel as a souvernir," For she has negotiated her way into my house This coffee skinned woman Her libran scales of balance Providing new seasons of comfort

A Strange Thing

There is something strange About the young one This young seedling Lopsided grin Fringe Hooded eyes Masking a sea of discontent An Opium of Longing Something odd about The veins like tentacles This Octopus needing to be loved Yet so desolate an Island A separate being There is something strange about the way Every action is a question mark As though she would Quiz her own reflection And her shadow would trudge off in Confusion It is puzzling To be lost In a skin That belongs To you


He said he loved you So he took you There, A dance with Gypsies A summoning of Gods War Gods Sea Gods Sky and Sun He exploded into A million fireworks All over your bosom Tainting you With his cells He said He loved you So he took you There Beyond The moist Past Elasticity


Run with wolves Let your hair Fly freely There is a spark Of electricity between your fingertips A salsa in your hips Magic on your tongue You are young Still baptise yourself In the warmth Of the Sun Love is a tastebud Swallowing You Whole

Little girl dreaming

Once upon a dreamer With her once upon a time Those myths i once told you Could unravel you in time Neatly stitched Like the hem of a skirt Look at all the threading Patchwork and fabric Little girl Mother says you dream too hard Where are all your fingers Itchy fingers Itchy thumbs make them nimble Make them numb Will you be eaten by a Vortex of dreams Sink into pillow Wanted by Sandman Mother says little Girls By the Bayou must Toil Disipline and habbit Doesnt unfoil Keep the dream Like a postcard in your pocket Dare you not lose it My treasure Lock it

Cinderella and her glass promise

I will wait for you. It was a lie which was Pregnant with a thousand sins For he had lied too In the hue of the night The maze of the mind Soothes an angry minotaur Angry that she was left behind How do you soothe One who was lost in time Yet still present How do you charm a genie like smoke into the eternity Of a trapped existence To a love That once upon was scared of becoming I will wait for you she said A sentence That hangs fraily in the air Then is put to sleep With sedative When cassanova glides by With his rhythmn and blues stride Conversations that can transport her to Jupiter Without the tonic Sharing half a smile , Making nerves jitter and dance like keys in pocket The clock ticks, Strikes a chord If she waited Cinderellas feet May turn to glass

Postmark stranded

I promised you Flowers by the moonlight Something alive Breathing Something loved Needing Oxygen The way i needed you Needing water You are cocooned Within this soil Lovers trudge by in dirty working man boots and timberlands Just to tell stories Journal the days of the living To those whose Ears have slept I miss the laughter that bubbled from you before the wine would come Filling the room Like a ghost claiming glares like a gossip Your laugh was a postcard Of where we were Our stamp First class Royal air I am deciphering my grief Scared to embrace it That it will morph and become me Such a greedy wholesome thing Like a baby suckling At your breast Claiming buds of milk I am only 3 months into this cycle By the moonlight The ghosts of other peoples tears and snatches of their conversation piercing my eardrums It is like being at sea With a tempest Like an angry Horizon It is like being on an Island with no boat My eyes are wild

Sins of a rose

I am handcuffed to a love I do not understand it It eats me up Then plucks me inbetween sharp jagged Teeth When i am bleeding It licks my scars Yet when i am whole It crunches at my stem Till i am incomplete and in need of sustainance It says i have sinned as a rose Such a beautiful Perculiar Rose with thorns Once it tried to eat me and my thorns they pricked it's gums Till it bled leaking yellowing puss It must punish me now such a beautiful perculiar thing For as a rose Yanked from its beauteous soil My roots they still breathe life and i remain an extraordinary thing The sin of a rose My many many sins Yet loves a dangerous thing


I have baptised myself in a new lie That i am happy without you I pull back the soft silk of the bed sheets Mosaic printed studying the wrinkles and the stains you left On your side of the bed The cd plays jazz on repeat our favourite song dances into my eardrums as tears burrow like critters deeper into my skull I have baptised myself in a lie strands of light are a strain to this purple lit room Where my flesh rots with dirt It has been days of mourning Weeks of pain Hours and minutes of loss Clothes are strewn across our once Canvas room There is an echo Of sobs i wept A shadow stalls in the corner glaring angrily at me Yet dare i remove myself From the bosom of so much pain Dare i dual Once more with love and life.

