Leap to faith

It's with faith we do things, we take risks that there is no guarantee will pay off. No guarantee you will land on solid ground once you leap into the air blind, yet thrust yourself you must. Trust yourself you must. It is madness when we leap blind not to trust the self. I was thinking today about all the time i had to take a risk on myself, seeing the dream that others could not see, touching it, feeling it, enveloping myself in it. There were days when I felt like backing down, when the put downs of others kept me alienated from my highest self, wishing that I could be, or think like everybody else. It lasted but aminute, and I returned to seeing what I saw with my vision untainted. Channeling the wisdom and the faith that had planted itself deep within, like a stubborn seed, angry to be removed. My dreams gave me a voice, they fueled my hunger, they held my hand as I leapt ungracefully a stumbling gazelle in the mist of my own imagination. I tell you now, as I said to myself in journals, letters, on dictaphones, at least try and fail, then learn and grow. At least develop, at least challenge yourself and at least believe in your potential.


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