
Showing posts from 2012

How to remind yourself your made of strong stuff

                                                       image by itaqd4 The world is full of....potential. Sometimes you find yourself stumbling upon People that were told they were brilliant so often, they took it for granted. They became lazy about their ambitions. Their potential folded, and with time so did some of their dreams. Then there are the hustlers....... You hear about their stories in magazines. People who ate,slept,drank, peed their vision. They knew that success means work. Goals mean action, and if you want to see them happen, put in the work. If it's monotonous make it fun. If it's dull add some flamboyancy. They were begged to call it quits. Give up , pack a suitcase, stop 'punishing' themselves but it was impossible for them to do, they had set their mind to something and wanted to see it come to pass. Rather than throwing in the towel, they got angry, and became persistent, flexible, chameleonesque in front of any gauntlet. They were like w

The chink in a challenges armour

image by MikeSchwarz Facing a challenge is like a marathon. Yet in any race there are different athletes. Some athletes take the home stretch and power through till they collapse near the end with exhaustion, others pace the track, strategy heavy on their mind. Whatever your strategy or style one things certain, you are determined to get to that finish line, wether you walk, run, or crawl, you can visualise yourself at the end of it all, so why not go for it. The only thing holding us back is often our fear. Has fear got a hand on your shoulder? It's not there to support you, it's there to disarm you.Tap inside that greater power, look deep within yourself. The next element we need we often have, we just are not looking closely enough. Research is the key to any calamity. Meditate on New ideas, relax yourself before planning them out. Intimidating yourself with overwhelming pressure, will not be useful to you.

Crippling corruptive circumstances

image by vs3 Circumstances are not the standard. Things happen so we learn, we fight, we rise above them and show ourselves exactly what we can do. So the next time circumstance happens, we can say to ourselves I've been here before, I know myself, i trust myself.I have faith. Use your circumstances to empower your mind. Decide that you aim to get the better of circumstance, rather than your circumstance get the better of you. Whatever your going through, it is a time and a place. This is where you will begin to see if you are a testament of your own faith. Affirm, think, take positive action. It is so easy to suffocate in the mess of the situation, sink into self pity, and ask a million question's why. You've asked the why, lets focus on the what next. Plan your steps wisely. Look for opportunities despite your blurred vision. Take action.

Finishing failure in its tracks

image by a68 Failure is a state of mind. It's the quitter that says things are not exactly what I think they should be. I'm giving up. I've given up on many things in my life, only to tiptoe around them, circle them like a buzzard and say I'll do this. Little by little. That's not the end of me. Whatever your struggle, strife, drama, we all have different nick names for when something isn't working out. If you are fighting for where you want to be, this is your path, your own personal route. Dont run. This isn't the end of you. Quitters will always quit, winners will always win, you just need to decide which team your batting for.

Dating Disasters: How to deal with cruel rejection

image by midnight00 Dealing with rejection/being snubbed/ridiculed by someone who you thought liked you can be a nightmare. You go back and forth through all the woven strands, their body language said this, it looked like they wanted to be near you, your head seemed to screech with the idea that maybe this guy could be the guy.....go for it....go for it.....splat. first move in your own personal game of chess, let it go: Some things aren't meant for you. It may not seem so now, but the universe is trying to teach you a lesson rather than pro-longing the pain. You've been saved hours, weeks, months, possibly years. There are people now trapped in the wrong kind of relationship, because nobody had the heart to say no to them. That 'no' has saved you, from being led on, wasting time that could be well spent on your progress, on something as basic as pining or analysing. There are loads of celebrities today, absolute stunners, who were actually turned down. The w

labelling the liar:How to deal with someone's lies

image by karikarma Liars know the secrets buried within their own hearts. No matter what they speak, deep down they know that they are being dishonest and there is an anger that comes with that. Anger that they weren't brave enough to tell the truth and face the consequences, especially if beneath it all lurks a good spirit. This would put them in a state of internal conflict. How do we define good? People who go to church ? Eat all their vegetables? Pay their mum's rent and bills? A good person will not suffer anyone their own personal consequences. They won't creep out whilst some other person deals with the consequences, or creep in secret hoping they won't have to bump into the person they've disappointed. Outside of priests and the pope everybody tells lies. Maybe it's little white lies, or straight up denials. If your in the presence of someone who is a compulsive liar, it's time to move unto steadier ground. Someone you can trust is not deci

