
Showing posts from September, 2014

motivating the mind

Testify your own success, its not a matter of if, its a mater of when. We are the creators of a world relived from our mental confusion. Life is filled with chaos. A chaos of thoughts, a chaos of emotions, use what you can use and discard the pull of negativity when you can. Those angry days bring us to our knees, we re storms brewing in tiny teacups and when we explode a lot can go with it. Don't let failure tip toe around in your head, if you have a strategy use it. Don't work against time, work with her and work in a manner which  Will make you pride yourself.

dark knights

 The shadows lurk here Cupped by the tide A kissing silhouette Oil And raw We are the Selves Beneath the blue our chain links build Hold me And let the night Be our song.

Beautiful African

!   for a while I wanted to end up with an Asian guy, or this guy I thought was really beautiful. He was ethnic. Yet I realised when I went through some of the most painful experiences of my life, this dream I had, this illusion it wasn't real it didn't exist. The most I received from him ever was a beep as his car drove by and somehow I knew he was aware of the torrent of pain I was in. Never a conversation, never a smile, as others jostled or ridiculed me he' d join in and laugh, being part of this loathsome community, then it hit me today. When I go home I'm gonna. Marry a beautiful African man. I'd often hear his siblings pipe that I wasn't good enough for him, and I'd think what the hell has that got to do with it. This is not a man that's interested. I hit 30 today the big pow wow, the best news is, I'm going home and it may not be everything I imagined. There are no pretenders there. If the people hate you, they hate you, they

The psychology of a coward

it will be a while. A lot of my pain started with taking risks on the wrong person.The wrong people, then ultimately feeling a resentment take the place of love. I can't love the way I used to any more because its not pure, it will be tainted with feelings of betrayal and resentment. I resent those closest to me for not seeing the truth, for being the great pretenders they were, and knowing things, not everything, but knowing hints and sensing and never taking a stand. I call it being unprincipled, they call it wanting an easy life. My body is being crucified by medicines it doesn't need, I take those pills out of love so those around me don't fall apart. Its all a lie. I was the one targeted no one else because I was nice enough to reach out to a guy who had absolutely no self esteem, no confidence nothing, I saw his loneliness in me. I sensed the reasons why his car would line the front of my house despite meals being cooked for him next door, the barrage of questi

The shadows

It took me over five years to realise who I'd crowned best friend,was not a friend at all, just terrified of her own lonelinss, and somehow despite my laughter, the hot line of friends that circled us, I had become lonely too. it was the strangest thing, we went everywhere together, called each other at least 3 or four times a day, I was a consistent passenger in her car, her ever constant, I soon realised I was a passenger in her life. A side kick, and when she aptly spoke of being extremely lonely, I realised what I held in high esteem, wasn't what she valued. I was here, her shoulder, her ear, how could she be lonely? Then when another person entered our hub and she admitted she had more respect for her than me, I was befuddled. This was the person that had once described our friendship as a marriage, someone who I'd literally leave everything for just to ensure she was safe. The worst thing about shadows of the past is in time they take form and have face again.

imaginary him

The king of the household Walks in steed Tiptoeing into The plates without Lifes Lead For home Is laughter, It is choice The busy world Brings in the noise This gate he keeps He guards it well Removes the slumber He oils the shell For it is slick And green with moss We seek The love A time forgot On supple skin And pleading hands And doors that lock Where there's no slam For at my bosom He will rest And all our kittens Will grow on breast This world for man A triumphs storm For I have loved Far from The norm As I weave His principled threads The kiss of silk A sun once fed A tapestry Our woven strands our tongues enjoy Our pancake plans

How to deal with someone who is obsessed

Signs a guy is obsessed with you. First of all let me tell you obsession is less about beauty, and image. Is someone is fixated on you, at all cost keep your distance. There was a guy who till this day,refuses to leave Me alone. He'd isolate me from friends planting hostile seeds of paranoia, convincing me that male friends especially we're plotting something sinister or to hurt me in some way.The more I connected to, went on dates, afiliaed with new men, potential friends, potential partners this guy became more twisted and psychotic ,lashing out like a angry boyfriend, spreading rumours that I was loose. Or a prostitute. No matter how many times I asked him to leave me alone, he refused. Saying things like " I just want one night with her, one night," despite desperately enviously trying to alienate me from e everyone close to me. The most effective method he used was gas lighting where with my own clear sight I'd witness him call me a slut, whore, sla

