
Showing posts from March, 2015

scribble pad

Tap the pen Return to a place Beyond the limits Of time and space Mind is busy, Wisdom is thick Anything slick as Skating oil Blank tree Waits for ideas Listen to The Pioneer of Your freedom

top10 christian songs


daddy are you proud of me by nego true


The meaning of life powerful spoken word


The countess

The countess Is clearing the floor Zombie bask in the Ease of her cape A delusions Protection The great escape For all flea dreamers Live In islands of smoke One minute there's whispers Of something called hope The world thus denies an Orbit With heels that clap On every inch Three blind men Chase not to be lynched But taste the tide Of a desert once set Now vision is aged Their not done yet Grappling the silk and oil From her neck No else to be selves But at devils beck I own the Sun, the moon Thus the snow I am more than a Wiseman You must never let me go Paint me like tarmac Across silver of walls Damaged net with a fish Like never before

Colorless Sky

Colorless sky Her sky is bleached grey, The stars have been plucked out With chapped fingertips Then the man He touched a cloud Pressing it softly To his lips I count the days The dark ones come I catch the dreams He ate the sun Webbed fingers Grip and clutch at dawn The world needs not to Seem forlorn

we remember

Missing people Missing place Missing knowledge Missing face Missing smile A kite to worlds A day was claimed Missing scents And missing smells Missing laughs Blown straight to he'll The platoon We dock We wait We sist We watch How clocks And time persist Busy wardrobes Lazy clothes Weeping pain And cardboard Bones Missing people Missing pain We wonder If selves Get reborn again


The cat drank Little Of the milk Tasting the arsenic Beyond the silk It purred Only briefly Self satisfied It had not Swallowed The guardians lies The cat sipped briefly Of the milk Though hounds had gathered In plain sight Howling at the moon it Owned, It smiled to itself Another night For I am content And not all spent I can cipher webs Which link deceit As I tiptoe on my street My fur it rises In midnight breeze


What a shame Too many strangers Have no first name Shakespeare quoted The loss of a name I reply A modern shame Identity's stiffened The pen becomes strained The signature in Visible To the man with no name Blind men write What they cannot see The voice that's mine Belongs to me And yet A throat can be snatched Swallowed in sight Let a voice collapse For all the fear Is crystallized in tongue With one jagged second Our noises are gone


Pretty little scorpion Watch you bite These foreign things Which need no sight They move on primal Instinct sharp, Their poison fresh Dont let soft cotton Betray you For it is unset To keep poison As per It leaks into gaps Or slices in between It's nothing formidable It even looks clean To taste the liquor Of a scorpions suit If your mans a child He'll never play the flute

once we were kings

It's not a competition I just want you to know Once upon a smile These dark skins were king No banana peel Shape shifter pods We were the mules Of a whipping sun Whose volcanic flame Would make you hide In the very dark Where fear itself eats. Shhh! Let me tell You a story Not of backstory Or cotton farms Ripe with alarm That you came From a line Where Jesus sat, A nappy haired man Who hunkered for chain Then came the strain Of things being removed Ink rebel rebels Would dance their groove And army's would bulk More unafraid Refusing to be Slave to shame Or the bitter resentment Of topsy turvy worlds, Where cane would arrive And spirits would soak Yesterday's thoughts We held our marbles We couldn't be bought

depression: sabrina benaim


whats green

Jealous women They grate on you Pathetic pods With nothing to do But bully And harass those around Your principles Become the clown For pathetic is she Godfather of Insecurity Disgrace to women Controlling still Everyone must Bend to her will This desperate Spineless Caricatures fling, Her whole body Is busy Loathing what's green

the royal ones


walkie talkie


black girl

Freedom of speech Doesn't equal freedom of bleach Rodents will tell you Charcoal shouldn't choose anything The darker you are The further from dreams Tell those roaches They know not anything Black is beautiful A composition Of many shades Black girl Don't be afraid Of declining culture The torrent of youth People feeding you history Not speaking the truth Lift your head For you were blessed This way Grin at the flaws The Judas they say For black is history Freedom informed We bowed through Cotton And lost our limbs We're crucified on crosses Whipped near half dead But our line continued Stand proudly instead Let a fool Call you monkey No brain to engage No claim to fame A devil that's lame For poison tongues Will choke themselves And eat the vomit Therein lies their words The deaf always speak That the blind Never heard For beauty Is as diverse As climate far stretched God sat with a pen Your beauty was etch


