
Showing posts from July, 2015

drink machines

Little mosquito Perched on the fence Hence You Buzz For a world to obedience Do I annoy  At your persistence Yes I do If dumbfounded are you Rags,give me your rags So I can smell the  Dust that clogs up Your scent See the stains of  Past and present Then judge you For your elephant walk But  mice don't meow And wolves don't talk Only in boxes  Linked to drink  Machines

I am here: short verse

Judgement is easy to do when you don't understand, don't get the intricacies of someone else's chaos. The mind is a web, mine was stonewalling me, thoughts that crept, angry spiders, lions weeping in the shadow, a missing trainer, the beep of a horn, I was looking myself in this infinite spiral of unwanted thoughts. You devastate me, I remember seeing your body stretched out as though you slept peacefully, then saw the pills like a polka dot spread lined up neat uninvited soldiers, tidy in comparison to the vomit. We're you sick, did you sleep was this an enchanted nightmare. That was that day, but today, you sit staring into the distance, alone and distant a ghost in the park. " talk to me," I croan about this foreign procedure called a depression, as a soul ostracizes itself from realities tricking needle. I howl at you, weep loudly, we are both sucked into this sinkhole. My eyes watch no longer animated, they slink off into corners, I plant a Palm on yo

Many faces

Ten cylinders to nothing A dream is what I have My fist curl into the bbedsheets The sweat leaks through my skin, Then I rise From shallow depth A fading candle Still lies within Tell me my story And ill she'd you yours We foam at the mouth Then grant an applause For all our tattered Shattered selves This werewolf flesh My bloodied self Change comes slowly, When sprinters leap Escaping life for The trials they keep, This escalator Navigator, Striving upwards Searching through Paint the sky violet Your spirit blue For some who Squeeze in awkward places Bitter for having Many faces.

unfathomable thing

Take from mars Taste hydrogen on Tongue If there on mars Is where you belong Bite at the Apple Howl at the moon Let the world know Your coming in soon And when you Stiffen when they talk Plant head in heavens The angels walk And glide beside you Share a whisper Of what's inside you Over the hurdle Back through the hoop Trapping your limbs In chicken coup As flesh it shifts Through life that grates And broken hearted We await For selves That sob beneath The bough You were dreaming here Once before Don't let them Name you Ghouls that anger claim you Check your reflection Your an unfathomable thing

cutting past the red tape: the dangers of life on tiptoe emotional abuse

Would you wear stilettos to bed? Wear high heels to clean the house every single day? Cover the ground in slick oil, broken pieces of glass and a jagged blade? Thats what living with an abuser is like. Abusive men have psychopathic tendencies, as they. Destroy the confidence it took you years to build, you are meant to protect them with your silence. So they can navigate easily in the outside world, appear to bear nice guy, even play Mr vulnerability, consistently appear to be the weaker target so society itself offers them more, not because of their talents, but because of pity. Because socially they require more empathy, which means more people assist them. For me it began with a letter to a guy who had no friends it appeared, no confidence, his life didn't seem to be moving forward in anyway. It continued with him using my personal information to acquire friends, being called an epileptic slag,a who're,prostitute, being bullied every time a man paid me attention. When I




Marry me Because I am your left arm It's selfish of you I might come to harm Rent out the white dress Carve me a bed Don't feed me lies Like bullets In my head Marry me It is the height of My ambition To creep up the Aisle Broken yet docile Eager for legal pad Desperate to be Mum and dad Not virgin white But Cherrie rose For I am tainted I suppose Stained with your seamen Worshipped at night Vampiress And temptress for sight Float me a pigeon Dressed like a dove Don't eat those fairytales In films About love Only marry Your heinous A crime scene To watch The one you didn't pick Whose dreams you swapped For the angry fist Of a punishing Reality Be mine Everlasting Valentine A stretch mark On your back The shirt to Your slacks Marry me And then you Can watch me Disappear