Cappuccinos and clues

Check out redebony on google plus " He's such a bastard," " a bastard that needs to be spoon fed his nouns" From the docks Catherina and Jacob Crosby eyed the floating ships, the water an ash neither enjoyed. " This place is so desolate." " These are vintage, memorabilia, the first ships that docked the first ever African slaves," " you say it like its a chorus," " this is different for me." " Rich white boy dating urban superstar," Leanna flashed a pair of movie star white teeth. " D'you like the dreads?" Black eyes bounced up and down her needle frame. He'd picked her, that's eight picked, because she didn't match the outfit of your typical black woman weight lifting angry chips. There was an ethereal element to her, and that chocolate skin with the red " You don't look like a lawyer." " You sound like a robot, your not my type." Tw

Baby Steps

Check out redebony On Google plus "Change your job, change your life," " I've changed my life 2.4 kids, a husband never happened, love the job, loving the wrinkles." Greta Margolis ran the pearl encrusted comb through threads of black and silver woven hair. It didn't bite, it stung, how Nancy in her lala lala universe thought the world was all sunshine and rainbows, and here she was swallowing whimpers that never came. It wasn't about a stupid job. " the people are nice," she spoke about n plastic tones, glaring at the reflection but fore her. Small hands were placed neatly on a once swollen belly. it was the child she'd lost. idris she'd named him after the actor, Alvin looked much like Idris Alba and had a frame which dominated a room. it wasn't the absence of him leaving either, a bedroom, wrapped in sorrow, a womb that refused to produce a child. He wouldn't disappear, she would speak of him today. " There&#


I handed Atlanta the note it was clean and crisp starched as a T-shirt. she bit her lips as she surveyed it. " you wrote him a note and ever since he's had people calling you a whore and a slut, messing with your mind, knowing full well you suffered with depression before." she scanned it again her steel blue eyes electric with a dormant anger. " you don't know what it took for me to write this?" " What d'you mean?" I paused anxiously waiting for the other students to pass as we stood isolated on the bridge. " I suffer from my own Social anxiety, its this disorder I can't put my finger on it but around new people it makes me scared, I can cover it most days, laugh with a smile, pretend like I'm actually part of what's going on." I gulped long and hard wishing there was water nearby, wishing I could delve in it. watching the dots of people go past. " I took a risk and it wasn't just a big deal for me, I

The missing ones

" So were avoiding, playing the avoidance game.," Ivy Bancroft in blue steel framed suit and pinched ivory pearls, was still the brunette he remembered from years ago. The red hair dazzled, its loose tendrils , lashing about her pointed features. with those grey eyes she was bewitching, engaging, and with the eagle broche his mother had given her, was a conversation starter. " You don't wear glasses anymore,' "I know, they made me look sterile," " Sterile? no its a word, I swear I'm not a dipshit, its like being unapproachable," " you've always looked unapproachable until you laugh or smile, its the glint," he grinned " and that pimple on your left cheekbone. " Why white hair?" Matt Rivers stood with hands on hips in that comic superhero pose, he'd mastered. It was a long story. His whole fucking life was long stories and unwinding roads which curl and twist, pasts which rattle your insides, nestin

The absence of pills

" so your leaving," she studied her sister, brown eyes narrowed. " I will. Never be far." " You lied, you said it was a trip  a visit, you said you wee coming back." " like I said I'm always nearby, you just won't see me and that's okay." Tessa gulped imaginary boulders there was a pit where her stomache was, a deep sinking feeling. " I'll miss your laugh and the way you tell stories,like you actually believed them." " I'll be on phones." The two siblings hugged, Analise planteda kiss on her sisters cheek. " your running away again, I feel it, I know it," " I'm not. I think I'll be happy there. Its the first selfish thing I've ever done in my life. I hate her, I can't even be on the same continent as her." There was a heavy silence, " it burdens me,you don't know the things she's done." There was another long pause. Their gaze

