
Showing posts from September, 2018

Flames of glory

There is a fire in you that you must be willing to awaken, a passion, a hunger, the keen eye of a hawk in order to key into success. For fruitfulness will take time, yet what you have now is the work ethic. Enjoy the process, loose yourself in the magic of being a creator, nurture your mind with books, and seminars that will allow you to access the great teachings of those who came before you. Purchase a copy of my new ebook The whisper of dreams You must be willing to fight doubt with positive consistent action, fear with strategy, and procrastination with self belief. It is easy to give up on a dream. To feel the sores of tired feet climber, explorer, adventurer, yet persist you must. For that vision of yours could open an all access area of opportunity for those who board your train of vision, passengers who are e

To rise

How many people have lashed you and triumphed at your fall, grinning victorious only to watch in awe as you rise again. Believe it, you will rise, and you will rise, until you soar above those who thought you were beneath their feet in enterprise and all areas of life. There are many odds we must defy, many battle scars whose wounds we must cleanse before moving forward, I have learned, it's not about what they did to you that matters. Purchase a copy of my new ebook The whisper of dreams Their actions are not in your control, you are the winning chess piece, you must take the board. What will your next move be? Will you focus on resolving it within yourself, channel your energies towards that dream, fuel hope with more food, learn from the error of investing time in the wrong people? Will you lose yourself in the

Vision with voice

It is easy to tear down the vision of others, after all they are just words. Words are not arrows, but yet. ...a dream should be handled with such polite care, love, and affection. Be greeted with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, for one day that dream could sustain you. In life each individual is the caretaker of a vision, we nurse them into glory with our tongues, we soothe them into being. They are majestic things that come from a sacred self, they help us evolve into a more enlightened self. A dream can make you whole, a vision can make you see again. There is a power in words many of us can rarely fathom, it is beyond the law of energy, laws of attraction, bless your dream with words which speak of possibility. Go to others who will facilitate your vision and have command of your diction. For the tongue is a mystical thing.  Buy my new ebook 

illusions of perfection

Paradise is not a perfect place. We have many perceptions to get there, illusions beliefs, thinking it should be easy, after all we have struggled much. Yet paradise is a concept of the happiest self within the mind. There are those of us who know how to cultivate a spirit of happiness, a spirit of free thought and enterprise, and those of us who foster growth. The rest of us go day by day , measure by measure looking for seasons of contentment. You will find your inner joy, your inner peace, if you are an enlightened soul eager to positively impact the life of others. Yet your paradise for now, must come from within. You must believe you are worthy of happiness, laughter, joy, healing, celebration and a zest for life. The opportunities and the options that come your way are a reflection of the souls output. Abundance begins in the mind and in the spirit, before it is fostered  in the natural realm. Abundance can be a wealth of knowledge from experiences, growth, creativity, actin

Gambles for Glory

Don't let the whispers of others deceive you out of your glory. They are mutated words comprising a self that does not exist, the jealous pangs of those who could not rise to their victory. It is easy for others to try and overwhelm you with the loathing they have for themselves, reflect it back at you, and confuse your own image. Remember who you are. Buy my ebook Your skills,your abilities, your strengths, your potential and the wisdom you've equipped yourself with from your experiences. Only a fool goes to battle with just words. For each vision , support it with action, do research and counter the negative voices of others with the knowledge you have about yourself and about your experiences. Don't let liars pretend as though they are telling you the truth about yourself, when everything they try and accomplish is ash. Do not sit at the table with entitled people, and let them k

Game of life

The game of life is full of lessons, each lesson will teach you strength, discipline, build character, and further your creative courage. You must keep going, no matter the battle the scars, if this is your dream if this is your destination. A dream is a train and every person you meet is simply a passenger learning and growing within it, your dream will carry others to many destinations but you must be relentless in your pursuit of the habbits to maintain it. You will slip away at times, become inconsistent, be cloaked in other peoples fears, and the terrors of your own. Believe in what your mind sees. It is not madness, if it is positive, it was visited upon you for a reason. Yet just because a dream blesses us with its presence, does not mean it will slink into being, we must become our most dynamic selves. Buy my ebook  You must be willing to shift and adapt, you must be adjustible and open t

The reach of a dream

If you have just woken up this morning thankyou for joining me on this blog and on this journey. Are you a tired soul, have you talked about your dream till your tongue has gone limp, and the words are leaden. Do you sit in the shadows, watching an empty tv screen without busy flashing images caught up in the depression of failed attempts. I have been there. Many a dream walked by me, shaking its hips, as i cooed at it from a lonely place. You must learn your lesson, you must revisit with a new strategy, a new plan, and have manageable goals. You must truly believe that this dream you are worthy of. It is not a stolen dream, it is meant for you. Then you must fight with vision and audacity. Buy my new ebook We live in a society where those who dare to think differently are judged for it, criticised ridiculed and in my case , bullied and isolated. What i find most amusing, is the same people who te

