Countdown to your million Atm idea number 5 The online Portfolio

The online Portfolio. Whether your a graphics nerd, or a creative with a passion for enterprise articles, what you need is to step out of the me zone and think of the we zone. There are millions of creatives out there looking for great sites to load premium content, why not start one in a unique niche. For example i specialise in writing business and digital marketing articles, or brand specific journalism. What would be great if when i started i found a site that offered me the opportunity to showcase my articles, or have companies purchase my articles, and buy pieces of my work or pay me for my labour. Online you find a lot of companies offering you this service yet your always supposed to do it for free. Or you spend monumental time doing a series of articles for .20 p. A premium site specialised specifically for commisioning portfolios would bring in a shed load of revenue, and opportunity for freelance writers. Link it to adsense and an advertising network, introduce some affiliates and your laughing.


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