
Showing posts from 2018

How to become a super influencer:supercharging your network

Building a network? Do you have great interpersonal communication skills both online and offline, use this as your strength. This is the age of the influencer, the digital network, the social butterfly, where community is capital, and communication is not just social access but monetary gain. Here are some tips to supercharge your network, for those of you who have a passion for people and who are eager to become a social ace. Reach out Reach seems to be the magic word when actually the word were looking for is actually engagement. For all the terrified men out there...hold your horses, and your wallet. Im talking about getting interactive with your connections, and there are many creative ways to do this. Start a podcast, and offer them profile, start a magazine on issuu and offer them profile, offer an interview an opportunity to snap up gems of their time. Connect via social media We've all got social media friends. Why stop there, Send intro emails " Hi it'

The principle of the Problem solver :How to generate wealth

Wealth begins as a mindset, if you can visualise success and your willing to cultivate the habbits to posess it then you can own it. Success is a seductress, a mischievous temptress teasing you, tempting you , challenging you; at each step you must up your game.  What do you really see in your future? Who do you see yourself becoming? We have a habbit of letting the chinese whispers of others form us, yet it is for you to identify your strengths your kryptonite, and ultimately become a fully formed human being.  The journey towards wealth will be trying, challenging, but it will engage you at every level, within every core, you must not just question your needs but how to solve the peace of mind of others. This is what will give you access, this is what will translate to wealth. An understanding of social, environmental, economical, class challenges, and how your input can create positive social impact. Your goal is to look at transformative intervention. Creative ways y

The habbits of a millionaire

Ever been given the pep talk that your habbits today define who you'll become tomorrow? How about those of us who crave that entrepreneurial status and the millionaire title, the busy bank account and the fast lifestyle?  First of all who you become is a product of the habbits you consistently maintain what empowers you to embrace full self development, self growth and master a millenial mind. What are the habbits that define a millionaire.   Millionaires model other successful entrepreneurs. Their aim is to grow and develop themselves to the best of their potential . Whether its developing themselves through books, audio, film, engaging with an active community. Diverse education is the name of the game. Knowledge is empowerment, and wisdom acted upon is wealth.  Millionaires create multiple streams of income, they always have a backup plan and a strategy. If one plan fails, there is another route to success, how do they do this? By exploring their options and

creative ways to raise capital for your first business

In order to venture into starting your own  business, you need....  creativity,  imagination,  a network,  some good profile access,  a plan,  a mentor,  some funds  and a strategy. Most of all you need the right mindset.  Thats right if you are surrounded by the negative nelly that keeps informing you lack of funds means, no business for you, its time to start stepping beyond your comfort zone and start making new friends. It is more than passion to start a business, It is insight that comes from experience, experience which comes from taking risks and most of all you need stubborn  self belief. Get inventive, Get strategic and get those goals lined up here are my top creative and very inventive strategies in order to raise funds and inject capital into starting your first business. Dont' just talk about it, do it. come on Let's go! Crowdfunding Crowdfunding is a great way to utilise your interactive network, get your business story out

How to make money with revenue sharing sites:The hottest revenue sharing sites you should know about

The internet is a hotbed for creatives seeking ways to monetise their entrepreneurial insight. Maybe you've just come in from a long day of work, woken up to face the day, clicked the screen on, or even used the telephone. If your like me, you got sick of a redundant bank account. A lack of zeroes, and those busy calls from anxious debt collectors or even better.... credit card companies pretending to be your friend.  Are you looking for another outcome? If you are, then you just might have just hit the jackpot. That's right. The internet is over saturated with delicious ways to bring in a timely income, build a network and turn yourself into a brand, yet what are some other ways you can bring in money that help contribute towards those bills, and put a smile in your pocket here and there. Im talking revenue sharing contributor sites like Squidoo,Medium,Triond. 1. Infobarrel Infobarrel allows you to earn money through various means for publishing articles on thi