The Selves

The selves we wished we were, and it was true. As I crossed the blade across my skin I yearned to see the soft ooze of a red Nile leak its way down my cocoa butter complexion. I was numb since he left.Boulders in my throat on dinner dated with strangers who had too much knowledge about everything buy a woman who shared a shadow with a ghost. " This isn't about love, its attention you need constantly Elizabeth." Mac rolled his eyes, preferring the dramatic sigh of an actress. " I won't baby you, I'm a grown man," " who keeps two beds." His pale hands sliced through  a ed of curly ginger hair.I'd once loved the freckles like sprinkles of cinnamon beneath two golden Orbs,now they reminded me. Of sesame seeds. " The psych says I'm having a breakdown, " my tone was hoarse and weak even to my own ears. "Why can't you love me, the way you love her," "Because were two souls in separate bodies. She isnt just

The rider

The scent of sex in the air, strong pungent. Isobelle had gotten her rider, him. Her canvas of long toffee skin, lay upright against the red brick walls. Back firmly positioned against the slick leather of a rustic bike. Brown eyes wide with hunger, sometimes she reminded him of a leopard or a jungle cat, predatory and domineering. The silk was unbuttoned exposing the rise of succulent breasts, his mouth cocooned each bud refusing to be a starving man any longer. The throb of an erection like a sword pushed through the web of material.They moaned into each others ear drums, her nibbling on his lobe, before lowering some kisses to the nectar that would flow from an already prepared instrument. Reno Davis leaned over Selena Moore thrusting hard and deep, feeling her breath like a fan as he picked up momentum. The rhythm of two bodies, in sync, riding into oblivion. " Please," she pleaded as his thick arms lifted slender legs higher probing deeper, encompassing everything.


The smile that carries When days are rough My autumn breeze My summer song And as you speak A Hearst it throne A love belongs No secret lies You were Gods joyous surprise My compass And my bed of pearls Rose carpets For you Fireflies that twinkle Between dreams And angels skate To keep minds Clean There is no Icarus here for you My love Are my only sun

The Quiet Love

image from It meant something to her yet absolutely nothing to him, not the way it should. The way bodies intertwine melting like chocolate, conversations open into the morning. She had loved him, it was February the fourteenth she had seen and she had loved that awkward walk, the hair that was rugged as though it were sketched and hewn on an artist pad. “  Are there things you want to know about me?” she opened with frustration, her morning breath hanging like a cloud in the cardboard room. “ Is there something you want me to know?” His eyes as two bolts of cocoa remained hypnotic in the dark. She enjoyed the way they swallowed the plunge of her neck to two voluptuous breasts full and heavy for a girl her age. “ Likes, dislikes, my favorite spread on pancakes, the last book I read, who I’d snog, marry, and avoid, who my favorite actor is, what my favorite drink is,” “Lets start with one.” He spoke in a baritone that could melt butter. T

Compass Love

“I compass you, I love this day. its ours, there’s nothing simpler than this.” Rosalita glared at her husband beneath the silk of the Ivory moon. “It bites me, it eats me, that you choose to leave like this,” “cancer is slow, it’s humiliating, it’s crippling, I wont be me.” “We fought for those vows, in front of all those people, we said we’d be timeless,” He took her hands softly cushioning their moccochino skin in the warmth of his. She scrutinized his plae fingertips and the blue veins  like stretch marks, crawling along a flesh she’d once said belonged to her. The girl who cycled near the Rose bush on Crestwood green;with the pig tails in her hair. Rosalita never trusted the chemicals in makeup, so face painting was something she never did. Joseph liked the naturalness of her, she was like the ease of the tide, shocking at times, overwhelming yet cooling to your senses. “Time is not something I have.” “ I need you.” It was uttered, a sentence which has neve

river flood

The wind in the Willows And the whisper Of trees Crinkled leaves That crumble In the waking autumn And the singing Jackdaw That captures The wake of the Moon in its beak As humans corrupt this Freckled land Where all the ancients Once would stand The elf that springs Into the fall The river flushes one And all

