
Showing posts from December, 2011

Merry xmas to all!!

Merry xmas everyone from Red Ebony here. Hope you all have a phenomenal xmas, sign up to the blog for the new year, if you haven't all finished your shopping , dont worry there's a new brand of everything next year!!!! Enjoy!

How to empower yourself:Forgiving the enemy

Clinton story about Nelson Mandela “Mandela made a grand, elegant, dignified exit from prison and it was very, very powerful for the world to see. But as I watched him walking down that dusty road, I wondered whether he was thinking about the last 27 years, whether he was angry all over again. Later, many years later, I had a chance to ask him. I said, ‘Come on, you were a great man, you invited your jailers to your inauguration, you put your pressures on the government. But tell me the truth. Weren’t you really angry all over again?’ And he said, ‘Yes, I was angry. And I was a little afraid. After all I’ve not been free in so long. But,’ he said, ‘when I felt that anger well up inside of me I realized that if I hated them after I got outside that gate then they would still have me.’ And he smiled and said, ‘I wanted to be free so I let it go.’ It was an astonishing moment in my life. It changed me.” I thought

Books that help creative people with depression: The van gogh blues

Every creative hits that funk . When the ideas have stopped, and there's nothing on the page. creative people are known for their infamous bouts of depression .All industries are tough for progression, and feelings of depression come easily when we feel were not meeting our goals, hitting our targets, and experiencing the positive acclaim we yearn for.Beating depression for the new year is pivotal in moving towards the next stage of the creative ladder. We need to be mentally prepared for the new year. Click on the link below, the van gogh blues is without a doubt, a necessity for the new year.

Christmas Cracker: Rori Raye Dating Dilemma's solved

Having difficulty in the dating playground? Check out rori raye collection of dating tips and advice books.Why settle for a newsletter when you can down a gin and tonic, and read the whole book. Click on the link below.Don't be lonely this christmas ladies.

Dating momma's boys: Ladies a delicious clip of what to look forward to...YUM!!

Whoaaaaaaa if i had a mother like this, i'd be terrified to even breathe. Momma's boys is a show where a guy, and his mother are both put in a mansion with loads of hot tottie and she helps him decide who the right woman for him is. Momma's boy's are often ruled by domineering, overbearing mothers who are terrified of being replaced.This is why women all around the world drrrreeeeeeeeeeead dating momma's boys. This is an extreme case,but you get where i'm coming from. There are though some guys whose mother have a positive input towards their dating experience, less scared of being disposed of, more happy that her son has simply found, someone who likes him for who he is. They have their own opinions don't get me wrong, but they believe in advising, rather than bullying, throwing tantrums, and manipulating. They trust their sons judgement.


Ilove this video it gives a different perspective to dealing with autism . We are often aware about how difficult it is for someone with a disability, but how about how it affects their family members. Having suffered with epilepsy, endometriosis, panic attacks (a real buffet)as i've gotten older i've begun to take into account how my disability affects those around me. The sacrifices, and the unpredictability. Great job!!

Christmas cracker: Very inspirational Baroness Grey Thompson is Bitchin

This is inspiration , there are people in life who just refuse to give in. Refuse to be stopped and push on to make a difference for themselves and others. Baroness Grey Thompson is certainly one of them. Despite struggling with spina bifida, she refused to let anything get in the way of her passion for athletics. She has won numerous awards and is all round...completely kick-ass.

The million dollar immigration question

America and the immigration issue have literally swallowed the news media consistently. I have my own interesting take on it. For example a lot of people who are anti immigration are frustrated that their missing out on job opportunities, housing, they feel the benefit system is being defrauded, and many complain that they almost feel suffocated. Well a lot of immigrants are going for jobs that these individuals wouldn't look twice at. I find it quite amusing that many argue as though being an immigrant means your automatically given a better quality of life. The delusion is that these immigrants haven't had to sacrifice anything, they haven't missed out on familiar surroundings, are not in any shape or form entering slightly hostile arena's. There are those who complain that immigrants enter their country and seem to be magically progressing. Yet if you asked some of those individuals how they use their time, you'll find a host of wasted time and wasted opport

Explaining courage and neuro fibromatosis

I was watching a video on youtube, and the lady speaking discussed about ignorant people. She said why don't people just ask and i'll explain what my disability is rather than acting inappropriately. Because their ignorant. Ignorant people are not looking for the rational explanation about the problem, their simply looking for a way to judge themselves as superior to you. Her disability or illness is not something you miss, it's a graphic show stopper. But this is a gutsy lady,the people who laugh and ridicule and act disgustingly immaturely, this is more about them than it is is about her. Fear and guilt can be translated to such appauling behaviourisms. I imagine there are those who have had the class to treat this woman with some dignity and show some self respect. neuro fibromatosis

An Amazing woman:Intern fights to support abused autistic children

After experiencing negative behaviour, and bullying in one of my work places. It gives me pride to say there are still many people out there who have the guts to do the right thing, and stand up for those in a vulnerable position. This intern reported a techer that was abusing kids with autism. After being told to keep her mouth shut by the dean,told by colleagues it wa probably her own perspective, even at the cost of loosing her position and having to start from scratch. She knew what was right, and she did it!!That's what i call guts. You can subscribe to her on youtube, her name is motley prism As a society we should do al we can to support people like this, because it isn't just 'their perspective', they have reason to be alarmed. An adult bullying a child is as disgusting as it gets, a teacher bullying an autistic child...that's just pathetic.