Mother, I worship your lemon skin The way you smile Cheeks puffed up And dewy The lick of a slight MisArrangement of teeth The soft curl of Tendrils upon A perfect shell As you utter a sentence I'm caged  in lesson Despite my slight I dare not challenge One with sight Mother with God self Abundance of wealth Knowledge is finance Wisdom is health For all the things We saw But don't hold And what a sight they were to behold Thank you for The moments, the seconds, the hours, I think I'll find out You have super powers My love is to infinity And far beyond Long after I've sung My swan song


Compose yourself Whilst green sweat Tries to impose itself Engaged in her Poison A zombie undead Some characters Are messed in the Head The yelp and the scream Won't promise the dream, Let's make it a line Your no mother of mine I don't want your stories Don't want your noise Don't want to engrossed With a hollow voice Your words leave Limbs numbs From the lies that You tell You shall never ever Lace me with spell

Moment in shade

A beauty is planted Where spotlights dimmed A metro city Charcoal unlimbed Yet that hue of blue Soft on you The pride that comes With the purple Of skin Am I upside down Or outside in This wasteful tide Of heated words The egg is boiled The cock Walks slurred Chasing the hens So far to reach

women that itch

Women that itch To give pronouns A sound That speak Their words Through tiny bubbles Am I hub You do commit For faking a self I feel is trouble Hands buried in pocket My five dollar shoes I pin riots to walls Smoke pipe When there's blues Should I pinch Myself in high heels With feet that sob For social promotion What's the commotion The notion Of a self That's taught A spirit that's wired Where souls can be Bought A dress for a smile A lip with a pen Then gentle Men Big words won't Be my friend Can I not Be as the wind Open as circus Yet a creature untamed For wild ones Want star light Where carousel dimmed A creature What else Is a creature in pain

yesters tomorrow

Desert man With bag of bones Crawl your way into your slumber Nomads always loose their homes When they pick Unlucky numbers Count your shells And click your heels Desert man The dice outplayed You Pocket thin With ideas that ran Metal on your Tongue Is what betrays you Weak men Target souls That meek Plant their poisons Where no one speak A bully stands With a badge of gold Let his spine Be neatly folded As you came And clawed your way For me Devils dance And taste your shadow Dreams of freedom Are make believe You don't even have Yesterday Tomorrow


He spoke to the pillow She glared at the walls He shoved the length Of something now small Limp with heat And acid hunger She clenched the Sheets Her cluttered fists For all the blood Would soon desist The cries and moans Of a lost girls soul Tell me your stranger Ill introduce mine These planets in orbit Take too much time For lunar moon And shadow eclipse For tongues To chatter Life's little sister The bed it leaks down From the root Cinema screens now turn To shoot Euphoria face, A crack heads smile Her limbs are soar They,'ve done the mile Of boxes you tick When your young Of damaged halos The swan the song To virgin youth To eyes that stretch For life is busy Now brain is kept

let me love you

Let me love you Spoon feed me lies This delicious at See Nice Holds much surprise For guts that clench And throats that screech And painful lessons That life Roth teach Paint watercolours With canvassed oils Share with me Your tainted spoil For truth never Licked saliva tongue It hides in shade Where things stay Gone Let me love You Mozart man A composition No violin To tell the gods It is a sin That shame itself Needs comfort to hold And damaged armies Need soldiers to mould Until Life turns to mold Then you feel the rot In the steps you choose The cobbler tells shoes Your such bad news Let me love you And ice our dreams Then loose my ring I'll cool the steam Let me love you Thus For love has to find Just one of us

Boxing club

The boxer jeers as crowds roar To heights There's Irish dancing in His sight A dizzying jig A thrust of hip A lazy man Now slowly dips Fight my fears And all my tears The yesterday's That never belonged to me The loss of rhythm The ghouls can see As I inch away From your fading moon Catch your blood With one teaspoon Then howl the sun Horizon Poison Where citrus fell The golden Ones plummet Straight to he'll They run thick hands Through clotted hair Dig hands in pocket That go nowhere As time a birch She laughs and Claps For sheep's to burden As bags of sap There's nothing here No dreams for you As ticking clock Relies it's truth

Buried skin

Are you desperate Or crazy Tired then both Pepper in your Eyes as you Stir the most Glaring at faces Captured in time Looking at wrinkles Relaxing like vine Do you taste the silver It's wetness sucked in Deep in your groin Buried under your skin