blood hunters

" I won't die for you,but I'll fight for you," Marco Roxsi defended ," I,'ll fight for your dreams that turned to ash, spoon feed them to you, and then," he waited without saying more. Make you whole again. He wasn't supposed to end up with a mullato, chocolate skin, eyes the colour of cinnamon, she had hooked him in a trance like a wildflower gibing off a scent. He was drawn to her immediately, the soft quilt of thick eyelashes , spiders claws, watermelon mouth, nose as sharp as a dagger and hair thick like cotton. " I still have my dreams their just delayed," " your passing time in a wheelchair, the last time I sawe you with a paintbrush was before the accident." Teressa studied her Nordic beauty, his blue eyes as clear as ice, mouth as trim as the tidy moustache he coveted. She didn't like the red hair on him, it made his skin look shockingly pale, and his ears more Elfish. A six foot giant of the Roxsi household


Our obstacles challenge us, our goals pish us, and in order to achieve them you have to become themss. There are 24 hours in a day, 365 days in a year, what do you plan to ndo with that time? Wishful thinking won't get you to where you need to be. Realistic measured goals can be the difference between infinite success and failure. It doesn't have to be perfect straight away we are all diamonds in the rough and evolving characters,it will happen so long as your willing to step outside your comfort zone. Eradicate those mouth melting delicious excuses. There are a million excuses for failure and none for success. Its easy to feel like quitting, but this is your goal, the best version of you.

Mighty motivation

Image by artofonli Whenever you feel insignificant,do something that gives you pride.validate yourself and your self esteem, its easy to watch the lives of others through a glossy lens, but high achievement takes extraordinarily hard work. There are those who spend a lifetime talking about the successes of others whilst rotting away in a stew of discontent. Your journey is different to theirs, your goals are different, and when you fail rise up and stand once more that all great leaders were failures once. Our mistakes define us so long as they are not done with cruel or malicious intent, we are not perfect people, one cannot escape the perils of life itself, yet when you fight arm yourself with wisdom.

working with wisdom

Image from lomarts Work.that's the problem many of us set goals for ourselves, yet when we put that label over it it becomes tedious, echaustie_ tiresome and worrisome. Do not stress your dreams out to the point they alienate you, discover yourtfunself as you stride towards your goal, looking for ideas that link within and between corners. It will take motivation, pushing past a self that wants to watch TV, hour long conversations with friends and selves that have nothing more than idol chatter. Change your position in this game called life, whether your defence r offence for any plan to succeed you need a strategy. Laziness won't get the job done, procrastination with useful tips and idessnwhich ruminate in your mind making you melancholic, a dream is like a love, you fight for it.

The foreigners of friendship: getting past loosing a friend

Missing someone can be more than painful, that ache of longing, the conversations you wished you had. Missing your best friend is the strangest thing, their there, but their not still there and if your a sensitive soul you feel their presence everywhere. Last night I had a dream about my best friend I was upstairs and the phone rang, it was the old cream phone we had in the living room. I heard a soft voice down the other end of the line, it was vulnerable and innocent just the way she had been, we talked briefly and made plans to meet up and discu ss. The hardest thing in life is letting people go their presence haunts you, you remember stupid things like the way they laughed, the sparkle in their eye, but most of all who you were at about that time. The happy self, an infinite self, a joyous self, but time changes and life changes us. There will be days when you feel nostalgic, days when you miss them so much it may hurt, but time is a great healer. We move on and allow new p

Most resourceful site online :

Writer, photographer, and creative genius Samantha Watson shows us how to manage Social Media platform, with the use of her intellect and an exploration of the net. Watson's site is hip, stylish and easy to navigate from being a prolific assistant at Hope Road, words of colour and an extensive background in journalism and media, she continues to triumph with a series of informed discussions on social media, and how to elevate yourself on the net. Check out

standing tall

Image from porterfieldsfineart Weak men are easily defined, they crave power. Whether its a guy exalting a conflict with a woman to put himself on a pedastal. When it comes to ignorant people let the bets be off, you may have moments of kindness, times where you think maybe I should rechange my position, but if all that person has is tearing you down, their lost already. Leave them to their delusions of grandeur, misery only breeds more misery, let cowards play with their own inferiority complex, let selfish people destroy themselves, and let those who crave power attempt to use their skills to find self esteem elsewhere. Your confidence doesn't belong to them. Be grateful for those who have wisdom to see beyond their lies and fight to evolve past it.