Friday, 29 December 2017

Pushing past possible how to beat limitations

It was impossible, they said. They eyed you with a view that this challenge could over whelm, could overtake and could defeat you. This challenge will be the making of you. In our infinite wisdom, we seek spools of gratification from those who are to focussed on what's real and accessible, now, on what others have said is doable. What we should really seek is proving beyond a doubt that the challenges we face with grit and with determination are achievable. We see great leaders achieve great things beyond the borders of fear,distribute their creativity, access their most productive self. To push into the realm of possibilities, you must seek wisdom at all times. You must acquire the teachings from those who have come before you, walked down your path, beaten these odds, and challenged these obstacles. It is more than other people's passing remarks of seen and heard, this is your future, this is your life. Moment to moment we find ourselves eclipsed by the fear of other people who were overshadowed by Giants, we quickly forget about those who stood on the shoulders of giants so they could be observers, and learn to be more than spectators. With each view they gained perception,foresight, strategy to navigate, and look at ways around some of the confinements of other people's realities. With our words we create our reality, with our literature, we access a prism of worlds, with our eyes we can be selective and our ears can be over indulged by a mass of other people's thoughts and ideas. Pick your standing. You are the leader of your own tribe of thoughts, fuel them with passion, direct them with activity, ensure they are productive, and encompass your world in a hub of literature and the impact of great influencers. You can make the change if you just believe and take action. It is gradual, and it is becoming. But with every inch you are creating a ripple.

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