The online Portfolio. Whether your a graphics nerd, or a creative with a passion for enterprise articles, what you need is to step out of the me zone and think of the we zone. There are millions of creatives out there looking for great sites to load premium content, why not start one in a unique niche. For example i specialise in writing business and digital marketing articles, or brand specific journalism. What would be great if when i started i found a site that offered me the opportunity to showcase my articles, or have companies purchase my articles, and buy pieces of my work or pay me for my labour. Online you find a lot of companies offering you this service yet your always supposed to do it for free. Or you spend monumental time doing a series of articles for .20 p. A premium site specialised specifically for commisioning portfolios would bring in a shed load of revenue, and opportunity for freelance writers. Link it to adsense and an advertising network, introduce some affiliates and your laughing.
Invited to audition For Miss Great Britain England and Miss Great Britain Africa Founder of the Lunchbox Millionaire Company #HecticEpileptic
Tuesday, 23 January 2018
Countdown to one million idea 4 to help boost your bank account
Ever heard of slicing the nugget open? Well here at Redebony the hotspot team are determined to help you do just that. Wether you've quit your job and are being given the heave ho in the benefit line, put down by office politics and looking for an alternative to maintain a bit of self belief, eager to cash in those blank cheques and bring in a wallet of smiling royals. I have just the ticket. Your mental ATM, wether your tired of circling unemployed in the job advertisement ads, fed up with buying everything on a budget, here's to sunning yourself on the beach.
Profile of idea one. Your advertising platform. Many of us have heard about the million dollar homepage by Alex Tewy, yet here's the Million dollar home page with a kick. It consistently generates revenue with people advertising £2.50 per pixel for each square on the platform, there are a million pixels, a blog for discussions and a community forum for trade. It will also have a job board. The aim of this product is to build an e community of entrepreneurs, who market and promote their brand, whilst paying a fee. If one wants they can add video, this will be a premium charge, and each individual will have their own contacts within a network to trade in. All other features they want to add will come with the premium upgrade. As you build up the blog, and you attend networking events and marketing or enterprise events, you create a very interactive idea number 4.
Countdown to your Million idea number 3 The community trade enterprise
It was a dream that woke you, a vision that shadowed you, and now it consumes you. Your hunger to be so much greater than what you were yesterday, this vision has made you embark on a journey. This journey is about to change your life. When I started writing my book Lunchbox Millionaire I had no idea I would create such a powerful network, and become such a pronounced digital influencer. My aim was to learn certain skills, and to become a more consistent blogger and entrepreneur. I had a myriad of ideas some were catastrophic,others I felt evangelised me. I learned many things along the way, one of them was the importance of consistency. I have a habit of liking new things, the fresh zeal of abandoning an old idea for something fresh, pronounced, with the prospect of helping me arrive at my destination so much quicker. I've always had the tenacity but lacked the sustained momentum, yet in business I learned these key traits and in life. It is more than the initial excitement. The burst and the new zeal. For example they always say a puppy is not just for Christmas, it is a living , breathing thing, it requires feeding. A dream is the same. It is its own animal, it requires fuel, tenacity, and more than glorious leaps, consistent steps, and action. Yesterday's talk must become tomorrow's action, your processes are a symptom of your belief. To raise the capital, to be financially independent, when you reach the experience of mental drought, you must be willing to push beyond it and find a well of resources, and nuggets of information that remain untapped. A whole reservoir now for idea number three
A community trade enterprise. Thats right people there is money in the word community, whether its an online portal or a network of people sharing ideas you can use buddy press to create your own social network on wordpress, and commit to selling trade to your network of friends , family, and prospects. The key is as follows, inform friends, family, neighbors that you are building a community trade portal, which will give them a platform to showcase and sell their services to make more money. There is a small membership fee, and they give you a percent of the revenue they make. Why will this work because ebay, and sites like amazon, even etsy are very commercial, and very competitive. It is a great side income, and when your ready it would be great to expand it. Inform your local community centre, youth centre, and business centres of what your doing, there is government funding available, it will make you an intricate fabric within the community, and make you a key point of contact for many businesses.
Countdown to your million idea number 2
If you like your literature and your loose with the lingo as a creative spirit produce your own branded ebook series on your website and offer online marketing, affiliate advertising partnerships allowing brands to advertise through your book. Build your following and sell your book to your online community through Social media channels like facebook, instagram, twitter. You can produce a book on Kindle, Lulu, Patreon,and multiple platforms. Have a blog linked to your book, promote excerpts, or chapters on various sites such as reddit, quora, even Vocal media, have a newsletter updating your readers and a subscription list.You can use Mailchimp but the key is to enjoy what your doing have fun creating, and share your journey with positive people around you. Amanda Hocking Grossed over a million with her self published ebook series, if she can do it, why cant you?
Build a community around you, every community starts from home. If you dont have friends you have family, you can go to literary events, festivals, book clubs, spoken word events, start connecting and share your new product excerpt out there. Offer special deals, and promotions, and get the word out there about your brand. Ask to guest blog on other peoples sites and request they review your book or profile it on their page. Join facebook groups and ask people to share your book on their page or like yours.