Splendour of a day

I woke from a dream it startled me for it was such a wonderous thing, within it i had created such access my mind had become so infinite. Every challenge i slayed with the ease of discipline, focus, and persistence, i did not fear failure, with each tumble i arose, the bruises flashing like steel, my beautiful battle scars. The taste to conquer sweeter than honey on my tongue. You will wake from being startled at night, those night cravings will steer you closer to your goal. Buy my ebook  You will see the vision reflected in your eyes, you will become itchy and tight in your skin, as though this skin is too small for you now, your heart will pulse and rage with excitement as you pen your hopes to your notepad. Your mind will become busy with thoughts and ambitions, and fear will loose its elasticity. Every word you utter shall be a poem, every goal you accomplish in life will bring forth new fruit.

Deafening the siren of fear

It is easy to listen to the whispers at night. Fear pulls up a stool beside your bed , whilst the past reeks havoc. Yet the present plays a lonely violin. Do not get lost in the past for i have been there many times, it is a maze, and a labyrinth like this makes it difficult to move forward. Instead focus on the daily victories, by doing this you are equipping your mind and your self esteem. You must fight the whispers of a past which longs to claim you. For there is no action in the past, only casualties with lost minds nursing stories of who they could have been. I almost was, but i didn't. I almost could, but i couldn't. You must set yourself free, you are more than Yesterday. Buy my ebook You are your present and you are your future, tomorrow will be a testament of glory, yet you must be willing to face it. Every fear does not want to live on an Island by itself, it needs companionship, i

Scenes of success

We often tell ourselves that we are not worthy of success, we glare at the polaroid photoshopped images from magazines, people put together a contrast from our daily lives and decide these are who we will measure ourselves against. Not knowing the editing process, not knowing the sacrifices, the risks, sometimes even the lies. There is a truth you must tell yourself to honour your heart during the journey, you must discover your nugget of success. There are those out there who have a void, yet society says they have the mark of success. Their signature is loneliness, and they have built a nest of honest illusions.Yet we see the superficial things that they advertise, cars, money, home, and we assume that this is success. Success im starting to realise is companionship, friendship, when you are able to accomplish those objectives you lay before you despite your challenges, despite the fear, despite sabotage, you lead with passion, promise and potential. There are many stories of suc

Music for the mind

The mind is a powerful tool and if you challenge it , it will unleash treasures that will open up a future which will bless you. Your mind is your hero, you must ensure it is in its element by nursing it with fruitful tales and stories of positivity, advancing it with engagement, and connecting spirit to faith. Listen to the words of great leaders who came before you, listen to their visions, their dreams, and how they realised their creative potential through self development growth and encouragement. You must speak glory daily into an enterprising spirit, your whisperings will bless your mind, nourishing it and nurturing it with the knowledge of other experienced adventurers, leaders ,philosophers and this will create great change for you Buy my new ebook You see the mind is a creature of habit, it must be tricked into new perspectives and new habbits. For it to be expansive, your knowledge ban

Plays Of the Mind

The mind is the ultimate player, it will tax you for your dreams, and it will tax you for your fears, you must play a stealthy game yourself, and have your own deck of cards to counter its influx of weighted    Commentary and visuals. Many of us find ourselves locked in the past, not because we are weak, but because the mind keeps returning us to our cryptonite moments where we were vulnerable, afraid, had a belief violated in some way. That is the negative. Buy my new ebook In order to propel yourself forward you must focus on the positive aspects of your past, your journey, your existence, and provide your successes as ammunition. You are not boasting or being a braggart, you are providing a portfolio of experience a deck of cards which showcase your strengths as a leader and your ability to take on challenges and steer your own battleship. This battleship is called the mind. If you don't com

secrets of success

Its easy to let other people give you their formula for success. Tell you what it's supposed to look like feel like, be like, what your experience of it is and how to reach it. Success is happiness. It is the prescription for pain, for great suffering, for illness, for disability, finding that joy within yourself even if it's just in a small nook curling up inside it and claiming it as yours. Your island , your victory path to enlightenment, believe in your potential and access greatness free your mind daily and break old habbits of fear. You don't need the world to validate your existence, some of us may never get that pat on the back from those we seek it from telling us we are valid, telling us that we are love dfor adding value, for our skillset. Buy my new ebook  You must be your own compass, and you must navigate with wisdom with determination, with passion know your own potentia