I'm sorry this seems like exactly what they say their not? Male chauvinism at its worst. Men who feel worthless spreading their toxic message to everyone. Not all black.women have a nasty attitude, I feel as though this brush is used to paint us and stereotypically alienate us from society as the diverse individuals we are. A few black women have experienced going through the phase when they argue. Their done with black men, tired of being put down, let down, hurt, ridiculed,and it's the same for black men. As a society we go through our changes, mood swings, rejection is a very painful pill to swallow, yet even greater is disappointment. Black men, and not all of them have a rabbit of drawing out some women's insecurities, some women have their guard up, and sometimes we automatically put our guard up, because some men not all men are known for putting fairer skinned women, or women from other ethnicities on a higher tier. The assumption is that were arrogant, and yet ther