Using your enemy as your engine:How to deal with negative people

image by Zoulou81 Make your enemy your footstool Use them as a force of motivation. If they try and hinder you, use them to help you. That anger you feel, the betrayal you feel, channel it. You don't want to be stuck in the same place, same location ten years laters saying 'this isn't fair.' whatever they did to you, it may not be fair.. What are you going to do about it? It's not about them anymore it's about you. Have you spent a life time saying your a fighter, a strong spirit, someone unstoppable. Talk is cheap, proove it, to you and no one else. Fix your focus. Train it on something that can give you faith. Counter the anger you feel, with positive words and enough faith to move a mountain. Change your impression of your enemy, see them as your zeus juice, someone whose negativity you can use to motivate yourself. They are not your kryptonite anymore, they are your lucozade, powerade, any aid you can think of. Life uses people to teach us lessons

Agenda: Why a bully thinks your the hottest target

image by Antontang When in the presence of a bully or someone trying desperately to desecrate all over you, keep that neck tall and that head held high. You are saying, you cannot break me, you cannot harm me, I'm stronger than you and we both know it.  I used to come across someone who specialised in belittling me. If there was a degree in it, she'd probably try and upgrade to a masters.The only way she could be funny, entertaining, interesting was by making me the butt of her joke. It made her feel confident. As those around her, egged her on, promoted her foolish behaviour to a platform, she started to feel as though she had something to offer. Yet in true jealous,bully form, her insecurities would still creep into her head, whispering sweet nothings in her ear.Her jealousy was painfully transparent, especially when men were involved. Simply put the source of most bullying is insecurity. I'm not saying that the targets of bullies are often saintly,innocent vict

Cheating the cowards out of your joy:How to deal with bullies

image by Cloudsalangakeel Cowards always lurk in the shadows. Their there for the explosions, fireworks, they want a pat on the back for the feistiest comment. Yet we've all seen cowards in the street and been disgusted by how little they had to say without a standing ovation. They are cowards for a reason. Weak you cannot expect much from them as individuals, the consistency is to disappoint. You  have to ask yourself another question? What growth is there to come from someone with no real identity, weak and rides on the destruction of others. If you have running shoes tie them tight, you have become an athlete...sprint for your life. Negative energies Feed off  a strong feed. Focus your mind on positive things. Your strengths, your goals and your ambitions. Build a mental log of all the things that make you happy, call on them when you feel vulnerable. For example if you love to go to the cinema, go to the cinema. Shopping, shop, swimming, swim, Speak positive powerfu

How to stop attracting ugly people

image by Michael O How do you define ugly? When I was younger I identified ugly as a shallow thing. Looks that didn't match magazines. Facial features that were probably regularly insulted or impolitely interrupted. Now I'm a little bit older, I see ugly as character traits. Jealous or bitter women, guys who are cruel and too gutless to speak up despite behaviour being wrong, saboteurs, there's an endless list of ugly. Yet there is Beauty in the world,sometimes we don't look close enough. Sometimes were so overwhelmed by how someone looks rather than who they are we dont take the time to see what is right in front of us. Do you find yourself constantly dating the wrong guy?Someone who is emotionally abusive, hurtful, a cheater, a user, unavailable. I bet some of you started dating him because on the surface...he was beautiful. Matte surface, neatly turned out, nice hair, nice eyes, nice mouth, great body, charming...then as the relationship developed you saw s

What are signs someone is threatened or jealous of you?

                                                                                                                 image by greeneyesofrain When someone is jealous of you, the people around them can sense it, but depending on hierarchy and status in the group, family, or whatever the setting, that person may continue to be egged on. They ridicule you. You are always a topic on that persons lips. They may catch glimpses of you. Only one second, two minutes, you coluld even live right next door to them. They need to make themselves look strong, by ridiculing you. Because it could be something as simple as someone close to them paying attention to you, noticing you, even looking at you. The loud laughing or cackling. Often times whats probably been said about you isn't even funny, or vaguely amusing. Yet they laugh at the top of their voice because they need you to know, "i am ridiculing you." "Look at me, im better than you." Deep down they dont actually

