
Showing posts from May, 2013

How to deal with a passive aggressive control freak

image by Daniellefershure Laugh their control issues into oblivion. Most controlling people have one thing in common, they are extremely insecure, make that two, and extremely paranoid. If your fun and bubbly, somehow the passive aggressive person convinces themselves, well not all, the extremely insecure passive aggressive person. Convinces themselves that somehow you will outshine them and take everything away from them, somehow their insecurities are worn like a bracelet or a chain around their neck. The more you try and relax them, the more insecure they become. It's because these inferiority complexes don't stem from you it originates with unresolved issues they have, everyone in life has something that we've either been through or are trying desperately to resolve. When dealing with a passive aggressive control freak, if you find that the more miserable you feel the happier they are. Don't complain, flip the switch. Moaning aint honing. It's their nee

I love this video: Confidence Kicks, How to build your self confidence


Filling your fulfilment place

Feel your mind with positive thoughts today and champion a wealth abundance mind set. Today is a day of infinite possibilities, grab unto as many of yours as you can. The world is your oyster.

Cancelling the curse of the competitive person: The underhhand competitor

image by offairbe Many people want the reward of a situation, but they are not willing to put the work in to accomplish the goal. How many times have you been around a friend or a family member and your driving away at something, maybe even someone you don't pay much attention to, you suddenly get a positive reward and a positive outcome, and that person springs into action.  Or you get teased about something but soon enough you either see them copying you, or the hysterical one is they'll hide information from you and may only tell you things when they sense your less of a threat. There's nothing wrong with competition, healthy competition with humour is perfectly fine, yet when you deliver good news and the reaction is strange, almost one of entitlement, you find yourself questioning whether you should have kept the good news to yourself. We all get frustrated sometimes. Especially when you don't want to compete and actually you just want to share how amazing

Pocket money: How financially independent are you?

image by geradissex What is your financial discipline? How do you manage your money? The money you save grow it, use it and utilise it. Invest it in a course, a product, or a business. Money is energy. The mistake a lot of people make is they save, save, save, deny themselves and then eventually an all ensuing hunger consumes them and they invest that money on something that wont give them a return. A house will not automatically give you a return, it is not a guaranteed asset, neither is a car. Invest in things that make you money whilst you sleep. You want sleep walking money. This means investing in your financial education. All the wisdom we need comes from within. Yet sometimes we need to tap into those mentors with the information, the contacts, the structures in place which will help us with our financial fortitude. Knowledge is power. If you are working in a dead end job that you hate and you are saving towards a course that will lead you towards financial independence yo

Hindrance and Holidays: The emotionally unavailable man and his delicious disappearing act

image by wowurnotkidding Here's a question for the books. When someone keeps disappearing on you when do you realise that you don't need them any longer? When do they realise you don't need them any longer? The thing about negative patterns is that often we only realise were in them when those feeling sink in too deep. Do you deserve someone who will be there when there's a crisis? When the shit actually hits the fan? Someone who values your time and the energy you bring to a relationship rather than an emotional escape artists? Yes. Wondering why he/she hasn't called will be bearable to an extent, being frustrated when you haven't met their friends or they haven't met yours or your family, you will be able to tolerate that to an extent and then eventually life happens. There will be real things, events , circumstances, where you will need a rock rather than just some sexual intimacy, there will be times when you will need an ear rather than just pill

Dick in your detective: Signs he's just trying to use you for sex

Image by   wow who hasn't been there? Who hasn't done that? Is he interested in you as a person? Is he interested in getting to know who you are? Your opinion on topics such as politics, culture, social commentary. Is it a hideaway romance, where your both hermits in the din of his house or apartment, or are people actually seeing you around? Do people actually see you on dates? Do you guys do other activities outside of sex? Or is he just desperate to get to the nitty gritty. Does he discuss personal situations, intimate matters with you, or are conversations placid and dry. Does he just randomly stop by, and you only seem to get late night calls? Do you feel an awkwardness after intimacy as though your either expected to leave, despite all these promises he's made to you. All these lovely things said, that at the time seemed so genuine? Do you feel as though the actions don't match the words. He loves you but your still introduced as a friend,