Grace misplaced

Disgrace me And chaste me With numbers loud Dazzling trumpet A mocking sound Then drive me out For what I saw A dream sits Lonely sobbing floor You polish his tears Ill clean his snot Take him To places you forget His battered shell His desperate whim And honestly He looks far too Trim So will you Plant this seed of mine Take my hand In sand dune climb Ill lead you up The stairway street Where lanterns light That something sweet

snake bite

Snake bite Hiss the rattle snakes It shakes morrackas All gods people It shakes morackas Climbing into sweet bed Sheet Where linen plasters wallpaper skin Hiss goes the snake It shakes Montana's I am thirsty from within I swallow mountains That crackle to dust Plug my dreams This fears a must It slither on belly Leaked oil from a jar To whisper in ears As I hurry too far And blinks startled It's jeweller laser eye Angry that innocence Was never surprised.


A moon for kiss Grant me 22 of this 22 strides For minds that wander A meaningless glide For hearts asunder Baptize me In your lemon kiss I'll taste your hair With ease of this I do puzzles in My sleep Cupid lost a bow And arrow not keep The shock of gold And mystic blue A smile that once Belonged to you I scribbled all my Endless sighs I feel as though you Told me lies Cupid it has to be Theres something Rotten between you and me?

painted face

Painted face lady Loose diamond lung Glitter in gold Your pianos outsung The swift man's heel The stubborn thread The glue that binds Old bone to head In this masquerade I promise you pain Whether your dim Or a wagging tongue Sane Chewing the shrubs Of a swamp land in waste A mule in heat An awesome quest To contradict Those ripe impressions Use charcoal On bright shades with blessing The yarn you knit May use as rope For its these charades Our minds Cannot cope

soldiers fortune

A soldiers fortune Was tainted with gold No one believed The myths he told Where visions waltzed Amongst his field And law men Promised Diamonds yield For money Is power And power reclaims Us A fall to poverty Often Renames us I call platoon You circle rank Your bloodhound Nose Says world is stank And everyone hides In neat little stories Bouquets with meaning Poisoned with glory A soldier marches With men of ten Eleven are missing These are lucky ones Then Surviving webs that stick with lies Dodging the sergeants eagle eyes A taste for his Wallet Whilst he snoozes at dusk Men who claim power Will wear.his musk

dreams of disparity

Love me, love me Melt my skin So there is no gap In between our bones The hushed chaos Of whispers Claims our toes The stump of right The log of left We magnify Life's little cleft A taste of salt Straight from the Moon I pick the site You'll lay the Tomb For here Lies one Of us All of us Nations bliss We'll wave our Dreams A goodbye kiss

Chorus men

The chorus men I swear I heard a birds Neck Crackle in dark, A firework That lost ones spark It sung so loud It lost it flight It gave others scares Deep in the night This haunting Jig Of prophetic words Man's own lingo A pathetic word For real is square The birds fly here Tasting sky's Where angels lurk Demons sighted Go berserk A bird I heard The blue of dusk A left handed man Had claimed his Trust. Otatade

Heaven sings no lullabye

No God has forsaken me, You aren't taking me Stabbing my thoughts All covered in glass Popping my dreams Balloons without sass But the hydrogen hiss Of a flame that's punished Nothing ventured Nothing gained Ill taste your spit It taste like Shane For devils Who march with open tombs Battered women with Smoking wombs Umbilical cord Fear Was never here But arrive you Will Tattooed in pain My self destruction Is your claim To fame.

Depth of exposure

He's clasping the lens too tightly. I shudder and shake nervously sandwiched in an aching wind. The snowflakes whisper on my cheeks, prick at the rouge preparing my smile. " you've never done this before, think predatory, think passionate," " think broke," think heartbreak I swallow internally. It's maddening that I'm out here, leopard leotard trying to prove to ex boyfriend how much weight I've lost. " perch against the cage," Andrew Rosevelt speaks his tone seductive and heavy. I am in thick black heels, a black leather whip, and a face that belongs in a mask. I focus on how I like the way white snowflakes camouflage in the white artificial streaks, his midnight hair surfing the wind. I have a crush on my photography teacher, I realise how dangerous it is for people like me to yearn to get close to things, human things that pocket a smile, and the hot chocolate he downs which makes his adams Apple Bob. You have a weird mou

weeping sheep

He captures me Each breath I take Held in a jar Each move I Make Must I collect These lazy pearls Of mine For his bacon Feeds his swine My battered tongue My collected lip, The steps with Chain A rogue now trips And are there faces In this glass He's stitched my Tongue I know not class But to blubber My bubble words The empty shingle A dead man's cry Am I me Myself Or I This cripple threat Of ghosts who weep These cancered limbs Which idly creep Look for heels With all their stems I've lost my feet I count to ten The sheep they Weep.