The emancipation of your imagination: Inspiration and where to find it

image by Jelly716 Your walking along a muddy pasture. It's expected anyway, but right there you see a huge pile of dung (shit). When you walk to the left of it, it kind of looks like a human hand, your Friend 'Ben' would probably get a real kick out of this. Although he has a carrot shaped like some bunny ears, and a mango with an indent that looks like MikeTyson .... Inspiration Inspiration. It can be found somewhere and everywhere. If you don't pay attention, you wont discover it. Maybe it's walks you take, swimming, watching a movie, flicking through pages of an immaculate, uncreased, 1960's issue of vogue. If you don't look, you wont find. Seek, and search deep. Some people find inspiration when they spill too much jam on an overly cooked pancake, they invent a new recipe, maybe pancakes and chilli, with a hint of black eyed beans. A creative way to teach an annoying mother in law, not to intrude on an early sexual encounter with hubby. Whatever

How to deal with Life's distractions

image by Scott James Prebble There will always be something to distract or throw you off a challenge you set for yourself. It was a seed you planted, an idea you had; but a friend calls, the tv beckons, a family member wants to have a ten hour long discussion about something which is barely pressing. You have work to do. It may make you unpopular for a little bit, it may bring out the moaners and the gossipers, it may make those around you become very suspicious. Yet because they are also a top priority, you explain very cooly and calmly, with much assertion. "I am making a choice, which could change my life, i love you, i want to spend time with you, but this is also a priority." The future is all about the choices we make in the now. Choices that wont always make you the most liked, loved, appreciated, but choices which are pressing. Great futures don't simply happen with talk. Great futures don't just happen because some how, you managed to lazily weave

Merry Xmas everyone from Red ebony

Hi , just popping in to say a merry xmas and giant thankyou to all the followers, poppers in, and soon to be arriving members of the blog. Have a fab x mas and a phenomenal new year!!!!  Rock on.... image by hourglassthorne

Steve Jobs sells us how to be a success


Tuuuuuuuuuuuune: Limp Bizkit ;Rollin


awesome song: Nirvana:Smells like Teen spirit

I've probably put this on here before, it's still a kick ass song.

Tuuuuune Nada surf : Where is my mind?


Luv this track: Shania Twain, looks like we made it


The magic of mistakes: Why a bad mistake can be a good idea

You did something stupid. Boo hoo...if you'll pause to stop kicking your head in and exacebating your brain cells. The greatest people in history have made some of the stupidest mistakes. Perfection is not what were going for. Humanity is. As a human being you will make questionable choices, so long as they are not murder, terrorism, or some other behaviour that encourages de-progression in society, then your golden. Mistakes happen. Sometimes we surround ourselves with great pretenders, people who are so poised with their own disillusionment, they pride themselves on the lie that they have never made a single mistake. The richest people in our society, the happiest, the most content people, had to make stupid mistakes.This was so they could learn from them, and became the masterpieces we see before us. Their mistakes made them interesting, their progress showed us they were evolving. Their success verified what their stubborness taught them, that if you push past the mistak

Lifting the lid off limitations

People are always talking about limits, and boy are they happy to tell you when you've reached yours. How much is your Apr, can you pay your limitations off installmentally or is it a one year plan? You are not a credit card. You are a person, and a limitation is not a great word for the ambituos vocabulary. Focus on your potential and the possibilities around you. The law of attraction states that we get more of what we focus on. Is that what you want, more obsessing about what you cant do? Write a top 10 list of why what you aim for is possible, then make it twenty, then make it thirty. I imagine that you wouldn't have attempted this challenge of yours if you vaguely thought it was impossible. The world is full of impossible things. It's not just great people that have become millionaires, that have become happy, creative people. Passionate people, productive people. You wouldn't give up that easily on someone you love, do not give up on your imagination, it is a t

Prooving your paradise:The power of the spoken word

Set the tone for your life.Speak words of faith into your future. This is your fight for change, your fight for progress, people may come at you with negative information. Yet we all know the saying where there's a will, there's a way. Determined people always find a route, a path, and have a plan to reach their destination. You can talk them down, but it's hard work. They see themselves at the very top and they fight for it no matter where they are in life. Are you broke? Unemployed, your career's not heading where you want it to to go, people aren't treating you with the respect you know your worthy of. It's not them, it's about you. Start making those plans, start building. Feel that motivation and that hunger coursing through your vains, feel it getting your blood boiling. Use your negative experiences to talk yourself into success, and not let anybody talk you out of it. People will sing about others who have failed before you, or tell you these

