
Showing posts from November, 2018

How to make £40,000 a month blogging

Wow so you've started your new blog. Blogging takes passion, creativity, discipline, consistency, and most of all a keen eye, and you want to make money out of it...well. What can you bring to your audience, how can you engage their interests and keep them coming back for more. The marketplace is saturated with random people who start new blogs, yet dont see the idea through to the end, wont produce high quality content, and wont use their social media network to connect with their material. Your blog should be full of nuggets of facts, tidbits of delicious insights that your niche can not find elsewhere, or if they can your delivery is more accessible. You should as ive stated earlier, pay attention to whats trending in the social media market. Strike up a dialogue with your busy audience get them to become emotionally invested and deliver updates regularly. For example a blog on how to make money with digital marketing should produce, creative ideas with headlines and hooks

The six figure wealth portal and the online blogger

Okay lovely people another way to monetise your blog or website is to turn it into a wealth portal. A wealth portal is a membership site that is for community engagement, and promotes digital entrepreneurial advancement, and financial injection through paying attention to key themes. Providing hot content and topics and keeping your members thouroughly engrossed. Through your wealth portal you can create an ambassador programme, a referral scheme, and have your site commissioned by affiliate programmes and ecommerce goods. You can also have advertising space, offer profile, and  get as creative as you want, with your google adsense and other key codes linked to your site. The wealth portal is used to attract investors, business magnates, and other steely entrepreneurs with high quality content. What content appeals to you, what is your sites unique selling point. Build a network Have a hook Build engagement Create a reason for people to want to access the info and key

Wealth Ninja series How to make £3000-£5000 extra a Month Blogging

First of all what do you want to blog about? Consider hot topics that have been well researched which will create the most engagement through your audience. Remember you are not just dumping busy words on the net, you want emotive content that provokes reaction, makes audiences want to take action and come back for more.  What is your audience looking for? What do they want to know about? The hottest topics consistently are passive income,accessing luxury lifestyles, the life of a travel blogger, how to build a business online from scratch and self development. How to monetise your creative talents, healthy lifestyles, or adding value through building a brand , or monetising a hobby. Checkout Reddit, Quora, Google trends, Twitter, and other social media sites to see what's buzzing online. Add affiliation links to your site, and Google Adsense. The more views you get the more income.  Design a structure for an online channel videos have more engagement than story

How to raise capital through your blog

The sentence  on everyones lips is how do you monetise your passion a creative blog? How do you key into your audience, market your brand and elevate it so much so, that you begin to bring in a sturdy income? How do you excite your demographic so much that they tittilate with news of every new headline article and consume your posts as though they were dairy products. (Buy a copy of my ebook The whisper of dreams by Otatade Okojie Here are my top ways to engage your audience, and ensure they are not just endorsing you for your creativity but investing in your product. Remember the blog is  a platform and can be used to promote other things, When you build enough of an engagement, you understand your demographics, you know their wants their needs and their hunger. You know what they t

How to monetise your blog

There are a myriad of ways to monetise your blog, turn it into a community enterprise hub with heightened engagement. Give it open access so others can journal on it, and pretty soon you will see a story unfolding. create an active community so people share their stories, and they engage with yours. Have an outline and a theme for your blog, what hot topics would you like to discuss debate or open up a discourse about. What topics are trending in relation to your theme, what products can you sell linked to your blog?  How are you helping or enabling others. Do online business courses, use your blog or website as a tool for self empowerment, and to liberate others, learn about different sales strategy.  Create a brand and build a hot topic that will create interactivity, engage with trends, build a plethora of connections through social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, produce a channe

Football Fantastica:What was Michigan States secret

Michigan players, including linebacker Devin Bush (10), celebrate in the final minutes of the 42-7 victory over Penn State, Saturday, Nov. 3, 2018 at Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor. Kirthmon F. Dozier, Detroit Free Press 42-7 Damn thats deep. Shea Patterson struck gold with his defense, Michigans offensive line has been the story of the season. So what was the secret sauce behind such a successful strategy?  From being one of  the worst units a year ago to one of the best in the Big Ten through nine weeks this year. U-M pounded the ball against Michigan State, a top-notch rush defense, two weeks ago. It neutralized Penn State's heralded pass rush Saturday and ran for 259 yards.   What was their secret Sauce? Impeccable teamwork, dynamic discipline and a belief in their potential. They did the hard plays, cultivated the practice and with single minded determination, achieved incredible success. Many of us want a great win but we dont commit the plays to

The enterprising mind

The mind is a powerful tool for access, it can heal, nurture, manage and engage. It is sharp when needs to be, wise, informed, and requires you seek answers for whichever quest you journey upon. You must feed your mind with books regularly. This creates access, growth, abundance, it helps you develop ideas. It helps you become wise and a well informed mind, is a mind that can navigate in an evolving society. (Buy my new ebook The whisper of dreams ) There are key things you should be paying attention too, and we've all experienced key things you should be running from. Yet first lets deal with who we are determined to become, how we are shapeshifter, through the trials of life, how we are skilled, yet sometimes in life we find ourselves stagnant.The process will redefine how you see yourself. Invest in that process and

A dynamo with Discipline

Discipline, a word that terrifies the layman. I have been there where the thought of picking up a pen feels like  someone just added a load and dumped it on your psyche, a million and one excuses come up and you tell yourself the best tales dont you? It could be the gym, it could be a course, but lack of discipline i am finding is a poor narrative in ones life. I have struggled with discipline for many years especially as i have a love and a passion for food, i also set myself the challenge of becoming a millionaire. I know it sounds very far fetched to some, yet i have often been told that i have a very lucrative mind. Sadly with a lack of discipline, you cannot get there. I have ventured into different states of heightened frustration, gone into a flurry of animated anger at myself and then realised theres a simple truth that ascends all of it. " Just don't be a whiny bitch" Theres a million excuses for failure, but no excuses for success. Have you noticed that th

what it means when a shy guy gives you all the green signals and nothing happens

Lady, so you are sitting there blank as a sheet, you flirted up a storm and now your emotionally exhausted. Wow did that take some skill, you don't even giggle like that, and those more conservative colours you wore to express a more subtle style... Well the tights were itching the hell out of you. Let's be real. Men, all men are hunters, although feminism has made women more empowered  and believe they can take the lead truth is, the guy your interested in can use a phone. He can text, call, send an email, by heck if he's really creative he can send a postcard. Buy my new ebook The whisper of dreams Purchase a copy of my new ebook The whisper of dreams We love to make excuses for the one that got away, so we can go into uber feminist mode take the action away from the guy, yet you reframe the power in

The big outcome:Capital?

Stop looking for the big outcome, and then you'll do it, and then it will all happen for you the momentum will build. The chapter is never completed. Creative growth is a consistent cycle, we are learning, constantly, evolving constantly, you did not become an adult in a day. A flurry of creative actions in one week or a month wont make you a millionaire, but measured consistency, problem solving your way to a better future, believing in what you can truly do. Purchase a copy of my new ebook The whisper of dreams Its easy to watch videos, go to seminars, attend worshops, and gather the information but emotionally disconnect, no you have to be all in. You have to commit your time to your creative vision, learn to keep the promises you make to yourself, stop over expecting, and be ready for the sacrifice which