The Shadow of the Wind: The Cemetery of Forgotten Series, Book 1 By: Carlos Ruiz Zafón Narrated by: Daniel Weyman

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Carlos Ruiz 's The shadow of the Wind is a phenomenal book that delves into Magic realism it is a read that is both spellbinding, captivating , hypnotic and transformative. This book eclipses many other titles ive read in the magic realism genre, showcasing his ability to illustrate and develop an engaging charismatic young storyteller. The novel is about young Daniel whois invited by his father to the'cemetry of the lostbooks' in the Cityof Barcelona. An obscure Labyrinthe, a treasure trove of forgotten books. Danielon that special morning of 1945 discoversthe La Sombra del Viento by Julian Carax a book which transformshislife, and takes himona series of adventures. As Daniel ages Several people become interested in this jewel, and one nighthe is approached by a figure who reminds him of a character from La Sombra del Viento, a character who turns out to be the devil. This character is tracking down every copy of carax's work in order to burn them. Yet what begins as a curious adventure from someone with literary intrigue turns into a quest to find out the Life and death of Julian Carax and save those that were left behind.
This exciting read,unveils the story of Daniel the seeker of truth and a new literary scholar and tells a story of such magic, and mysticism. Painting pictures with images you loose yourself in. Animating scenes. The language and prose is written with such divinepoetic sensitivities,Zaffron sculpts He is a magician ,drawing us an artist, enchanting, and crafting a story, befriending you with the magic of his pen manship, This story is captivating it claims you, Zaffron is a great storyteller,you are hooked as you flip from page to page scene to scene. Lines such as " like the city awoke,like a water colour," he is an artiste," his pen is the paintbrush Each line is a brush stroke, painting vivid images, transporting you into a realm of creativity. With Zaffrons work we see books as more than just pages with literature and content, but access,a passport into existence a creative portal. Zaffron creates 3 dimensional emotive characters that are both animated, and highly entertaining. This book is amust read.


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