
Showing posts from February, 2012

How to let go of a crush on the wrong person

picture orange crush, by flash parade It happens to the best of us. You really like someone, or you like the idea of what that person could be, or who that person could be. You overanalyse everything into a million tiny breadcrumbs, to suit what you believe is that hidden love they feel for you.Those signals, the looks, the conversations, the body language, your imagination has locked it up real tight. Until dumm dumm confess your feelings, and your crush responds by rejecting you. Maybe you haven't even confessed your feelings yet, but you've seen the person of your dreams idolising someone else, or hear their committed to someone else. How do you let this go? take a bit of space for yourself, and invest those passionate feelings into a project, hang out with some cool friends, and give your time and attention to someone who does feel the same way. It's easy to become resentful of them, but it's totally and utterly not worth it. You need tp

How to spot a completely gutless guy

It was the rude awakening i needed. It sucked, sported, a little bit, but it was an awakening none the less. Someone i liked, who also appeared to really like me, rather than taking the initiative and ignoring the commentary of critics,and people with jealous agenda's, he decided to follow the crowd. I heard as they ridiculed me, spinelessly, because they'd never said these things to my face, they wouldn't dare. He'd laugh just to show he was still part of them, that he still fit in. He'd be silent as they tore strips out of my physical appearance,and my behaviour. I was baffled. Was this not the same guy that had always tried to get my attention, yet it was clear struggled with a shyness, and a bombardment of insecurities even i couldn't comprehend? The main culprit was a jealous bitter mother, instead of speaking up, he'd either laugh to show he endorsed their behaviour, or would rot in the background saying nothing. Yet after his mother had rounded

Understanding why people are mean: Amazing video

This advice is absolutely spot on.

Celebration creating joy

Were always on the move, yet sometimes we forget what we should actually be moving toward. A positive life set. A celebratory mind. Celebrate the little things you accomplish, make them infinite in your mind, grand, and crystalise them. Focus is a difficult thing to maintain. Focus on who you are, your goals, your journey, and who you want to become. Celebrate your life,and your little accomplishments. Be bold, gutsy, courageous, fearless, remind yourself that you deserve to be happy. Remind yourself that this is your time. Decide to create joy in the little minutes of your day.Take everything one step at a time.Be happy for yourself and be positive to other people. Rise about negativity.

2) Positive mindset for the hungry:Jacqueline Saburido as inspiration

Jacqueline Saburido has become a real inspiration after being disfigured from an accident with a drunk driver. This is an example of a true hero, an iconic woman. This is just guts!! To stay so positive , so strong, after something like this.

Turning Failure into success: Positive mindset for the hungry

The reality is in life there'll always be something or another to feel bad about. Disappointment, regret, and frustration creeping in the corners, It is important to counter this with positivity. Check out this video's about Failure into success