
Showing posts from February, 2018

Splendour in the war

There is a splendour of words used to isolate the dreamer. Others will laugh some will crucify you for daring to believe you could be more. You should want more, you could have more. It is a conversation in your head and in your heart, you are investing in your future and in the paths of the generations that come after you when you resist the decadent musings of others. The need to conform to others stereotypes and invisible rules, to be a self that suits everyone else but you. Whatever the mind can concieve, it can achieve, with plans in place. Goals a strategy, and consistency. Do not assassinate your dreams with the fear of others. Those who can't, will tell you it's impossible because they let fear feed them foibles from its table. Crumbs of a life, they were told would satisfy them, and when you open your mouth to speak, they find themselves wanting.  To rebirth a dream from the plain of unfamiliar things, let it command with lions gait, and sit upon a throne of jewels

Goals and gravitas

Breathe.just.Breathe I mentally pace myself each morning before I face a goal, knowing that nuggets of fear turn into procrastination. I am my own worst enemy at times, yet I am also my greatest strength. During times of dire need, you must remember the words you used to propel yourself forward before. Pace yourself, understanding that although every action has a ripple of consequences, the right choices consistently will carry you upon a tide of glory. Believe that when you fail, you are learning, allow yourself the chance to be taught by Life. Life is a ruthless teacher, she is stubborn in her classroom, diligent, and thorough. Although the strife may slice through you like a blade, comb through you as though you are strands of loose hair, you must understand that every lesson comes with trials. Tests of your character. How much are you willing to invest in yourself, how much gravitas do your words have?

soul as compass

Breathe.just.Breathe I mentally encourage myself each morning before I face a goal, knowing that nuggets of fear turn into procrastination. I am my own worst enemy at times, yet I am also my greatest strength. During times of dire need, you must remember the words you used to propel yourself forward before. Pace yourself, understanding that although every action has a ripple of consequences, the right choices consistently will carry you upon a tide of glory. Believe that when you fail, you are learning, allow yourself the chance to be taught by Life. Life is a ruthless teacher, she is stubborn in her classroom, diligent, and thorough. Although the strife may slice through you like a blade, comb through you as though you are strands of loose hair, you must understand that every lesson comes with trials. Tests of your character. How much are you willing to invest in yourself, how much gravitas do your words have? They told you it would never happen for you. Access denied,

The abundant mind

In my life, in your lifetime...people will doubt you, people will celebrate you, and some will come out to destroy. You must build for yourself a second skin, you must celebrate the triumph of rising every morning from the slumber of negativity, the hindrances of the past, glaring at your reflection in the mirror and saying with pride... I am still here. From Goliath i am a David. Agile, tactical, able to predict the chaos of a tempest that arises before you, flexible and distinct, wise from past experiences and adaptable. There will be days where you will feel like a crushed beetle in sand, and others where you will be a panther in a jungle, life is full of contrasts. You are a complex self, always no matter what stresses arise keep your goals in your pocket. Taste the vision on your tongue, rebirth it with your lips everyday as you face your reflection, for this is your life and from what you can remember, you have but one. Make it special, prove beyond a doubt to the self t

The promise of perspective

When you change your thoughts, you change your perspective. I am there with you. Wherever you are, whether you are trudging through the snow, weeping on your way back from a bad situation, discontent in your skin, trying to figure life out like an arithmetic equation, i understand the frustration about the self you want to become and the struggle you arise from. Each morning words chisel to the bone. Dialogue like acid tearing away at the person you are becoming, you are not alone. I was mad for so many years, why wont they let me be happy, all these others and their piggy back problems, those people who loathe the varying versions of themselves. Yet i continued to listen to their words, whispers that would plant granite in my eardrums like stones making me deaf to hearing my own potential. It is not what others tell you, it is who you know you are that counts. This self is no fixed metal, we are liquids, shape shifting in time. Love yourself, and the person you are evolving into

Impossible is nothing

Impossible is the biggest lie under the sun. From the cars, the homes, the architecture, the workplace, and even the lifestyle. Once upon man would merely hunt for food after stepping beyond the sanctuary of his cave, now there is a structure to our days. Now there is capital, transactions, bankers, the digital world, and a constantly shifting and evolving society. No two seconds are the same. We barely ponder this as we disappear into routine after routine, for some schedules that define the future that we will have. What is my statement here? That there will be a time where the things you want to accomplish appear so formidable, they appear to be opposing structures in your mind, you must take heart. Rome was not built in a day. Every journey begins with a nervous step. For the swimmer who basks languidly in a pool of blue, once upon they would paddle flapping their arms with both agitation and fear scared of drowning. There will be risks with every journey, whispers so loud they

Greeting Greatness

Success is about the little actions you prescribe to your day. The strategy you put in place, the decisions you make, and the affirmations you tell yourself. You are consistently trying to reaffirm who you are, what your potential is and who you can become. It is a crime to deny yourself the challenge. It is a crime to deny yourself the expression of your infinite potential. You must believe you can be great, and with action greatness is what you can become.