Anihilating A.t.M syndrome: How to stop being used for your money (GOLD DIGGERS BEWARE)

image by   Stop leading with talk of how much money you have Watch for people's reactions, do they seem bored or uninterested and then they hear you make that comment and their eyes light up? Are they constantly asking you for things? Or requesting things that you know they wouldn't spend their money on? Do they keep happening to have forgotten their purse or wallet, yet you seem to see certain new goodies on them Are they constantly hinting about what they want? They have expensive taste Financial problems which of course are never their fault No health problems or disabilities but seem to get by on their looks Trust your instinct or intuition Stop abusing your own pocket by overextending your finances and lending them money for things they don't need. If they cant pay their bills. Maybe they should have saved up before they invested in that property, if they cant afford the meal, maybe they should just like your company, get creative and

Jekyll and Hyde of Mr Nice guyZeus phenomena

image by   People say power corrupts, or sometimes they say money does. I think someone has to have those yearnings deep within themselves, somewhere in the dark recesses of those contrived organized placid systemic smiles. We say everyone has a dark side, but what happens when Mr nice guy turns nasty. What I've learnt over time is that everybody has a side, everybody has a coin element. I wrote this piece for every woman or every man even whose kicking themselves right now because someone who appeared to be so regular and so nice, over time revealed such a nasty nature to themselves. An enjoyment of cruelty, or a contemptful nature, and slowly sucking the self esteem out of others through a straw because they had none. For women who have dated emotionally abusive men, bullies, liars, controllers, manipulaters, and you begin to have a deep resentment towards yourself because why you? Why do you keep picking these guys? How could you not see who they we

Eva Longoria's commando: Marketing campaign (internet buzz hot new news)

image from   I love Eva Longoria she's stunning,sexy,stylish,sadly unlike the rest of the population I don't believe Eva commando going Commando (wearing no underwear) at the Cannes Film festival was a mistake . It was a cleverly timed, strategically, organised publicity stunned. She's an actress. That whole 'oops there I go' sorry not buying it. Why did everybody else movie directors, actors, public, writers, other actors remember to put their underwear on. Putting your knickers on is not something you forget.....unless your forgetting it on purpose. We all thought such attempts at publicity mongering were for the Britney Spears, and the Lohan's, clearly Eva has got her own bag of tricks up her sleeve. I have to say though she looked absolutely fabulous, the dress was magnificent, shoes, she's got a great little body, and that stunt will ensure that for the next year her agents cell phone is ringing off the hook, for more ma

Millionaire mindset: How to really become successful (Love this video)

Amazing motivational video absolutely epic. This moves me, and it will move you to action.

Kanye West Controversial new track: New slaves

Kanye West "I'd rather be a dick than a follower."  Kanye West burns it up with his acid tongue, and his ever evolving style. Attention hungry or not, he's a strategist, and he keeps people talking. He keeps tongues busy because .......he's unpredictable.

Eurovision song contest hysterics (Aizerbaijan's take on David Blaine)

Emelie De Forest won for Denmark, but i'm sorry the real triumph of hilarity goes to Aizerbaijan what the hell was that performance. With one guy singing and the other one dancing and miming in a glass box, absolutely hysterical. Although I have to commend anyone who stands publically and makes a huge spectacle of themselves for their country, that's very honourable, but Aizerbaijan definitely have put David Blaine out of work for a while.

Mistakes as Moulding

image by gilad. Our mistakes can either be the making, the shaping or the breaking of us. Don't condemn your judgement, often even the bad choices we make come from a good place. Recently I was having a discussion with my mother about dating, I specifically asked her to start picking, my choice in partners and potential friends, because so far. Some of the people i'd invested in had shown themselves to be cruel, dishonest, false, and some even a threat to my safety. She smiled at me then and said the most bizarre thing, in the most offhand tone. Something I hadn't said to myself in years, because the anger within had gnawed so deep. "I TRUST YOUR JUDGEMENT." Huh . I almost collapsed right there, then I realised. In order to move forward in life you have to trust yourself 100 %. People may let you down, they may disappoint, they may hurt or betray, but when you minus the one, your the one that's left. We find it hard to forgive ourselves the bad choic