The new song

Theres a song in your heart A poem that has brought you to your knees You crush the grapefruit of words between your tongue The sweet yet sour taste of truth embedded with sweet lies That were delicious Once upon a time And you tell yourself This narrative, My narrative makes sense Beneath the sting Of old pain Wounds that bleed With welts and scars around them A map of pain A globe of history Experiences And you prepare new words new songs a new poem in your heart Featherlight To float into tomorrow Countering the sting Of yesterday

Chalk and Cheese

Mother says were like chalk and cheese It makes me nervous It makes me sneeze For things in life I sure do want He tells me i shouldn't Tells me i cant You do not dream The way i dream paint skies with Mush Or icecream To lurk beside thoughts That reside within cobwebs To see hungry arachnids Still eager To be fed I have marched Vikings Black and blue Had meetings With Ali About what dreams amount to When others see me They cross pavements instead For fear im a highlander Too inside my head Yet to dream And oh but a merry dream is like a gasp of air One day You will see me there A self within a dream Flesh and bone I will connect the dots And make my way Home.

Till Dawn

He whistled at scars on my face etchings of beauty which age would erase Does anyone look like you he said His eyes filling with with the curves of my hips To the curls on my head You are a wonder to me When you speak It is a current Elasticity Everytime i see your steps pound the ground not even the shriek of a nearby noun Can distract me from this trance That exists Hypnotism Over years it persists For when you smile i imagine myself perched as a butterfly in your pocket A peck on your cheek A marvel A rocket I sit three rows behind you in Music I play the flute and would gladly abuse it To become piper A thread for your Song Give me a limerick I'll sing it till Dawn

Lucky Penny

The creative caption is hidden in the fold Caught between the blankets Of a life which plans to scold An unkempt you For such tiresome risk Your fighting a self Yet there are no fist A shadow stalks To claim your flesh To claim the laughter and what is left Was it something You predicted Something cause planned t'would be afflicted For the siren voice That cried a noun of Wolf Looking for ways To play his golf And picking pennies From a busy floor


Toil at the struggle, the seed in the soil You must work hard To produce your oil For others are watching And green eyed they will be With mouths that run amock Trying to Pythagoras Theorem me Yet as you develop structure As you develop plan Do not be a sheep Do not be a lamb For winter will be coming And so will all the wolves To eat upon your flesh If you haven’t been to school


Beauty I have seen you reign Whether in joy Or nursing your pain You triumph through mines A self that remains Body on the hinges And a mind that’s still sane For the world would like To drive you there To draw you in To roads which Lead nowhere


Its necessary To be extraordinary In a world of mediocre Where misery Believes Its sober Where lack of joy Believes it will triumph And envy Thinks it will gain Its stump


The chariot is coming They’ll mount you up high Empower yourself They’ll see how you fly Rising reaching Climbing still Holding unto Your blessed will Ignoring construct Ignoring rules Using the gift Of gods blessed Tools

Chariots arival

He said He loved you And covets you still Wants to break you in pieces And harness your will For he splutters words Like poison they reign Words That reflect So much of his pain Do not muddle yourself In his fire This being is a mess His life is dire Focus on being An unstoppable thing For you are A Queen An unstoppable being

Joyous Zen

Arise from the sadness, tattoo on your smile Let it be signature Resurrect your style, for the glimmer of hope Will shine in your eyes Like a coin Let the world Join your brigade Of happy Align with self Others with pitchfork Yet theres no one else But you on your stage This is your life Be unafraid Of your joyous zen

The womb baby

I uncurl myself from the weeping form this Womb baby in the shadow,  whilst they circle pitch forks in the dark.  I suck in my breath ,  ready to expel the fire of a new day,  the song in my throat once turned into a whisper,  my tongue jives eager to chorus with a new form.

