White Oleander By: Janet Fitch Narrated by: Oprah Winfrey
Subscribe to my channel @OtatadeOkojie https://youtu.be/3bkEXtxAMaw White Orleander one of my favourite reads of all time by Janet Fitch is a book that is both compelling and engaging. This book is captivating, and hypnotic. Poetic and an emotive read. It tells the story of Ingrid , a charismatic and enchantic poet who is imprisoned for murder after poisoning a lover and the after effects her crime has on her daughter.Her daughters journey in between foster home to home, the different people she meets, and her experience of love. It is overall a look at love, the dangers of love becoming obsession. Questioning love itself from a young girls perspective, a young girl who has experienced pain, and loss, and deals with the narcissim of her mother, and her need to still be loved and nurtured despite her mothers selfishness and hunger for her own independence. The characters are unique, dynamic, and it is aninteresting portrayal of a mother and daughters love and relationship, th