How does It feel to be urban? An urban smile Some urban shoes A saxophone Trumpeting urban blues Scuffle of flesh Flash of a knife Whip of a gun For Urban life For where you  Sit A pity  To it These ' brown' adventures Don't occur Your filtered life Your tidy blur The postcard in the shop This urban callously Never stops With urban feet And urban toes And urban friends With urban foes Outside the box Of packaged things Your pointed frame Your school boy dreams Bonjour monster Ill braid my hair Produce a swagger A string on a wire But when it's place Ment time I will get hired For ill take out the  Snakes that gravel My skeleton Produce a campaign Ready for election You see urban Toes And urban feet Their microwaved But plates don't fit You tie the laces Trip And collapse Perhaps simple roots Speak little of mishaps Like mummy  I scraped my knee


She said This is how you make me feel Nappy head Too dark to love Do I hide My chocolate skin And busy tendrils  Like a glove Do I suck in melon mouth Deny the meals Which warm the south Do I change My tilted slang And deny the fact I give a Damn About your circus Face These exaggerated mirrors My essence disgraced Do I bare  My sharpened teeth Or be aware self Arrives with reef I am no Santana With bandanna My polished words They slick the floors And when I  Chew and spit Them out They sound Affected Just like yours Is it bleach  You need Bleach to punish The Zeus mould For as Trojans  Say behold An army  Is now looking Do I wipe Out history, So you can Proudly Stand with Me.

The abuser

Look behind you I seek to find you I sniff the leather Upon your shoe When I own you When I've bound  You They'll grit their teeth At what ill do For all those Busy Watchful owls Downgrade my smile Into a scowl Your telegraph Lens Thick hands will pluck Mouth shall never Run amuck Cocoa bee You belong to me I tatooe kisses On your skin Upon the wing We're on the fringe Of leaping past the  Sun Ill knit you  A tail Of razor gold Each needle prick The blood behold The pricelessness Of world's Now dimmed Charcoal with milk Just let me in For I am butter Melting oil Make no sound Likes rasping foil Within your skin Ill tiptoe in They tell you I don't own you

15 Blockbusting Key ways to build up traffic for your website or blog

Its important to produce high content material so when people prescribe to your blog/website they acquire all the information they require. You are a resource guide. Most audiences want to know one thing how do they make enough money to change their lifestyle , to quit their job, to be financially free. You are their one stop shop resource guide, the goodies you provide are links and informative access. This means places they can network, products or themes they can invest in that will bring their brand turnover. Your not providing them champagne branding, champagne branding are companies who make profit out of hot air promises. You are the motivator the why guy to remind them 24/7 why they started this in the first place. For some it would be because they were tired of office politics and corporate psychopaths, some want out of debt, others want to be able to pay off their mortgage and venture into blogging assuming within minutes they will be the next John Chow. Your here

The comet

Comet circa 1984 A splash of colour explosions once more the triumph of the nights sky Orange and lit Were glued in no motion in awe of it Slow motion meets no motion whats this commotion Of life in scribbles vomit on page babies climb into riddles You were the giant that swallowed the moon I was the postcard arriving here soon No fountain pen But then I lend my splintered eardrums to the promise of your pain I wash the corns of stubbed feet Gloss of metal rain Balm you in oil Once toxic to my trembling hands The comet circa 1984 I've never seen a sight like this before.

Catch me a phony

catch me a phony voice on a led checking for a braincell an empty head catch em dont keep em in disguise perfect lies for your awestruck eyes I am a boat I pick this land I choose these heels to plant feet where i stand Give me a phony let him skip with his tongue Its all wrong How your desperate to belong The sound of your voice are needles on a drum a damaged guitar that never strums Catch me a phony and he'll tell you a smile Plot a while For his infantile Catch me a phony in a mouse trap, watch my shadow It never looks back