Learning your lesson the hardway:Crushes from hell

People don't acknowledge the importance of learning a lesson, and most of the time it gets them into more trouble than they need to. Growing up I read a lot of romance books, I was romantic at heart. I especially liked stories where the protagonist would share love letters and romance would develop from there. In high school I wrote my first love letter, it was of course to a sixth former who had no attraction to me. I'd show up at his doorstep love letter in hand, drop it there early morning and wait for a response. Despite being a loud mouth, when it came to the opposite sex I could often be quite shy. Anyway every week I'd scribble these poetic letters. The guys I made the mistake of writing those letters to we're 2 shy guys, who appeared to be very insecure on the surface. Still in the poetic la la land of the romance books I read, I completely ignored the lack of response, until one day I was walking past a class room window and I heard the guy I was writin

Predictions of power: How to spot a powerful person

In this society we find ourselves overwhelmed with people who need to pronounce they have power. Some use positive ways to reflect their strengths. They believe in community and understand growth isnt about isolation, but effective communication. They become pompus with their little achievements, and their flashy things. Looking down on everybody else and announcing themselves as superior. Others use cruelty to promote themselves as leaders. If they can dominate and be a pack leader without using calm assertion, but snobbery and vindictiveness before themselves, they are god. What is real power? Real power is the ability to assess a situation, without judgement, without manipulation, with a clear head and a strategy to fix or resolve any problems. A powerful man/woman is not always rolling in money; but they will be, because their knowledge permits them to govern any room. Knowledge they have taken time to invest in, research they have done. Behaviour they have cultivated to s

How to spot a toxic friend: Choosing friends wisely

It's important to hand pick your friends very carefully. If you associate yourself with bitchy people , gossips, envious people who specialise in putting others down, you will forever find yourself tiptoeing on thread, and flicking cautious glances behind your back. You know what everybody else knows, if they can do it to other people they can do it to you. They are not trustworthy, and trust is the foundation of any relationship. People who build their confidence from putting others down are truly toxic. When confronted their liars who specialise in giving others half truths. Their often quite charismatic, funny, charming...but their charm is fiction. The reality of their insecurities or inferiority complex is too much for the world to handle. They'd rather be a mime. Self esteem doesnt come from crushing the skulls of those who you feel may be easier targets. Self esteem comes from achieving and accomplishing goals you set out for yourself, and being a version of yo

How to find the love of your life

When choosing a partner or someone to cancel out the loneliness, sometimes we pick the wrong person. A good looking guy/woman with a poor character, someone who has a history of letting others down, or a person who is known to have in consistency when it comes to commitment. In the short term they may satisfy our physical needs, but what about our emotional needs? What would you choose? Beauty fades.  Attraction may disintegrate over time, passion can become a precious memory. What qualities will you pick in a partner?Loyalty?strength and honesty?....Of course love. Choosing a partner can be hard work. Look beneath the surface. Pay attention to more than a pretty face, and keep looking. Boy oh boy have i learnt the hard way. You dont know someone in a minute. You dont gain and aquire their trust in weeks, months even. The story begins to unfold over time, you see the gaps, the holes even, and decide wether you'll stick it out for this one. Magnifying glass love is not what i

Sexy Geeks: From Geek Chic to magnifique ( Countdown to the sexiest tv Geeks)

1) Was it just me going slightly insane that super Geek hottie Alison Mac was not ending up with Superman? Chloe Sullivan was an amazing character in Smallville and i was constantly at the edge of my seat, throwing things at the TV when Superman Clark Kent, seemed to go for everyone but her. The fool was blind! 2) Oh my goodie goodie gosh. Claudia Donovan In Warehouse thirteen is not only brilliant, but she's constantly promoting the message that women are allowed to be incredibly smart, good looking, and free spirits. She Rocks!!           Allison Scagliotti rules!! 3) The O.C started off good and then sort get the drift. one of my favourite characters was Anna played by Samaire Armstrong