Diversions in a dream

The truth about any dream is that you will have to face challenges. Face fears, and other peoples razor sharp tongue. It is a step at a time, a goal at a time. You can't eat the sandwiche without taking a bite at a time, you must not overwhelm yourself, you are transporting your dream from another reality. From the subconscious mind you are trying to make it real, shaping it, carving it, these things take work and take time.

Your millionaire mindset

From talks about property, digital marketing, investments, there are countless ways and opportunities to build capital and acquire your first million. What you need though are to cultivate the mindset and the habits of becoming a millionaire. To think with a mind that will spot opportunities and create access. It is important to have a wealth mindset. Read more books about capital and finance, about creative ways to access more capital, and how to manage the income you have coming in. Funnily enough some people make a fortune in income but due to bad money management, their finances simply decrease and no surplus value is added. Watch videos, listen to podcasts and engage with people who know about finance, read blogs, and if you need advice...ask. Just know that this journey will be riddled with challenges.

A motive for motivation

 I didn't see the devil coming until he shook my hand. I was thick in my own fears, nestled in quick sand, too terrified to live. I was a fragmented self, and my vision was skewed. It is easy to be lost in the confusion of pain, trapping yourself in your minds confusion. Yet you must arise from this slumber and awaken yourself to a life that wants to claim you. Otherwise you will not spot the Jekyl that comes at you, dressed in disguise. A wolf covered in wool, smiling with a narrative of lies, convincing you that you are loosing a fight, when you haven't even stepped into the ring. You must trick the mind and shame the devil, with truth, action, courage, and self belief. Some people grimace through pain so much, they convince the world they are smiling. You must mentally go to war, with any Jekyl that tries to steal your strength, your motivation, your self belief. Do not embrace toxicity with a smile, create a hub of warmth for your mind, learning is the bridge to many

Prescription for change

Talk is great. A conversation daily about where you see yourself with your best friend or family in tow, will drive you insane. I have been there, pitching all the strategies, agendas , angles, yet you need to do it like it is your religion. To be captivated, hypnotised, hungry and driven. People get tired of listening to you talk, if you lack action, you must find your inner prompts. Habits that steer you beyond talk, that drive you beyond the fringes of 'safe conformism' and into accessing your new lifestyle. That's what it is, it is a change in lifestyle, a prescription for change.

The courage to be consistent

Discipline is a sturdy word. Yet i would say, go for practice, go for consistency, take a chunk out of the big dream and break it down. Shrink it in your minds eye until its nothing but a nugget. Dreams can be scary things, at times foreboding. There's a change of habit involved, that word we detest so much sacrifice, and sometimes we even loose people. Yet what if in the long run, you gain so much more? What if that belief you had, is not just talk anymore, you can look at your reflection in the mirror with pride and say you know what if I was picking a team, id pick me. Id pick me as first draft, striker, ace, wild card, id trust me, id invest in me, my words actually mean something. Someone once called me a hypocrite. Life makes hypocrites of us all, you find yourself contradicting decisions you make, second guessing yourselves, challenging a mind that was once glue. Yet all of a sudden each thought is banana skin, you slip in and out of it. Let me let you in on a secret

Wealth mindset

Wealth is a mindset. Many have argued this, if you disempower yourself within your mind, you will not have access to the infinite possibilities life has stretched out before you. Many people think opportunity is supposed to jump out at you like jumping Jack flash, these are some of the laziest people in the world. They are often the most bitter and they die with the same story, a story of entitlement. The world doesn't owe you respect, it doesn't owe you capital, it doesn't owe you access. You are the portal, with your mouth, with your hands you are meant to engage with the universe and construct the vision you have in your mind. Successful people rarely make excuses, the truth is they hold themselves accountable. It was today I realized I wasn't just making excuses for the second, the minute , the hour, I was excusing unfulfilment for a badly lived life. The choices I made were reflecting the individual I was becoming. On paper I sounded good, career wise, my exp

The truth about Money and Why you dont have it

Its easy to talk money, especially when your broke. Yet one thing i've discovered is wealthy people have a different style of management when it comes to their finances, a different belief system, and a different ethos. Human beings are complex, we all want to conform, and yet we want to be rich, we want to be wealthy. If wealthy people acted like 'normal' people, they would be broke. Everybody talks, everybody has their own style of wisdom from their years of experience, yet when you seek out advice from the wrong people and expect your life to take a certain path you will find yourself in trouble. Nobody goes to a homeless man to ask him how to build a mansion, nobody goes to a blacksmith to ask him how to paint a Monet, we seem to have a habit of letting others who seem to have it together, give us bad advice. Its like going to a hairdresser with a messed up hair do and expecting your hair to come out looking phenomenal, dude that's Russian roulette. So lets foll