Luuuvvv this track: Outkast atliens: keep it moving


Lies for the Languid: How to spot an easy liar

image by Apokryphia art I recently had an experience where someone who I thought was an honest person began to lie, consistently. Along with their lies came their justifications, came their aggression, and what lurked within the sheets of a warped elongated tongue. Fear. Exposing a liar, is in those seconds of miniature expressions. Those things that a keen eye cannot miss. "I didn't take the money," they argue aggressively, their tone is defensive, saying don't push this, their eyes dart towards an exit looking for a potential escape. It's in the crevices of body language, and the throbbing of your gut instinct. The friend who says their happy you've just landed your dream job, then dismisses further chatter or excited banter about it, eager to focus on a past mistake you made. Or decide to make you feel insecure by going for a topic of discussion in your social group that either makes you feel alienated or has you feeling as though your barefoot walki

An ultimatum for your self esteem

Image There it was. His phone number in bold blue ink. He wanted me to get in touch to call, to catch up on old times. I knew in my heart there hadn't been that many 'good old times' to catch up on. The ground was always jelly with him, the tears ran like a rain storm, and at the end of it I was always the one who had to be put back together like humpty dumpty. Only there were no kings horses and all the kings men. There was just me alone with my thoughts and my tears. It hit me then like a symbol. Ultimatums. When we give ultimatums it is important to have the strength to stick to them. Otherwise the same people repeat the same negative processes that leave us feeling hurt and questioning those around us. Giving someone an ultimatum isn't about playing god, or for those few moments having the upper hand. It is a rule of respect. You are saying if you don't respect me, if you violate my trust, hurt me in anyway, you will lose me. There will

Skylining: How to keep aiming high

image by Kiral192 Aim high, real high, because you could be the person who changes history. The one to make a difference in your life and the life of your family, go for that dream, reach for that promotion. What's the worst that could happen, you get let down? You get rejected? You just keep going. Many of our leaders in this society, are in the positions their in today because they believed in something, they fought for something, they were ruthlessly ambitious, and they just kept going. Their saving graces may not have happened instantly, it may not have taken place that week, that month, that year, but it took place and they were champions of change. You have to aim high and be persistent. It's easy to settle for mediocrity, change means pain, it means stretching yourself, it means possibly alienating the people around you who you have been familiar with. Aim high because when you accomplish your goals, you reassert, that you can do the impossible, that you are a

Friend in the Frame: When your friend is too into your personal affairs

image by Mothykyuu From boyfriends, to best friends, job opportunities, even to the way you walk, and the style of which you talk. Many will tell you tales of the copy cat frame, and how it unravelled into a single white female saga, with a seemingly normal best friend becoming some would put it.....inner. This is when your friend begins to selfishly believe your whole life revolves around them.  From flirting with boyfriends, or jealous when you get any attention, trying to alienate you from other friends and consistently trying too draw as much information from you as possible, with their own intentions in mind. Come up here, where the air is good, and the sky is clear, and the birds can soar. Sometimes friends will do this unintentionally because well their your friends, and they cant help but interfere, because they love you, and they care, and they want to see you happy. Yet if you sense that the agenda is different, and you are simply dealing with a queen Be

Anihilating A.T.M Syndrome: Stop being used for your money

Image  - It's a funny thing when you come across people who constantly complain about being used for their money, some not all, make the mistake of talking too much about how much money they have. If your fed up with being used for your money, stop using your money as an advert to lure people in. Give someone a chance to like you, for who you are. Let them get to know you, see your qualities and celebrate them. I was watching the millionaire matchmaker recently and there was a prince who complained about being used for his money but here's the thing most of his introduction was based upon glorifications of his wealth. Men especially need to understand this. There is a fiction that a woman will not love a poor man, a beautiful woman anyway. My question to you is, are there children in third world countries? How did those children come about? Did their parents have to communicate and conversate? Did there have to be some sort of respect? Wealth doe

Dark and Delicious: How to be confident within your own skin

image by Kiratheartist There is a huge debate about how dark skinned people are treated in comparison to their fairer skinned counter parts in ethnic communities. From being called things like blique, which is an insult used in the black community to say your as black as charcoal, to being told you would be more attractive if you were a fairer skinned complexion, some darker skinned people argue that they get given an unfair rap. As though being dark is bad in some way. Are dark skin is negative. Here is my argument in every corner of the world you will find ignorant jealous people, the thing about envy is it can often be rationalised. Someone can convince you that there's something wrong with you, a quality,  a skill, a character, an asset, because they secretly want it. If they have people around them who imitate what they do and what they say, if your naieve enough you can be convinced that there's something wrong with you and allow other people to steal the joy fro

