The chaos and the explorer

Life can be chaos, carnage, yet we are all born with an inner strength. A light where the shadows are charcoal, a blanket for hollow walls. Knock twice and the infinite door of the mind shall be opened, a tomb of skeletoned ideas that can impact your world and the pursuit of your dreams. I forever am asking a former self, how I can evolve, become better, reach a brighter plateau of existence. Strength is not simply a smile where there is no chaos, sometimes we find strength when there's mutiny within. When we're conflicted, when we're desperately seeking passage and accommodation in a peaceful place. Do not punish yourself for old mistakes, and if you.have made an err in.judgement, a real apology is from the heart. You must first apologise to your best of friends, the the looking glass. It houses the soul, and many times our souls need communication. Talk it out with someone positive t to get an unbiased perspective, and when your ready to move on. Make a promise, take a bold step. You are exploring a different realm of the self and unloading all the negative emotions you've hoarded, one heartbeat at a time. You are unplugging from the fuse box, there will be sparks.


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