Wealth Ninja series How to make £3000-£5000 extra a Month Blogging

First of all what do you want to blog about? Consider hot topics that have been well researched which will create the most engagement through your audience. Remember you are not just dumping busy words on the net, you want emotive content that provokes reaction, makes audiences want to take action and come back for more.

 What is your audience looking for? What do they want to know about? The hottest topics consistently are passive income,accessing luxury lifestyles, the life of a travel blogger, how to build a business online from scratch and self development. How to monetise your creative talents, healthy lifestyles, or adding value through building a brand , or monetising a hobby. Checkout Reddit, Quora, Google trends, Twitter, and other social media sites to see what's buzzing online. Add affiliation links to your site, and Google Adsense. The more views you get the more income. 

Design a structure for an online channel videos have more engagement than story, or written content. Create a series that will turn you into a wealth Ninja, and continue to investigate the questions your audiences are asking online. What they seek, you will have the answer too, you can also sell courses on your blog or website, approach this challenge with a fun and enthusiastic business mindset.

 Have a plan for your blog, include illustrations and info graphics for marketing campaigns to make your content interesting, use videos, you can use slideshows instead of your own face if you want anonymity. Use hashtags and be relentless with tagging via Social media, get your audience to subscribe through your email marketing list and build a newsletter. The more you post, the more engagement you'll get, create a series.

 Post 5/6 times a day and tag in friends, add key resources that will be useful for your audience. Brand your series of posts with a hook or a headline that attracts audiences. Get as many people to subscribe to your blog as possible, build a database of connections, a newsletter series and tag relentlessly as you share your posts, become a fan of research, be a contributor to other blogs and websites. Believe in your content, make your style fluent, clear and engaging , how will this content be insightful,add knowledge, inform,become a resource, give them access to capital, connections, help them devise a clearer plan or give them a strategy, how can they minimise time and maximise profit, how can you contribute more effetively to helping them develop a better lifestyle, build confidence in the area their pursuing, ( each sentence is a sale) use numbers, statistics, examples, analytics) (key niche blogging and online business) fail your way to success, read up about personal finance, business plans, creative enterprise, how to monetise a niche, different platforms on social media you can use to engage your audience, learn negotiation, language and terminology for branding and marketing, learn sales, practice pitching your blog In the mirror summarising and adding it to directories.

 Maybe you can start a community engagement platform for creatives in your community centre and people spread the word through word of mouth. 

Create new consistent habbits, learn marketing and define select goals have a discipline and a structure. Most of all just go for it!


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