The Gallant Man

With each prick of laughter, you turn your head away.  Your attention has shifted now. The thorns have pricked you, like an electric current, have jerked and Spasmed jolting you into an unfamiliar reality.  You do not like this terrain. You do not like those words which slide into bloodied sentences looking for casualty.  You search my eyes, with your jewelled salt brown Gaze, it is an uneasy smile you prescribe, doctoring the rejection i feel.  You tilt my chin up with your fingertip, and say in a baritone like warm chocolate steaming from mug, "i like different, different is good. You were enough."

Cinnamon on Tongue

Common Scents is Lost ,  when he speaks a poem from his lips ,  words like Caramel and butter melt  into the air,  taste like cinnamon on tongue, sweet seduction,  comfort me, for dare i sleep not having known your name.

Love as the piper

Love has made me Piper, The song a sweet melody enchanting My ears, jittering my bones, Goosebumps along pimpled flesh , I am a mess when i inhale Your scents

Voice of Freedom

Freedom comes in a voice which bellows an endless truth, Do not wrap me in your sorcery, i have lain awake , Slaying demons in your shadow

Lit flame

I taste the Rainbow and Kiss the sky, fueled by your passion,  you light my fire.

Sonnet to the stars

It was a Sonnet to the stars , from Jupiter to Mars ,  I find myself unravelling, layers of me unfolding beneath your touch.


I saunter within this creative canvas, a universe of freedom, a sky of so many colours, electric are my brushstrokes as i paint my way into oblivion.

Midnight Blue

Midnight to blue, what happened to you, sleek as a cat, i am dark too. An empress with my ancient braids, touch my skin be unafraid. Swallow the coffee complex on your tongue, cappucino skin theres no back to front.

Kiss it away

Theres a butterfly on your lips, a vibrant jubilee of carnival colours, flapping its wings red and white against the sting of the wind, preparing for the sky. A sky that swallows. A sky where eagles flap tired wings, there is a butterfly on your lips, kiss it away.

Miracle girl

Miracle girl he will dance when you smile, lay out the carpet like a moon for you, share your words like a song. Miracle girl he will love your thick afro hair, the hues of culture in your eyes, the high accent of your cheekbones and the chip in your teeth. When you walk, he will strut like a peacock proud to be on your arm, and kneel before you at the alter with an Orb in his heart.

Left bare

I plucked the petals from beside your skin, he loves me, yet those thorns are sin, That chocolate skin, and soft brown eyes, he opens up, and im surprised, that such a man keeps pandoras box next to shoes and socks.

Days of Gloom

A passion came up in me, like a storm, sweeping into my blood, dare i look upon those salt brown eyes of yours, awe at them with love. For this coffee brown skinned girl, will wrap you up in her musical world, will play calypso, and her honeyed tune, will steer you free from those days of gloom.

Promise of potential

A promise of potential is what ive seen before, do i promise my potential and ne'er touch the floor, i hit the ground feet running, with many  of my quirks, and when i touch the moon Thats when i'll go bezerk.

A marvel

I marvel at your kisses, awe at your touch, seek your warm embrace, love is not too much, for you are the spine, the vessel which channels the flame. A passionate elixir and when you speak my name, i am but song in your throat, a merry little tonic, an alcohol in your belly  turning you to alcoholic.

The sun and the butterfly

The sun it smiled upon me, when i curled into your skin on that warm April day. Your limbs a coccoon, i a butterfly, mocha and transparent for the world to see. My beauty sharp as a sword, my colours seductive in this jungle, my wings freeing me before your kiss. Wrap me in your warm embrace, let me glow before you.

Ivory Moon

An ivory moon, a purple sky, a wanderers song, i wonder why, i remain buoyant in your abundance,limbs oil beneath your glare, worlds become spectators, For they acknowledge i am butter beneath your stare. Our youth, a jubilee, like pearls before a majestic throne.

