How to be a blockbusting bestseller

Business isn't just for a brilliant mind, it is accessible to everyone if you have knowledge of the digital platform. Search engine optimisation is key to success, whatever your marketing tool. Know your analytics as effectively as you know your brand. Have a keen eye and a unique selling point. What is yours ? What is the angle you aim to connect to your target audience? They speak in a language you can understand, but listen carefully. It is beyond simple questions, it is the engagement in sources that are trending, the celebrity impact, media, and culture. Know your audience like the back of your hand, how would they navigate the aisles to find your product. If you could pitch your product in simple, precise lines, how would you do it? For example Lianna is releasing a new self published piece to assist the promotion of her work. How will she market her piece and her brand.  She would promote herself with useful and resourceful articles about her area of expertise and create a link where others can access her portal of information. Lianna Brands new bestseller web of deceit, a spine tingling block buster about a deadly game of cat and mouse, has sold over fourteen million copies worldwide. It is accessible internationally, and is a book soon to be translated into a multi award winning film. A page turner that has you hooked frolm beginning to end, readers are calling her the new John Grisham. What do you think? Download the first three chapters of Web of deceit, a captivating read. Are you bored this summer? Not anymore. With lovable, changeable characters, this book will have you hooked from start to finish?

How do you engage an audience? If your a writer you have less than five minutes to pitch your book across a sea of literature produced to precision. Audiences are hungry for different reads, know which market you are appealing to. Chick lit, for the modern girl on the go that needs something quick and delectable to seduce her imagination, crime thrillers for audiences with an arithmetic mind. People pick up books for the same reason, they buy a product. Within that narrative their not just looking for escapism, they are trying to find an answer to an internal question. Books are healers. Literature is the plaster some choose to put on the wound.

Generate interest for your book, whether it's picked up by publishers or not. I've always argued that people in the creative mind have to be more business orientated. Publishing is a capitalist industry like all areas of economy if they can see a market for your work they will endorse it. Yet if you venture into self publishing, you have to become both writer and entrepreneur.  Social networker there are key events you can attend at meetup, eventbrite places that will assist you to build that self confidence in your work.

Publishers are identifying what is personal to you as a product. Once it's out there it's more than just your baby, it's an opportunity to acquire capital and connect with your audiences at a human level. In the scurry to be picked up by publishers and prestigious organisations, people often forget some of the the five factors, and the people their selling it to. Branding, hook, pitch, market, sale. Know your audience, the places they'll go to network, have a keen eye for the type of story that will appeal to them. Are you niche? Are you fulfilling a gap in the market? Are you answering an age old much recycled question. Look at the questions your audiences are asking online, look at last years books that were on the bestseller list, the books celebrated by key media. The digital platform is a powerful tool if you use it effectively. Word of mouth is the most powerful marketing weapon out there, go to readings like my sister Irenosen Okojie does. Get an insight into the industry, know how campaigns work, and what campaign you will use to acquire the interest of your audience. The internet creates international crossover. This means someone who is in the states can literally purchase your product without even blinking.

Market analysis, strategy, and core principles are useful for the fulfilment of your task. Go on forums , question and answer sites, What questions are audiences asking. Which books are trending and why? Understand the why, there is more to be understood beyond the simple exclamation of i am a writer respect my work. To run publishing houses, publishers have to stay financially afloat. As much as many are about engulfing the public, you need to be the writer who thinks beyond simply being a creative. Think with a business mind. Sell yourself, and pitch your book effectively to audiences. Why should they invest their hard earned cash in your style, over Barbara Delinsky, Jude Deveraux.

Mainly because you are bringing them something new, a scintilating page turner, which will keep them curled up in corners, biting their fingernails. Create that hunger and you will see results.

Checkout my upcoming ebook Lunchbox Millionaire.
and my google plus: redebony


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