Mist of change

It's a decision we make within our selves,not to be beaten, to permit access for grand opportunities. When I started my journey as a writer dealing with the disability I had and some of my emotional trials, it always frustrated me not arriving at my destination with the ease others seemed to. Always hungry, weeping inside my head, what am I doing wrong. It had been a perpetual habit of mine to mourn the loss of time, and things that had crept away like shadows. Thoughts that buzzed with so much saturation reporting me back to the chaos of myself. I wanted to be a millionairess, nope I wanted to write, i have a business mind. Nope I wanted to write. Writing is a dream, writing is as far fetched an illusion as me walking out of a mirage and giving you ten million pounds. Then it happened to me, and I couldn't believe it. I signed a contract with my agent and my book Lunchbox Millionaire was being looked at by Penguin? This all began with the redebony blog, I had just lost my job to a case of office politics. In retaliation I chose to start up a blog ranting about this jerk off, who had made the last days of my working life absolutely hell. I was ridiculed, laughed at, patronised the works, but of course my ideas were used because they were great ideas. What would I call this new platform of mine? Red was my favourite colour, I had been criticised a lot for my ebony skin growing up.Yet I took pride in it. Therefore this new chapter of my life I would call redebony, then at some points as you do I got even more jazzed up, and called my blog redebonyhotspot. Last year I wiped a tear off my mother's face as the doctors told her there was nothing they could do about my epileptic seizures, the fear of status epilepticus the last year hung over our heads like a dark cloud, this year I watched my mum's eyes light up as I told her I'd turned my book Lunchbox Millionaire into a company. An enterprise for education. From taking the risk on my work I now have an agent, a new company, and have advised the Financial times, I'm working with the Princes trust,and the Oxford academy. Take that epilepsy! When you have doubt counter it with productivity. You are the change you seek.


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