Elias and Avril (Excerpt short story)

"Have you ever watched someone destroy themselves, because of something you did?" I stared deep into the Aqua of the Ocean, caught in the memory of it. Pretty little thing. Fucked up pretty little thing, now your life is unwinding like the rope I tied around my neck as a child. Swing, Swing. It was bizarre to love you. " Does she still think she's loosing her mind?" His voice was heavy like the fog. I looked over to see Elias a giant above me, domineering, intrusive upon my wake. Both our eyes shared the same blackness. " Perfect little thing, how can you not tell," " When your walking into a mine field." Elias grinned devilishly. Some would say we were sinister, my twin sister her lover and I. I do not always claim all her belongings, and yet Elias was something I had always wanted for myself. " They cant prove its murder, if we drive her to claim her own life, the chaos, the drama of it all," he did a Shakespearian wave so

The insanity of Longing

Practice for a mind to recycle itself, here I stand. Without my wealth Treasures hidden Tongue as sore Whispers drowning me Far from shore I have been North I have been West Yet I see it now That I was blessed All these nuggets Within my lane Yet greed can drive A mind insane

Six figure Strategies for success: Key 1

So it begins, the quest for prosperity, the longing to develop the force of will and strength of character to rise as phoenix from the flames of chaos. You picked up this book because you have a longing, there are questions like parcels knocking at your door. Each person is a gateway to your financial access. You picked up this book, because you are at a crossroads, you are tired of being a spectator to other peoples success, you are tired of slogging in a role that consumes all your time, a position which has now defined you, and you are tired of feeling as though you were being left behind. Is it a race? In fact it is, they call it the rat race, yet we do not dwell on thoughts that carry us to positions of lack, you are rediscovering, that your strengths can be communicated across a platform. Welcome to blogging. You are an active participant in the digital role, creating threads of conversation with your followers, engaging them in thematic debates, and ensuring they are aware


Don't struggle in the quicksand For they will see you drown Allow yourself to sink While you become the clown The politics of people Who worship all your Suffering Who aim to see you bare To witness you With nothing For day will have their day And God will laugh on them And as the chaff their blown Away These paper clip men Continue with your striving And all your awesome plans Reach out for branch And cling for life  

The dungeons

It was the wayward ones that requested for life to begin. Asking questions of a life that paralyzed them. They wanted so much more than this, and as the world belched out, the pain of promise yet to arrive, held them in a state of captivity. It was done, and it was questionable, Menelik hated playing hero to young girls who were starved of all their dreams. Girls who took a wrong turning in life’s obstacle course and here he was, the defender, the protector, the healer of all wounds deep. He lit the Cigarette, felt the Tobacco swell on his insides, he gulped and swallowed hard, as he wrestled with discomfort in the seat of the green Toyota. “Why do you hate being a detective, so much?” “Because I have my own life to save.” He glanced briefly at Vivien Marx, he hated her idealism on most days, but today, she was the worst version of herself. All sunshine and daisies. It was too much for a Monday morning Stretch. “I just think…” she began, then ran long fingers through

Evein (Vampire story)

“ Somebody did this to me, and I wanna know who?” Evein glared at her parents angrily, their narrow gazes shrinking even deeper as their usually mocha skinned daughter was turning an almost pale shade of brown. “ Keep it closed dalton.” She hissed as her little brother reached to peel the ivory curtain back. “I don’t get it, you don’t like light?” “ It hurts. It feels like someone piercing you with a thousand needles.” “And the guy at the bar, you don’t think he put some psychotic in your drink,” “ Dolly im not gone crazy,” “Its called metamorphose, or morphic, it’s a drug, that’s” “supposed to stop your heartbeat, yet somehow keeps you alive.” Evein patted her fro gently, she wanted to take it off. Why pretend as though you stood for culture and clarity when all of a sudden you’d fade to nothing, when that gold orb tasted the blue sky. Christ she’d read vampire books, series that nullified any belief that things beyond the grave existed, a myth created by a v

Colin Lane (Short Story)

