Top funniest website find this week: I hate

It's true, i am not kidding. There is a website online called i hate him. com. Who would have guessed it. A site to vent all your anger and frustrations about someone you truly loathe. There are over 600 stories, which means over 600 people decided to start a delicious rant about some guy in their life.

No kidding, this is actually real. Someone actually took the time to market this website, paid money for a domain, used their networking abilities both online and offline. Then again when people need to vent, they need to vent.


  1. Thanks for the mention. I was bored one day, looking up random domain names. That one popped up as an unregistered domain, so I bought it. The bit with the stories is just what I thought of to do with the domain. 1,341 stories now, if you include I Hate Her as well.


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