Little puppet On a string Feed me thoughts I dare you cling to Let me poison All your dreams For carcass Should ambitions be I am broken You belong to me The tattered piece Of a damaged doll Reflections Make me feel so small Truth Has always been liar Ill eat your soul Then take you higher Chapped hand slap Or broken toes Throughout your Life Ill watch tiptoe Spine it skates Just like a drink With a clever compasss Now i think Before a God One should be On knees Either way Ill roll my sleeves.

jealous sky

rich man and pocket Buy me the sun Buy me the clouds Till sky is numb That vast purple orange Receptor Waking you with Naive a smile Yet when A self Becomes inspector Those banished dreams Aren't worth aqua in sky This tricky sun Belongs  in my pocket bury it deep Till we both Implode And when the world Is tot to darkness I will fill them With songs of gold

where the heart docks

Where the heart docks Catch me And keep me still I dance for you Parade at will Tiptoe on stilts That are unbecoming Lucid in trance For an all or Nothing man I paddle the stem You take the moat Brandied tongue With acid down throat Lost in a chorus Of clotted words I am bosom For your bed Tilt your neck Come braid beside Me This track we clamber For roads with keys The iron king Is on his knees Otatade iseghohi okojie Http://

Whisperers and conquerors

Whisper keep me I stumble A boulder Across this empty land Guardians have desist The water is tainted With the bad dreams of soldiers Who chose to wear no shoes Battered bones Harmonica blues Their oiling flesh Would poss At dawn Separating What they Had once become I.ate their jellied eyes Tasted the fear On every stride The glass on the mud The jagged gate I wonder if angels Question date Do or die On this lawless land I look for my laces I understand

Capital Kings

Each ocean blue I travel the world to  find diamonds for you Tiptoe across dusk The enemy Memory Let me bite your hand Lions understand When packs are sinking Do i hear the chorus Of Solomons Stealth aiding our vision Corrupting our wealth tasting the crimson From piano hands I understand When the storm comes A capital King Will love you Otatade Iseghohi Okojie

Ghost boy cotton

The lonely girl coiled in cotton Oh how you detest forgotten voices chatter in your head Excited noise mermaids in the water are all playing dead For onions that smile doth reek of hate They celebrate and then they wait Pick your skeleton toothpick from pick As body lays On floor now licked With grooves arriving where skin was Smoothe Confidence stumbles with ease of mood I ask the numbers I count the friends Who stood the test till bitter end and battle dimmed when rods were dropped and legs now limped counting numbers A wolf or sheep Your shaded self Your perfect keep We are all a contradiction minds plagued with fears and much affliction as we lean towards the line One day dreams Will turn out fine. The clouds will hum a rum tum tum Oceans dispel a moses comes yea though i walk in valley of dreams I clutch the stars which tastes like cream Otatade Iseghohi Okojie

doth my eyes decieve me? self hatred permeated ( black women?)

I'm sorry this seems like exactly what they say their not? Male chauvinism at its worst. Men who feel worthless spreading their toxic message to everyone. Not all black.women have a nasty attitude, I feel as though this brush is used to paint us and stereotypically alienate us from society as the diverse individuals we are. A few black women have experienced going through the phase when they argue. Their done with black men, tired of being put down, let down, hurt, ridiculed,and it's the same for black men. As a society we go through our changes, mood swings, rejection is a very painful pill to swallow, yet even greater is disappointment. Black men, and not all of them have a rabbit of drawing out some women's insecurities, some women have their guard up, and sometimes we automatically put our guard up, because some men not all men are known for putting fairer skinned women, or women from other ethnicities on a higher tier. The assumption is that were arrogant, and yet ther

a mystery. of mystique


just bad


its tomboy season anteeeeeeeeee up!!!!


Worlds most beautiful stunning intelligent woman

This is beauty at a very different league to our human minds, but beauty none the less