Doggy Ditchers: The worst excuses for giving up a dog

I never thought i would be writing this. I never thought i would grow to love my dog, as feisty as she can be. I have a bodacious beagle, who doesn't just bark but sing like she's on x factor. She was hell for a while, people warn you too late that beagles would be. Then something happened. We discovered a routine, patience, toys , gadgets, and a good friend who keeps our dog happy and helps us ensure there is balanced. Anyway the dogs trust released a list of some of the silliest reason's people get rid of their dogs. I found this on yahoo. It's not as cute as it used to be It's too big for the house It barks too much It snores too loudly It can't do tricks It keeps passing wind It smells of dog The dog doesn't match the sofa It scares the goldfish It keeps barking at butterflies It doesn't look like he did on the website The dog was too old and no longer brought me any joy It hurts my back to pick up my dog’s poop I need a smaller dog He wou

Mike Tyson has had a sex change?! News spreads huh

The power of the media. A newsbiscuit website started a spoof that Mike Tyson....THE MIKE TYSON...HEAVYWEIGHT BOXING CHAMPION had undergone a sixteen hour surgery to have a sex change into a woman called Michelle. In true gossip, chinese whispers format, this info was picked up and published as FACT by Zimbabwe's standard on Sunday. Zambian watchdog carried the story on Monday. News biscuit say they've had as many visitors in the last few days as they have in a whole month.John O Farrell from News Biscuit told the BBC the story of Iron Mike has been viewed over 50,000 times...Nice. Michelle tyson Mike Tyson defends; he's not a chick....he's still a dick

Adam Lanza goes ape shit and blows the world away

America please stop making guns so easily accessible to your public. Another kid has popped the cork in the U.S. of A. 20 year old Adam Lanza decides he wont just gun down his mother (a school teacher),  in a good ol Connecticut elementary school; he'll slaughter 20 children and six adults. The therapists and specialists on news media produce the same story's they hide behind; he was a loner, spent a lot of time by himself, his parents divorced maybe he just snapped because of that. I have to argue that the world is full of loners who aren't going round killing everyone, children who come out of broken homes extremely successful and incredibly happy. That's a poor excuse. If he just snapped did anybody reach out to him, offer him assistance, help in anyway. The aging process can be quite brutal, and some of us who are not aware were on the wrtong path, or those suffering with mental health problems, can become too scared to reach out and get assistance. The sad

Elements of Love

What would you choose? Beauty fades, attraction may disintegrate over time, passion can become a precious memory. I choose loyalty and love. Choosing a partner can be hard work. What qualities would be key for you in a partner and why? image by dargeg

Freeing yourself from the followers: How to spot weak people

People will surprise you with  how weak they can be, especially in the presence of a bully and someone domineering. Jealous. Competitive. Insecure. The visual you had of them standing up and claiming their strength may end up being nothing more than smoke in the wind. Maybe they joined in the put downs and the ridicule because they finally felt like they were part of something, finally felt as though they fit in. Yet how many people would they have put down, belittled or ridiculed just so they fit in.  Get yourself some piece of mind. As much as their behaviour is hurting you, it will sabotage them in the long run. They will make themselves appear weak and inadequate simply because they have no real sense of independance. Many of us have the assumption that if someone drives a flashy car, are one of the managers in their work heirarchy, has a lot of money or are seen as extremely attractive, popular and well travelled, they are automatically independant. Independance is more tha

Why thinking like a beagle could make you a billionaire

" It just doesn't make sense," "but I've seen it work before," you defend. Then you hear the dreaded line. For some it's haven't you got anything better to do, others have another idea neatly pushed in front of them, along with a job application form. They get told strategic stories about how 'settled' and how 'well' a sibling, or a friend is doing in another line of work. Respect echoes through the room, and they shrink with embarassment at having dared to produce their idea in the first place. They then learn to keep their ideas to themselves, lest their reminded about how badly they failed at something else. Everything you see today was based upon someone else just like you having an 'idea.' They didn't let words strangle them, or other people make them feel inadequate enough to believe they couldn't accomplish what they made their mind up to do. They knew, how precious is. How easily it can evolve and chan

