
Showing posts from February, 2022

Incredible interview with Iconic Hermione Ireland (check out this winner!)


How to get 1 billion hits on a youtube video

Viral videos have one thing in common. Great hooks, extraordinary campaigns. What is your concept, how will you hook your audience in? What niche are you catering to? Are you doing fun? Comedic or captivating? Whatever it is, use lots of light in the video, lots of colour, catchy and memorable wordplay and sentences. Use sharp images and high pixel content, memorable images, potentially a celebrity, if not a celebrity something the audience can remember have fun with and replicate. What's happening on tik tok? Lots of viral videos, why ?  They are creating simple, polished yet well pixelated dance craze videos that audiences can replicate and this has become a new trend taking the internet by storm. Wether it's being fashion forward, an influencer ace, utilise your audience to share , share , share and get your message out there.Make the message simple,memorable and digestible. Know your candidate, know your demographic, if your key target audience were in the local

How to be a pinterest influencer

  Pinterest is one of my favourite platforms. With a 1 million audience, now you know why. Yet how does one grow their audience on Pinterest become an influencer and even sell on the Pinterest platform? From the use of Shoppable pins to the oh so awesome tailwind, used for tribe building, connecting and communicating with followers or potential clients. Let's see how do we start on this adventure. Graphic, delightful and buoyant content. Content needs to be colourful and pleasing to the eye, clear pixels, sharp, language needs to hook audiences in quickly. With Shoppable pins you are selling the products of your choice with the pin promoting that these pins can be bought, it is a choice to use Shoppable or customisable pins, you can request them. Yet a lot of people have a Shopify platform where they sell their products, have a drop shipping platform , and post the links to the products on the Pinterest platform.  Pinterest although initially promoted as a vision

How to make £15000 with a podcast

  Who doesn't love a great podcast. Wether it's audio, or visual. Podcasts provide great enterprise, resources, information, and sometimes great relaxation as well. Podcast can be very inspiring, especially when we listen to leadership interviews or development podcasts about great visionaries and their strategy and business models to grow their brands, create insight and develop impactful communities. So how do you make podcasts that sell. Build your viewership to get a consistent audience. First of all know your niche and know your market. Who is the audience your trying to engage what are they looking for? What resources can you deliver to them through your content, what insights, what information, what can they get from you that they can't get from no one else? Is it a different perspective, is it an analysis on how to access different markets, is it ideas on how to move their business forward with brands, with marketing, is it collaboration idea

Viral in 60 seconds :Top 15 ways to make your first viral campaign

  Lately on social media the hot topic is going viral. Everybody wants to promote their brands, products,services and campaigns.So what is going Viral and how on Earth do you do it?  Ever heard of those marketing campaigns that get a million impressions, a million clicks or so, lots and  lots of comments? Maybe it's videos?  Maybe it's articles, maybe it's graphics linked to extremely creative content, either way the internet is buzzing, and if that individual is smart their using AdSense, affiliate marketing, or selling some products off the back of their products to champion it. So how do you go viral? Kerchiing!! Know your niche,create digestible content, content that is accessible to your audience, tag people into it, ask them to engage, post comments, ask them to share.  Share the content on social media. Share a link to the content on messaging boards, connect or invite people to connect asking them for their opinions on the content. Share the content in g

Top 15 ways to make money selling blog skins and Templates

The versatility of the chameleonesque blog skin.who doesn't want a tune up from the old now and again. Something Wicked,modern,new age, spicy. If you have a passion for design, and a skill for creating blog Skins and templates. Well , whats taking you so long. Showcase your strength Amigo. Wether it's buoyant and beautiful colours, dark and delightful, sensuous and scenic, or you've nurtured an eye for intricate patterns and intimately woven design, why not sell your delights with those who desire a website or a blog tune up. First of all create a portfolio site,.with how to content. How to content is very popular,because you.are extending your knowledge and sharing growth and opportunities with others. Talk them through design and development with simple delivery. Add a portfolio of your products, which will be your blog skins and templates. Build content around it, utilise key search engine optimization, traffic,traffic,traffic is the key. The more traffic you create with

Top Fun ways to sell an ebook

The magic is in the pen, after all, what is mightier, the sword? Let's see now , after all that delicious scribbling you've been doing I'm not surprised your eager to share what has become the itching and scratching of the page has piled into a collection, a delightful portfolio of musings. So here's to you and your new endeavour, yet how do you sell it. How do you market it, pitch it to your audience? Turn it into a hot ticket item, and have masses with greedy fingers on the buy now button? Good question! It starts with identifying it as a product, a book is a very personal experience, and we often hold it too close. List the strengths of your book as a product, what book is it similar too, what reader will it attract, why would it be hot in the market now? Let the characters sizzle of the page? What makes it so interested? What makes it so dynamic?  What makes it so engrossing? Why would this be such a hot