The fisherman's dinner

Your never scattered Or looking for marbles The heart is in crisis It's beat box is garbled For someone green Swallowed your tongue Just to sing your Lyrics  back to.front Your not invisible He refuses to see The damage he's done To abuse what was free You've not lost Your feet, Your bound to it Paralysis meets Fear Where does  happiness Sit Those etsy Artistic scars Making you look As though from mars He's tattooed his nightmare On your rubbery skin Let you hold poison As candle lit orb Let your veins pop And the seasons absorb you So you visit your life Like a tail waving fish Ready to be caught For fisherman's dish

camera reel

We are insular In this times And with this aid We're mighty As all thrones Collapse The decades Cry is somewhat delayed Ink on pen Like stubble. Let me tell you Where the wires reach We're Jesus men They do not preach But slot like coins In angry lines And debonairs Have little time I crushed the world It was mush in hand It suckled breast Till it could stand It marched Upon stilettos heel To.taste the blood From camera reel


He needed hands to eat d still, bays to dock For this jealous clock Ruptured dreams like spleen Souls were oil. In this liquorice maze Giant hands clawed At a nail bitten fence I apologise Your honour I have no defense For why the sand man Littered gold by my bed Scared thoughts were Thunder Outside my head And the mockingbird Sings a tidy tune , While this paradox A gutter in spaces An engined bow tie In neat little spaces In crisis a seed With iron stem rots Yet lives beyond The time To see it's tots.

silver necked pigeons

"Its a funny old world, ain't it?" My father said as we glared at a silver necked pigeon, it's ivory wings almost dove like, made it distinct from the pack that dotted at the scraps of pillar bread. The son beamed arrogant in The afternoon, cars scraped along the pavement wolfIng each other doWN. pedestrians lined the streets as mini zebra crossing, the air seemed to pulse with electricity. My father's bitter tone hung in the air. " Am I too respond to that?" He shook his head slowly, " be Peter pan, they never tell you growing" " Grownups hurt a lot don't they?" I asked . "Pain seems to be an acquired taste for some...." and you?every time you asked him a question too deep, he left. I didn't want him to leave, it was a bizarre strait of events that led to the murder of my father, this evolved fantasy version of him in this strange interplanetary orb had changed many things my father was, ye

Beating betrayal

My discussion topic for today is betrayal? How do you get part someone else's cruel betrayal, and the jealous malice of which they do things. Remember in the short term they think their hurting you but in the long term their hurting themselves. 3 years ago or so a guy i knew was down on his luck, his confidence was shot and he had nothing but a series of issues that kept him stranded on an island of self pity. Noticing this, i took it upon myself to write him a letter, it was the sort of letter that was supposed to cheer him up, make him feel good about himself again. To my astonishment and horror, he used this letter to humiliate me, spread malicious rumours and gossip , alienate me from family members and socially. It was the most sadistic thing anyone could do to me at the time as i was battling confidence issues of my own. If i were to describe him id call him a no hoper, a looser, and a bully, in true cowardly form as he spread his poison he hid in his house, would wait

The real embarrassments

Society seems to be full of idiots who want to tear you down but demand your respect, your validation, secretly they want you to like them. Do.disappoint. fear and respect are two different things, you need and so do they to u.understand, someone who fears you can one day take a bullet to the back of your head, respect warrants that they don't. Little Hitler's are all about destroying your confidence, piece by piece, then begging you to like them. They will do anything and everything to get your attention, once they do, they'll hate you because they had to try so hard. Here it is in a nutshell, respect is earned. Priceless, and irredeemable once it's lost. When we loose respect for people we hate them twice as much as those who wronged us, because once upon a time we had respect for them, now it's all but dissipated into thin air. You look at them with eagle eyes, because now you really can eat them alive,barring their principles as they have none.

Baby , baby

For whom the bell tolls Capturing grace, i shook the baby i wanted her eyeballs i needed her youth The jeckyl of skin I needed a candle My lights were dim I shook the baby, Wrapped cloth round her mouth As she gurgled and spat I stole her tongue became her chimes smothering her tears her dreams would be mine who ate the baby? I have no idea? Yet ill  be at the crossroads brimming with fear

Creative chaos in a sour mind

Chaos, creative emotional expression Drowning in life against clutches of depression raising my fist pumping the air For my stubborness remains steady a boulder unshifted we are gifted in such miserable things Hope i awe at your stricken demise Letting Life bring me down to size Scooping my organs with trembling nerves A greedy mouth fights for a palace of words Don't whip me or lash me pain symbals it bashed me

Michelle Obama putting in work

I love Michelles confidence. Michelle Obama is not conventionally commercially appealing, yet what i like is the way she oozes class. The naturalness and ease of her relationship with Barack Obama as though their advert is, this is how we are at home. That Tomboyish Gusto, Michelle, you go girl, countered with that feminine charm.