Rest : The millionaires guide to be radiant

Rest. How much does your body need this? How deeply are you lacking it? Some of us attempt to be superheroes in our lives, not taking the pause to appreciate what we have around us. We become machines, and alienate any concept of healing. It's do or die. To rest is to be lazy, slovenly. Sleep is for the underachievers or people on the dole we tell ourselves. There's so much to do and so little time. The body needs rest, so does the mind, to rejuvenate itself, bounce back, and be electric for the days ahead. Those who have enough sleep are more energised, sharper, they've even been known to worry less. Statistics also show they have less illnesses, and are least likely to suffer from things such as high blood pressure. An epileptic who suffers from grand mal seizures is guaranteed to have more fits because of a lack of sleep, than if they have a healthy sleep regimen. Sleep also gives the subconscious the opportunity to generate new ideas, or improve upon the one

Quiztime for Love: Why your allowed to ask questions

Hypnotic. That feeling you have when you really like someone and they invite you into their world. It's like the high of being on a theme park ride. Exhilarating, scary, nerve wracking, exciting. Sometimes that magical mood overwhelms us, and we don't think with our rational thoughts. We don't ask key questions such as, is this person right for me? Will they value me as a partner? Are they loyal? Have they shown so far that they respect me? Am i looking for fun or am i looking for a future? Am I looking for something in this person that I can't find In myself? Ask the questions you need to ask, it doesn't demolish the romance. It adds some structure where sanity can sometimes be missing. It also makes us more aware that any form of love, romance, passion, should be reciprocated, and when were paying attention, we can see when it's not. It saves the painful plummet of heartbreak, or the chaos that comes with mistrusting our choices and skills of percepti

Building yourself to bonus: How to stay positive when others tear you down

It's easy to start tearing yourself down because others do. We make the mistake of thinking we have to agree with everyone. If someone tries to tear you down, ridicule you, make you look small so they can look and feel important. Remember they have an agenda, and that agenda wont get them very far. Whatever you do, dont get caught up in their mess, don't find yourself drowning in their issues, because you're better than them, and that's why they tried to pull you down in the first place. Laugh as loudly as you possibly can, be as happy as you are, and as loving as possible over and over and over again. Let their misery rot them and not you. Sometimes we even try to reach out to those who have belittled us or made us feel small, because in our hearts, we want to show that we are better people. Focus on your life, and on your journey. Karma is a very busy bee, it catches up to even those that think they are above it. Fight for your happiness, and live your life. You

love this: Joel osteen completely rocks

Joel Osteen as usual says exactly what we need to hear. What we need to know!!

Defining the distinct:What is love?

What's love? Every month due to my epileptic episodes tied to my period, family members take time to support me. They help me with breathing, cancel their shifts, inform friends that their busy and may not be able to make adventures they planned, because they want to keep an eye on me, and make sure I'm alright. They share what they have, knowledge, experience,finance, growth. Their education becomes part of my education. People who love you want to see you grow, they want to see you happy, and they tell you what you don't want to hear but need to know.  Love is the ability to take one for the team. To guide, support, listen, care,make a sacrifice. One word encompasses all these things and so much more. Then there's loving yourself, that's work, but worth it in the end you get to face the world and say I accept all my flaws. Image by scun, love

How to get over people trying to tear you down

People who try and tear you down, do this, because they feel small or inadequate in someway. Sometimes their bored and they crave attention, other times they do this because they need entertainment. I have a puppy. Who many have called spoilt, like a spoilt child, what she does is up the ante, or start acting extremely inappropriately, ripping things to shreds, jumping on us and snatching our food, she'll even go as far as chewing or nipping at your limbs. Sometimes a trainer advises to bop her on the nose, and say naughty, most times, especially when she is excessively barking, were to turn our backs on her hands folded and ignore her. This is also a strategy to deal with nasty people. They are simply bitches with a bark. Their aim is to taunt a reaction from you, drag you into something negative that doesn't belong to you. Misery likes company. When we focus on ourselves rather than a negative object they feel disempowered. When my dog is ignored briefly she begins to q

Life:The teacher with the stick (Embracing painful lessons)

Life dolls out lessons. Painful lessons that end up in self blame or us blaming other people. Throughout much of my pain especially with dating, or partners, even friendships. The message was, value yourself. Respect yourself, admire yourself. It's a lesson that takes a life time to sink in. It's a lesson that takes much analysis, over analysis, projection, draining. It's an exhausting lesson. It's hard to play the blame game on yourself, especially when someone has acted appaulingly to you. Take responsibility for your choice, and your agenda. It's tough, many times in life we find ourselves knowing what to do and ending up hypocrites. Remember this though, it was a lesson learned. For example that painful experience with a guy that pretended to be Mr wonderful, who hurt your feelings and lowered your self esteem, you've seen what you need to see. He can never approach you pretending to be Mr nice Guy, those rose tinted glasses are gone, that guy who se

