Eating up Enthusiasm for life

image by Liek

Where is your enthusiasm? Where is your excitement for life? Find it. If you know where it is and the universe is being stubborn, fight for it. With everything In your being. We only live once, excuses won't make us feel better when we don't take the actions we need to take to transform our lives. Judging other people for their choices won't fix your life. What's happening in your life? Where's your progress? What are your goals and ambitions? What is your motivation? In life sometimes we find ourselves stranded. We are on an Island, and this Island of our own thoughts , own discontent keeps us regulating a life in constant rotation of negative choices. Pick a positive assertive choice for you. It's not who they think you are. It's who you know you are. Know your worth. This is your life. It isn't a trial, it isn't a practice run, it's happening. Find things to be joyful about. If you find yourself trapped in a situation you don't want to be in, find a way out, but do not, let yourself crumble. Real strength comes from tough times. Our tough times define eaxctly who we are. We are strength. We are courage, we are knowledge, and we are wisdom in one. Fight for what is deep within you, the good things, let them come to the surface and show you the light.


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