Is he wife material?

We live in a society that constantly keeps women on their toes, we are still judged twice as harshly as men, although the workplace proports to bring opportunities to us, and many men complain there are more women being employed by men, in some workplaces, men actually acquire a higher wage for taking the same course of action. Doing the same tasks, and trying to create the same social progression. This is not another i hate men rant, i believe some women are tyrants for this. Yet this is a question that has been on the back of my mind for years, why do i always have to wait for you to pick me, so im not considered a slut, a whore, desperate, over eager, a bunny boiler, because i dare to be excited Why are we not trying to figure out whether your marriage material or not. I call this Gender hypocrissy, before i need to fix my hair or weave in a certain way, wear a certain dress, buy a certain type of shoes that meet the balance of classy and sexy. If you are so mu

The slut

Slut. He spat the word a nine inch nail. His mother laughed, a crone trapped in the paradise of her own lost youth. I had never loved this man, he had kind eyes, i had never loved this man, the soft brown of warm chocolate, the deep hue of ebony skin, the pulse of a throbbing mouth, the height that came with a shadowed beauty. And yet despite ticking the boxes we mentally tick, an arithmetic of thoughts i had never loved this man, because i was unable to love myself. Life stabbed and clawed at me, jerking like an erection eager to explode, a promise ready to collide with goals lined up like bicycle cones, and yet i never loved this man. I hated him now. I hated him because i had seen him, because he was no longer beautiful or mystifying, their were nosecrets in his eyes, just orbs that lit like lava, and words that vomitted through the mouth. You grow a thick skin with emotional abusers, maybe it was my loneliness that made me stay. The fear of being on an Island with nothing b

Microphone Martha Moose

I need everybody to hear this

Far delayed

It will get better the stain of life rots deep inside you, our armoured selves they stroll unaligned, plucking the chaos from marred paths of danger A mosquitoe bite here with butterfly sting Once upon I was your everything No band aid for blue or blackened sight The tar hits the goalpost The jury becoming A face with no features becomes more unbecoming Did i see you Or was it winters harp A samurai My lazy lid untriumphed eye The patent that the world shouldn't cross for they would fast become just one of us Bitesized pain with bullet shock Latching doors And angry clock Do i hide away the spade Or rebuild a world thats far delayed

The themeparks

Oil painting skidding on ice Things would be nice If hope had its tastebuds Little green men Circle your head Tiptoeing with rugged silk blade instead Cast a shadow Upon life's tracks The chaos of windmills taking you back To pain delicious A tongue could taste How battered shadows shouldn't go to waste Themepark of life Karaoke song Would i belong To the heart that  betrays you Fight or flight navigate still with crushed toes that never move at will Feathered tongue with whispered pillow I am your organ and your volcano, I am the tribe to carousel This damaged girl evaded hell and for you id do much more than two of words that ache cooked dough that bake ready to arise and still, i am here at your every will

Amazing: Transforming Tracy


My Book: Lunchbox Millionaire (How to be a millionaire)

                                                                Lunchbox Millionaire Foreword It begins with an idea. A developed conversation, the mind produces questions, consistently looking for answers. We are born to succeed, and through a series of trial and error, Many Millionaires fail consistently, are ridiculed for their ideas, before they achieve the final success. It is a process of elimination, last man/ woman standing, despite rejections, consistent ridicule, and objection to such farfetched idealism. The product meets completion. Targets are set, goals are accomplished and deadlines met. It is how we utilize time and a wealth of ideas that define us, wealth is as much about courage and consistency as it is about networking, understanding your competition, and marketing effectively. Giants in Business such as Bill Gates and Donald trump, identify success as discipline the ability to see beyond the contempt of others and utilize wisdom ef