Starlight and Moons

Of stars and moonlight The glory become Shimmering beneath a twilight sky, a butterfly becomes thee, Blessed with her wings Which flap For worlds That orbit this universe perhaps


It was a crimson kiss that sent my blood pulsing, roaring, such spirit evangelising the electricity within my limbs. Glee swollen in my belly, each step like water to him, for when i touched his coffee skin, id melt before his touch, as his mouth would open releasing the flames of an everlasting love. The dialect like sparks of electricity, the passion of a song bird, the poem from his lips.

Band of Freedom

You are electric on the canvas, your soul a compass, striking a chord of creative mastery, injecting art, and fever into the magic of the world. Sing your song with buoyant jubilee for a marching band is coming, they aim to set you free.

Dragon Sun

Inches from the horizon, shadow you will be illuminescent, the chains around your ankle will fall to the side, shatter like icicles, be on the ground like moss. Inches from the horizon where a pregnant sun, waits before you, abundant in its love, shimmering such lucid colours of gold. Dance before each jewelled element, snake hips you are belly dancer, and you will swallow it like a dragon and breathe it before worlds.

Back to front world

Too many coats for too many skins, too much flesh which self are you in, are you the kite that soars up to the stars are you freedom from Jupiter to mars. Extending yourself elastic within the vastness of the sky, illuminating worlds, for self to travel by, exploding fireworks, skittles on the tongue, So many coats to put on , when the world is back to front.

Access denied from fear

Access denied to the fringes of fear, i see anger looming in your eyes, yet my strength does not hear you. All the troubled words, and the shriek from your lungs, a vocab once heard whilst you tainted worlds with your song. And yet i see Moons, stars , suns dance before my eyes, capture me with kisses, embed me in surprise. For o what a web you wove, as my soul it dove,for shelter.

Inbetween Selves

Caught within the inbetween A message in a bottle with words stitched to seams Unlocking me  Unpacking me Which destination  Will i be  Global compass A self from Home  Find a girl  Wandering  In the wonders of Rome Coveting people Scents and streets A fragmented self  Beyond belief 

Ivory Kiss

He planted upon me an ivory kiss, my mocha had not tasted a sweetness like this, whether a stroke of chocolate or tan, An ivory kiss from this foreign man, in the layers of a dream, slipping deep within my skin , embracing my thoughts, and compassing within.

Verse of the man

verse of the man, strong in his stride, i am your eve, worlds can go hide, dare they arise and look upon with contempt, with resentment, and lack common sense. For here we are, a tribe of two, evolving into fiction, turning to glue, something the eyes, they never did see, something to marvel at something so free.

Charcoal fear

I see each fear, charcoal, dust, ash in the wind, i blew it away from my universe. My breath is speckled with skittles, my tongue is oppulent with power. There is a buoyancy to my stride, as i move closer as the shadow disintegrates its mask fading. Fear you have watched me for so long, hawk eye in a night with no moons, twirling in your song of glory, now the angels stampede at my side, a samba as your eyes become poignant with tears.

The Divine

Divine timing, ecclesiastical faith , dare i wait,and summon with bait, calling with my creative song, those changes i required all along, a dream that never slumbers never sleeps, when i look at my reflection it sends me weak, for i am blessed in this skin, yet i still champion this need to win, a hungry lioness, with a bowl full of flesh not rotten morsels, that were hinged on a bet.


Changing fiction, stripping bare, old thoughts that wear down, tired hare. Do i attempt to sprint , and run and hop, leap into my springtime, a buoyant bop,For winter can crucify the soul, each spear can pierce beyond control, the elixir of courage a fervent wine, delicious and heated around the limbs entwine. As i strive for my higher self, embracing healing and nothing else, soon enough i will run and skip and hop, for this dream i will never stop.

Knowledge and all its compartments

Splinters, crackled glass, making shapes, im running fast, from shadows of fear that trickle like ink on a pallette, a canvas that is eager for the brush strokes of my creative mind. Creative mind come to me, come to me, so i can see, all the things hidden , beyond contempt, those eager boxes that dont make sense, unlock all the padlocks, with iron clad keys, slide open compartments, have knowledge on knees, for a bite of the apple,so tender and sweet, something delicious, to be trapped in my teeth.