How to be an Amazon bestseller

Everybody wants to sell on amazon, its a hot ticket, and an avenue for passive income. A great channel for creatives who want to bring in residual income and Sell the most products within their category. There are now 100 bestsellers in a category In some sub-categories, there may not even be 100 bestsellers because the category is so small What does bestseller mean? Exposure Getting your product seen Mass engagement Profile from your audience Brand recognition. The brand is being identified The product is selling well The bestseller badge brands your product and let's the algorithm know to rank your products high in the search engine so when commerce and potential customers search under that category your information comes up. The Amazon bestseller badge itself makes you sell better Amazon will reward you for it with better rankings for it Competition Know your competition What is being produced by the tip sellers in your market , niche or category What hooks are they using to propel the sales of their items What trends have they tapped into What language are they using beyond buy now, budget, sale! Save! What hashtags are they tuned into , what keywords are they using. How have they used search engine optimization How are they using images How are they using advertising and structuring their page? The more attuned the product is to a category , the more specific it is to a niche the better it will sell Products labeled too general won't rank high because the market is too broad Make sure your product is priced well It is important to consistently direct audiences to your Amazon links, so have a steady stream of followers. The more consistent the flow of traffic to a page , the more the traffic will convert into sales , and the higher the product will rank. Just for memory: Anything too general doesn't sell because the audience is too wide, although you need a large commercial audience to monetize you need a targeted audience to focus and engage so sales can be made and a profit can be acquired. You can also use premium traffic and advertising tools and social media such as linkedin,twitter,YouTube, Facebook, Instagram,Pinterest,Snapchat, and posting articles, especially resourceful articles, the use of these generate interest , which converts to traffic, which provides exposure to links and access to the Amazon page. Request followers to share your product, but also share it through WhatsApp and messages, run fun competitions, and through a newsletter .


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