Top 15 ways to make money selling blog skins and Templates

The versatility of the chameleonesque blog skin.who doesn't want a tune up from the old now and again. Something Wicked,modern,new age, spicy. If you have a passion for design, and a skill for creating blog Skins and templates. Well , whats taking you so long. Showcase your strength Amigo.

Wether it's buoyant and beautiful colours, dark and delightful, sensuous and scenic, or you've nurtured an eye for intricate patterns and intimately woven design, why not sell your delights with those who desire a website or a blog tune up.

First of all create a portfolio site,.with how to content. How to content is very popular,because you.are extending your knowledge and sharing growth and opportunities with others. Talk them through design and development with simple delivery. Add a portfolio of your products, which will be your blog skins and templates. Build content around it, utilise key search engine optimization, traffic,traffic,traffic is the key. The more traffic you create with your site, the more sales and referrals you'll get.

Have a portfolio, and build traffic to any portfolio or marketing site.

advertise your services  on social media as a website designer or a brand design consultant.

message your contacts with examples of your work to those in your newsletter

Send examples of your work in an e greeting card

Showcase your work on a YouTube Channel

On a forum

On a membership site

Advertise your website in group social media sites.


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