Face front first: Cultivating confidence

Some people are told their personalities rub people up the wrong way, their not strong enough, not loud enough, not quiet enough, not humble till their eating dirt enough. I ask the question...Am i to be enough for me, or enough for you. Life drags us through the mud and the mire. There are many of us who envisioned our lives a certain way, and grope with distress in the dark. I used to have friends who would whisper like snakes, judging like a jury panel, about people who learnt to stomach their pain, daring to walk with their head held high, pride hanging off them like robes. It made my friends feel jealous, inadequate, judgemental, and sometimes cruel. I quickly took leave. It's easy to tear someone down, ridicule them, for having strength, yet could you be that strong in their shoes?Would you even be able to tie your shoe laces? Would you be able to pick your eyes up from the stains on the floor, would you need puppet strings for your shoulders? It's often very attra

Awesome movie:Ten tiny love stories

Ten tiny love stories...what a superbly written and directed piece. This is a series of monologues about sex, love, loss and the past. Director Rodrigo Garcia produced a masterpiece. With cast such as Lisa Gay Hamilton, Radha Mitchell, Alicia Witt, we dont get a hollywood blah production of life experiences, but the intricacies and the diverse voices that express real emotions. That life and love isn't just format, it makes you think that those polished women you see on the street, or people you wouldn't look twice at all have a story to tell. It's rawness, one ladies desperate attempt to sever her loneliness by giving a blind date Oral sex, it's pain, a woman who talks about her experience of loosing her virginity whilst in the process remembering loosing her mother. They are the words someone confides to a best friend, a peep hole into the secrets of the heart, it's passion, and it's dysfunction. Check it out, awesome movie

Danger in disguise: How to deal with a wolf in sheeps clothing

If he had continued to show this version of himself, slumped shoulders, soft eyes, the please feel sorry for me invisible tag wrapped like a collar around his neck, until....the dynamics changed. I showed him a vulnerability, this vulnerability made him feel so empowered he began to feel superior. I'm not talking your average i'm Mr Nice guy because i have no confidence, peel the layers back...oh look i'm scum. We all have those moments when a wolf shreds it's mutton, and flashes the fangs within. The wolves in sheep clothing. That's right, if you've come across them, your hurt, you feel sick, betrayed, and some of you may even feel victimised. I have something that will cheer you up. You can recover from this. You will be sore for a while. Maybe it's your boss deciding to terrorise you, a guy you liked who didn't like you back but decided the best way to express this was cruelly through nasty comments, or mob humiliation, a friend who alienates you

Freedom from the funk: Exercise as a great healer

Exercise is not just great for your body, it is amazing for your soul. In the past when i experienced deep bouts of depression, there was only one answer. Exercise. Movement empowers us. We focus on something outside of ourselves, and our shrinking moments. What experience is keeping you hostage? Wether it's a walk, a jog, a video workout, treat your body, and your mind to the freedom it deserves. Stop torturing yourself, by replaying your mistakes or failures over and over again. Everybody has suffered the downfall of failure, climb back to the top , by taking action.  Meditation is great, so is yoga, active exercise releases those endorphins our bodies crave. image by blackharlet

Dating as a minefield: Are you about to emotionally combust

Dating can feel like a minefield. Honestly there are thousands, no millions of does he like me, does she like me? Are these signs they find me attractive questions that bombard the internet daily. I have discovered with much trial and error, if someone is attracted to you, they could be the shyest man on Earth...they want you to know somehow. Those lingering stares are great, people who fancy you always want to be near you, even if there's just a hint of a possibility they might bump into you....They want to see that hair do, new outfit, say hi, or have a brief encounter that could be slightly prolonged. Some go as far as buying you gifts, or popping up everywhere you are, asking questions about you, inviting you to places, or the more confident of the bunch simply ask you for your telephone number, and guarantee you'll have the time of your life. I've learned with much agony not every man or woman that gives you attention are the right partner for you. Beneath a h