Shit I hate Colin Lane. Shit I hate Colin Lane. I wrote it five times in my journal, and then I scribbled in on the toilet walls, next to Punk Fish Woz Ere 2018. “That bastard thinks he knows everything, he’s a total Jimmy knows it all.” “ Jimmy knows nothing.” My friend Surinder echoes. Were sitting in the diner bitter as fuck. Lane has done it again. “ How did he snag that last point in the spelling bee,” I shift my glasses higher up my nose and scan him with my xray eyes,” scum, look how smug he is.” Sunny leans in to study Colins lean frame opposite us. Confession, we both had a major crush on him when he first moved into the neighbourhood. He looked athletic, lean tall, he looks like one of those teenage boys you’d see in an advert and wish they would talk to you. He’s taller than most of the boys in our year group, and his voice has broken already too. “ Another book I see.” Surinder tilts a brow as we scan our arch nemesis. He’s running thick hands through sle


  “ I am terrified of letting the world in. It’s not the worlds fault, i am scared to let go.”   My name is Mylene Klausman. Yesterday my boyfriend played Anthony Robbins in the car for the last time. Jesus, it was killing me. Not Robbins, My guy, total hypocrisy. “ This guy changed my life Mylene!” he announces over the speakers, yet everything stays the same. Our routines are the same, we get up at 7.30, i actually get up at 8 but he wakes me up with all the pacing up and down the house. Or sometimes he’s up at four and he decides to switch the lamplight on and talk about politics or something just to hear his own voice. I think we are growing apart, or two different people, the sentence is rehearsed over and over in my head. It claims every space in my mind, yet in the early hours i am sticky with sweat, after intense lovemaking. After conversations that trail deep into the night, where i find myself second guessing myself because Eden is getting way too intense. “There’s a

Selene (Short Story)

“ Did you look see? Did you look?” Because i haven’t looked at the scars just yet, the beating my best friend gave me after our ‘just fight’ at the local market. I am shivering with rage, my mouth is burdened with words, and i am burdened with sorrow. “ Just look at it,” My cousin Aaliyah says “ face it, thats a lot of rage.” “ I didn’t even see it coming.” “ Neither did we.” My family survey my swollen features. I know their swollen, because everything throbs, everything sports, yet there is a blackness there, but the ache has not begun yet. I am not yet longing for answers. I have all the jigsaws in my head, betrayal , jealousy. The conversations roll out like Polaroid films in my mind, the flashbacks consume each night, everybody around me is on tiptoe. I was on tiptoe. In my mind i know the conversation i would have wanted to have with Selene, perfect Selene who i had idolized once upon. Selene with the Movie star smile , shapely legs and dimpled brown eyes. She cont

Joshua Pavis: Man on a Mission

As redebony mentioned previosuly, I am a hockey player, currently playing for the Great Britain U21s and the University of Nottingham. From now on, I will be sharing brief accounts and thoughts of some of my experiences as an international hockey player; from travelling across the world, to how I prepare for a game, to what I get up to, in my spare time, well what little of it I have. I hope you enjoy it. It starts off as one lesson a week at school, something that school has to do to ensure we are doing enough physical activity. Then it becomes a hobby, something to pass the time when you're bored with your mates on a sunny Summers day. After a while, it becomes your passion, something you are always thinking about. And then, before you know it, it becomes you're life, the only thing you worry about. We always hear about the ‘Power of Sport’ and how it changes people’s lives. For some people, it didn’t just change their life, it became their life. When all your everyday

Joshua Pavis: Pavis packs a Punch

The handsome man you see before you is the engaging Joshua Pavis of the Great Britain Hockey team. A hero in Sport, Josh’s skills and delivery extend beyond the field. To his efforts with Sports aid, and various other charities. The 19 year old from Notingham is an elite athlete with great potential, and a huge flurry of international fans. Unstoppable on and off the field Josh’s motivation comes from a need to be the best he can be, and a desire to keep facing challenges. A terrifying opponent on the field for one key reason, Josh Pavis has a strict regiment that would impress both Mike Tyson and Usain Bolt.Yes indeed you heard it here first, the Pavis packs a powerful punch. The week begins with Monday Strength conditioning, Tuesday 1 hour school session, 2 hours Beeston 1 st XI session,Wednesday Development/England U21 Training Day, Thursday 1 hour school session, 2 hours Beeston 1 st XI session, Friday s&c session, Saturday rest and Sunday Beeston 1 st XI gam

Million dollar countdown idea number 8 Media mogul

For those of us who enjoy flicking across the pages of a magazine why not start your own magazine in your own Niche. Guess where the money's in? Subscriptions and advertising, that's right, not to mention sales. You build your own online magazine and sell a specialised product from it, it could be Auntie Sue's Chamomile tea brand, your very own carrot Cake recipe or even better maybe your offering membership for an elite business advice forum. Whatever it is, build a large following, and make sure the people you love, love you enough to sign up and spread the word. From making chomp change, with a mailing list of up to 500 people alone you could go to bed with a smile on your face.