
Showing posts from June, 2012

Does society not like confidence? Samantha Brick

Wow seriously there was a whole outrage about Samantha Bricks commentary glorifying herself but in all honesty i believe that was her perspective...deluded as it might seem to everybody else. We all know of Samantha Brick's mail online article that read people hate me because i'm beautiful. Yes sir, it sounded arrogant, snooty, obnoxious, it sounded all but ridiculous yet i've witnessed it first hand. Negative and sabotaging behaviours being done to 'actually stunning' women who dont appear to have done anything to anyone, and i've read loads of articles where frustrated beautiful women vent at not having female friends, having guys that are too intimidated to approach them that may suit them perfectly seeking out every plain Jane in the room, being ridiculed and harassed because of their beauty.I dont believe this is a strange phenomena, women are very competitive, easily threatened, and quite jealous of a woman that appears to be a standout beauty. It's

Pain is temporary: Another video i love

As is usually the case, Red ebony is going through another one of her motivational video, mentally beef myself up phases. I saw this video, and i loved it. There's a realness to it, a raw edge. Sometimes blunt words are the only motivation we need.

I love this it's so spot on: Twenty signs of a coward!!! Brilliant post, check out the site

IMAGE BY KHI Twenty recognizable signs of a wimp You don’t want to befriend them or hire them or marry them. They are the grey little people hiding in the shadows while others do the heavy lifting and take the risks. They second guess, undermine and find fault. Here are the warning signs: 1.bitches, whines and complains 2.unprincipled, no values base 3.weak 4.a sissy, a wuss5.lazy 6.humorless, goofy 7.unkempt 8.disagreeable9.unfit 10.self-centered 11.gossips 12.dependent 13.sneaky 14.spineless, a coward 15.ineffectual, non-contributor 16.laughs at others’ hardships or mistakes 17.takes unfair advantage 18.must go first 19.selfish 20.uninteresting and uninterested

The Flyby friend: How to know your worth

friends by x black stars Have you ever described your friend as a user? That's right, that friend that you crowned BFF, gave special treatment to, only seems to contact you when they want or need something. Maybe its money, assistance, to vent, either way when you get comfortable now and decide to hit them up on the regular, that amazing friend of yours seems out of reach, emotionally unavailable. When you meet them and you haven't spoken to them in months, they launch into a full on monologue about how busy they have been, how they haven't kept in contact with anybody, yet from others you hear about trips theyve been planning, holidays, outings. Quickly take that person off their pedestal, this is what you call a flyby friend. Flyby friends are often very charismatic, likeable, very popular, so much so that they take the people around the For granted. Sometimes it's personal, other times it's not, you need to socialise make new friends, take new risks, make su