Top 10 ways to improve your selling skills

 Sales are the future. From abundant living to negotiating a flexible versatile lifestyle, they are the present, and consistently create access for those who are eager to upgrade their finances. We are all in sales in one way or another, we just dont know it. Everytime you present yourself in some way, thats kind of a sale. Making friends, a sale, your requesting people to buy in, in some way. A new job, requesting they buy into your portfolio of skills, relationships, requesting people celebrate your strengths. When we put ourselves out there we are often promoting, we organise our presentation, packaging, branding, tell people who we would like them to identify us as...Marketing. Hoping they buy in and spread the word.  Now lets not talk about sales in a broad scale, lets talk about a very key area of sales. Negotiating and building relationships. First of all what is a sale? A sale is the exchange of goods or service for finance or capital. It can be short and sweet, or often be thr

Top 12 ways to earn your first million through a blog

 Do you need a hotsell for blogging?  Its fun, its creative, its challenging, exciting, highly engaging, and even better, it can give you an income. There is a whole army of us that are going down the passive income stream eager to access potential funds, and have a more flexible day to day, with better and more mobile time management. Who doesnt get tired of the 9 to 5 , Office politics, the dictator or head honcho, the bully in the office convincing the other colleagues its a playground dynamic rather than a time to get your head down and focus on developing your skills to bring in that income that could improve your lifestyle. Let me phrase it differently do you need a hotsell for six figure passive income, or what i call, crunch time millionaire blogs. We've all heard of them Pro blogger, The tech blogs, Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income, Marie Forleo from Marie Forleo, Kimra Luna From Freedom Hackers , Jeremy Schoemaker from Shoe Money, Blog geeks that end up retiring early

Top 15 ways to make your first million with an app

  There are a number of ways to monetise that killer new app concept you've just come up with. Great idea yet little to no profile. Great concept, little to no advertising budget, and yet you also want to believe your pocket has the potential to smile. Do you have creative potential, entrepreneurial insight? And the vision to meet a new demand for a niche in the market? Well lets see now, how do you Monetise an app? There are a number of creative ways to do so. Follow our hot list below and enjoy adding value to your new community of buzzing customers. Subscription Have an affordable subscription fee that members pay to join your app community. Email marketing Use Email marketing to promote your app to your database of contacts use prompts to encourage them to share it with their networks and their links. Sharing content on Social media Share your content on Social media at least five times a day minimum, especially on the pinterest and instagram platforms. Pinterest and Insta are

Top 10 ways to sell 5000 subscriptions with an online community

  Subscription Sites are constantly a hot ticket item on the internet, big name brands with thewir large communities engaging eager audiences to interact and share their insights and buy some of their hottest products. Yet what if your not a big name item? How do you navigate these shark infested waters, how do you make sure your brand and your platform is seen and heard. Here are some great ideas to build your community, and keep those active voices, helping you disrupt and engage. Have affordable prices, and engaging content Utilise pop up forms and data capture form Offer incredible incentives for those who do subscribe.  Ebooks,  Magazines Podcast access  tutorials  courses training inside networking chatrooms facebook groups  linkedin groups  Question and answer forum with business mentors,  access to online events  Webinars,  forums Panel discussions  Debates, Zoom room chats Interviews The youtube channels backstage pass The live streaming Facebook watch parties  Create interest

How To make £100,000 a year online

  Making any income is a challenge, yet an online income, takes mastery, creativity, and quite a bit of insight. Nobody is asking you to become a genius over night, yet be well researched about your niche, the products you are selling, your brand of engagement, and focus on building relationships with potential customers. Build your audience with content that adds value, the more traffic you have to your site, the more content you put out there, the more no's will bring you closer to the yeses.  Its really about adding value, building the conversation, extending the conversation, building the relationship with your customers and making them feel valued, listened to, heard. Make sure you have high engagement on social media, your branding and marketing packs are of high calibre, Your sales tools are not so much about gimmicks but cater to the question the individual may have. Know your candidate. You are providing a service. That service is solving a problem.  Have a strong outline

Sun Gal (Poetry by Otatade Okojie)

  Sun gal (For Otatade) I am the sun;  I am the Earth  I have been rain  I have been dirt  I'm a shadow in corners,  A celebrity in sight  I am contagious,  But I'm not always right.  Were learning,  We are;  Two dolphins in the ocean  Knowledge is backwards  Sometimes in slow motion  I am the king,  Amongst a tribe of his men  I am the villagers who hover  And then  I am the janitor  Striving for keep  Toiling over time  And under time in his sleep;  I am the wisdom  I am the glory  I am the meaning  In an old prophets story  I am your patience,  I am your mind,  I am the challenge  Beelzebul Want's to find  Started from everything  From ten down to one  I am still the ocean  I still the sun.  Goliath may be growing  David keeps on  Going,  The strength in me  Will rise hundred fold  For Behold,  I AM THE SUN  I am god's gold Hotbox Youtube Channel

The cat near the hot tin roof ( Otatade Okojie Poetry)

