Distractions deceased

Don't let jealous people distract or throw you off your journey, you are ascending without their permission, insecure people love to be in control. It is easy to let small minded people and their hate, take over your line of vision, yet use their negativity as motivation. Confidence during any battle . Your biggest battle is with yourself, the illusion that you may fail before their eyes. The mighty have moments where they crumble, and they return to form. You are a jigsaw, locating all its missing pieces, this takes time . This takes vision, objectives and strategy, you don't have time for the chaos of someone else's disordered mind, you are still folding away your linen. It is easy to become distracted, it is easy to listen to the poison of others, every plant experiences shadow and every plant experiences light. You are healing, growing and returning to form.strengthen yourself with wisdom, challenge your insecurities with self belief. Fear is what the enemy feeds on, lunch is closed.


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