Friending up the Frenemy: Tired of playing fiend with the foe

image by violetdrug Friending up the foe will be hard work. They will have trust issues, after all how would you feel if you're enemy suddenly started being nice, you'd wonder what exactly they want first of all. You'd be suspicious, cautious, wonder why captain cruel has become captain charisma. It may be a long arduos process, or you may find that you click after a few sessions of bonding. Pay attention to them. What are their likes? Dislikes? Little things, Birthdays so you can say Happy Birthday. Even things like acknowledging their star signs and sharing star sign info Compliment them, loud enough for them to hear or do some thing nice and say something nice that will get back to them Defend them against someone cruel who is spreading malicious gossip about them Share something with them, Create a  habbit of saying good morning, good evening, and good afternoon to them If you have any information that might be useful pass it towards them, or someone relate

The jealous jinx: When jealousy is getting in the way of your friendship

image by hetherz First you must understand which I never did. This isn't about you as a person. This is about what she/he feels they are missing, qualities they feel they lack within themselves. People who are not at your level will try to desperately claw at you, and bring you down to their lower level. Jealousy is about insecurity. It is about low self esteem. If someone is being cruel, malicious, and you haven't done anything to them, then it is all about envy. You cannot take that envy from them. It is an inferiority about what they feel is absent. You need to build up what is present within you, so you can raise your game to the highest level. A jealous person needs to see you in the pits because that's where they are. The more miserable you are, the happier they will feel. The less you achieve the less of a threat you'll be, and you will be less competition. focus on your abilities and what you can do. Build yourself up, smile. The more they try and tea

Taming the Tornado: How to deal with a bad boy

image by Monoleso Bad boys are hard work, and it's not as glamorous as you think it might be. This is a trick article? For women who specialise in 'dating the bad boy' or the ' I love those bad boys' syndrome. Tell us how low your self esteem is really. Let me guess. It's low, but you need to feel worse right, or if you can fix him it will prove your maternal validity and showcase your superiority as a woman. LET ME LET YOU IN ON A SECRET. BAD BOYS DONT WANT TO GET FIXED.  They don't want you to improve them or mother them, or teach them how to respect their mothers and stop holding grudges against their friends. They are bad boys and have these issues because they've been through a whole heap of mess, and this is their survival mode. They are always in survival mode. Their always on the hustle. When you go to dinner, as a lady you will have certain expectations, get ready for the bad boy to either begrudge having to fork out a dime during dinne

The Bitch and the Basketcase: Stepping away from a toxic headcase

image by oudemia Head cases are hard to get your head around. In some instances their an absolute joy to be around, likable, charismatic, charming, sadly in the other instances their either competitive, jealous, toxic, or eager to nip and drag at your self esteem. The more miserable they are, the more your confidence is set to take a nose dive, without a doubt your friend, family member, or associate is on another emotional rollercoaster, and your for the lo jacking. a) Understand that it's actually not personal. We are our energy. They feel crappy, therefore this crappy version of themselves needs some crappy company. You upbeat just makes them feel like their lacking or inadequate in some way. How come you can be happy , and they cant. b) Gage their mood. It's great to be a good friend give good advice and be supportive, but you are not their saviour and you are not their emotional punching bag. If you find that your in a pattern where your friend seems to just cal

The Breakup and the Breakdown: How to get over those break up blues

Just for the heads up I guarantee you will get over your ex. You will be happy, laughing, smiling, flirting, but it will take time. You may find old insecurities reappearing,  Comparing yourself to every beautiful super model/ video girl, or pretty street poser, wondering if they would stay with them. Cry a lot at first . It's allowed, they were part of your life and now their gone....just like that. Some people beg, turn into stalkers and track their exes every move, ward off potential girlfriends , tell tales to work colleagues. Your allowed to cry about it, and not feel weak. Your purging, relieving all the emotional distress and letting it filter out in a pool of tissues. Moan A lot, it's allowed. Yes sir/ ma am your heart broken. It hurts. You will get through it. It sucks right now, but time and distraction are two incredible healers. You will question your decision, especially on those lonely nights, or when you've listened to your other girlfriends talk a