   The cat near the hot tin roof,  Was careful where it stepped,  It didn't want to burn it's toes  Or accidentally break it's neck,  It didn't want to scrape over,  And blaze it's fur,  So it kept it's distance,  Not going Near,  But cat,  The roof has cooled now,  But still it purrs ,  When will you climb  And brace your wall,  So you can hold your head up tall,  Night turns to day,  Day turns to night,  This tired cat ,  Has wall in Sight,  This creature,  So regal,  So bold,  And so brave,  Meditates on how to behave,  Which way do I climb,  Without getting burnt,  But cat things have turned  And you should have learnt,  You can't go this way, that way or that,  You should be ready to face your spat.  Day turns to night and night turns to day,  Disapointedly the cat meows away. Hotbox Youtube Channel

The Man who walked for Miles (Otatade Okojie Poetry)

   The man who walked for miles,  Just doesn't exist,  I commend the ideal  That one should persist  But hey;  This man had to rest,  And stop and catch his breath,  Otherwise he would fall and catch his death.  He even looked back into the past,  That didn't stop him from moving fast,  No.  Sometimes, this brave tired old man as he,  Had to go back in time and see,  What was on his mind,  What he'd left behind,  And turn then walk away.  This is the story of the man that walked for miles,  Who had his burden slung on his shoulder,  Who travelled on,  Who kept strong,  Till he was older,  Much older,  For time never stops,  Doesn't just start and never finish,  Time and change,  Does not diminish.  This man now rests,  Legs stretched to unfold,  Without this journey,  His quest would never be told. Hotbox Youtube Channel

Storm Clouds in Fiction

  Storm cloud Once we were fiction Caught in the rough Distilled in a poem Broken enough These words  They would chide  Us Our season so dim Hack us to pieces  Making us thin I stand on an Island Caught in a  war Reaching out to your  Fiction Thats bleeding me raw Now we are fiction Soon we are smoke What was this love? I cannot cope <iframe style="width:120px;height:240px;" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="//;region=GB&placement=B08L5RKGVX&asins=B08L5RKGVX&linkId=f39b2d0599497b43fb76bfa08628b0b9&show_border=false&link_opens_in_new_window=false&price_color=333333&title_color=0066c0&bg_color=ffffff">     </ifra

No Sweeping Sundays

                                                                                                                                      No sweeping Sunday A rest from pain A chattering Mind My dulling brain Gladiator rises With Trojan steps Each walk i take The ground has cleft For whewn i fell  I so was bruised Battered  Small  Flame  Diffused And now i march  To lions Gate Just so Goliath Can see my  Fate <iframe style="width:120px;height:240px;" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="//;region=GB&placement=B08L5RKGVX&asins=B08L5RKGVX&linkId=f39b2d0599497b43fb76bfa08628b0b9&show_border=false&link_opens_in_new_window=false&price_color=333333&tit

The start of our Budget like a Badass Journey

  Budgeting can be tough, so much temptation out there, so many distractions. Everytime you step out into the great outdoors, the shops are calling, and all those delicious aisles of stuff. Stuff to cater to your mood, this hunger, or thirst you have to either splurge or validate this feeling ypour experiencing. Wether its a breakup, a bad day at work, an argument at home, a snack at lunchtime, or just to feel delightful, you know exactly what you wanna do. You tap that smiling pocket, or pull the wallet out of the handbag, here comes the friendly credit card, debit card, your just a beep away from that feeling of gratification....Oh oh....this path doesnt lead to the smiling pocket, the more trips you make, the more purchases you get , or things you consume for that thing of absence, the more you realise, something physically isnt presence....Your finances. The bank account is running on empty.  <iframe style="width:120px;height:240px;" marginwidth="0" marginhei

Trendy ideas to titilate your pocket

  There are so many trends out there they can drive you to distraction, yet these hot trends can and create ideas, will inspire, engage and excite. So i looked at some of the trending topics out there and i created my own list of trends that would be great for commerce. Online e commerce shops item to sell   World cup trend     World cup t shirts, with a celebrity on the side, and a quote said by footballer and celebrity World cup glow in the dark flags Football hats Customisable hats Shirts with quote    what we look like in first place   Taylor Swift ( Taylors treats) A taylor swift game , seeing how much fans know about Taylor Swift Celebrity Wordpuzzle Celebrity WordSearch Celebrity Scrabble Celebrity Monopoly ( The buildings and items are all land and items owned by different celebrities)   Kim Kardashian ( Body shapers) Kim Kardashian ( Body Sculpt ) Back it up like Kim   American Football Football Shirts with motivational quotes an

Hot Trends Cool Ideas

 Trends are shapeshifting society. We are evolving constantly becoming more dynamic, creative, explosive, adventurous, and tapping into new markets. From the magic of the buoyant fashion influencer, to the capital markets, and ecommerce trends in global investment markets, the celebrity profiles that impact design, brands that form street dialogue.  They become part of the flow, part of the dialogue, and add to the body of our daily 3 dimensional personas.  What trends are you into? What does it say about us? About what were trying to express, who were trying to become? Here at the Hotbox Headquarters we've been having quite impassioned debates about Monetising trends, trends are great to talk about, yet why are all these big bigbrands, creating the buzz, making the money from all the trends and all the hype. What about people like You and me, when were even struggling to find work.  Heres a nugget for you. First rule of thumb. What niche do you know about, what trends are you hot