Monday, 22 January 2018
Making money talk to you
making money talk to you
Poverty is the price you pay for not fueling the minds inquisition.A curious mind asks questions. You must aspire to be more than your current circumstance, by encouraging your mind to be a problem solver. How do you make your mind work with you, to create wealth, and open up a dialect that develops financial security. Many people believe the answer primarily lies in saving and working a nine to five job, what about the entrepreneurs, what about the great thought leaders, what about those who think outside the box. You must be willing to step outside the box, and turn challenge into triumph by asking some key questions. How can I acquire capital by problem solving? How will this idea assist others and benefit me at the same time, what problem am I solving? How can I evolve this idea that I've had, and make it generate an income. Tap into community, and build a network whilst you develop the unique selling points of your product. What does it tackle? How does it give the customer peace of mind?
Have a mind map where you sketch out your ideas.
Develop the notes you've drawn upon, outlining the strengths, weaknesses , threats , opportunities in a separate line of paper
What is the objective? What is the goal? How do you transform this series of notes into something visual, aesthetic and interactive, how do you create enough presence, and enough of a demand for the public to want it?
Why would they want to invest in this product? What is the competition out there like, what is this product similar too, where are the examples of this product selling out, who has produced it or made something similar and now it is a hot sell.
Know your demographics. Understand your audience and why they would scout for a product like this, what about this product will make an impact, how will it cause a ripple effect in the market, don't look at it just from the eye of a creator. Look at it from the eye of an investor. Read articles on how to become an investor, watch YouTube videos with investors so you get a sense of what they look for when they are looking to invest.
Thursday, 18 January 2018
How to make your one minute million
One Minute Million
Websites,Blog understand the keen interest of your target audience. Navigate as much traffic to your site as possible, the more traffic, the more hits the more likely you are to appeal to the search engines and become highly ranked. Use such things as google adsense, cpc and cpm ensuring your target audience navigate with ease to your site.
Content is always king. The more delicious the information you provide, the more resourceful your website is the more likely people will be interested in taking the time to seek you out. Create as much buzz around your topic as possible using key things such as chitika, and pay attention to what's hot in the search engines. What's trending and how can you create distinct memoratipi content which will make audiences want to comeback for more. Your content has to be juicy, meaty, excited, your tags must me things audiences are likely to type into the search engines .If your topic iintimidating break it down, it takes smallsteps to finish a mile. Do the research,what resources can you provide your target audience. What tidbits of juicy information can you provide. Use the google keyword tool pay attention to what your compextortion has produced. How can you create better content what is missing in what they've produced. How can you feedintro their hunger for knowledge of this topic. There is one reason why they came to you for this topic, you had the goods and they were starving, are you ready to feed the five thousand.
As your site builds up in rank the million,money is all around us it is the information we see but often don't take advantage of. It is the creation of a useful mind, use your wealth on a topic to invite them into your world of information.Are you a banker with a world of wisdom on mortgages? Are you a mother with skilled tips on recipes and child rearing? Are you a journalist with an insightful pen or an athlete, use what you know as the foundation for your climb and challenge yourself. Oge mind is a map of ideas and with your information skeleton you can build a foundation for yourself and fill it out. Why are you the right person to discuss this topic? What skills andaccomplishments do you bring to the table,are you well versed and have researched this topic thoroughly, we're you successful in business?
Hook audiences with effective titles grab their attention and keep them coming back for more.
Money does not befriend the lazy, or the simple of heart, use your ideas and invest your time creating effective
Give out stressballs with your blog address and signature strip
Use creative compliment slips to thank people for signing up to your blog
Engage audiences in key discussions and debates in forums
Market and network via Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked in
Get people buzzing and talking actively
Make your blog or website interactive, have coffee and biscuit nights, or if you prefer the splendour of delicious meals
Make blogging fun, throw a blog or website party asking people to sign up and discussing some key topics which you think would be of interest to them
Provide an ebook, or an ebook mini that people can purchase for free if they sign up to your company or your website and
Go to business events and conference, offer local businesses the opportunity to pitch their products so long as you get a commission from it when they advertise or are profiled on your site
Request that they provide the same service for you
- Hold your own forum and have them pay a fee to
- Host a regular interactive tea/ Coffee party where members can sign up and network with each other
- Sell tickets to your own private event, where you will be giving away branded products
- Offer a mentorship program for those who are interested in learning your craft
- Offer Saleable business plans in your area that will assist them in guaranteeing their own service
- Sell advertising on an Rss feed
- Provide a radio service like a chat show where members can come unto your site and discuss what their field is and how they got into it, also the services that they provide, the more the audience have a personal experience of them the more they are likely to buy into their products
- Offer advertising in the podcast
- Offer banner advertising
- Offer advertising space for their own million dollar homepage
- Provide an ebook with a database of all the access schemes and discounts they can get for a chosen fee
- Sell a course for those who sign up to your blog
- Provide a yellow pages resource with an information database of grants, loans and other types of funding they can get access to within your chosen area, and sell it for a small fee, marketing it effectively
- Create your own forum sell advertising space to your members
- Build your own social network site offer promotions advertising and opportunities to network with a group of useful clientelle
- Give out businesscards with your blog link
- Have tea parties or Coffee and biscuit nights, call it blog on blast invite people over saying they must sign up offer them a free goodie bag if they do
- Give out Notebooks with your blog and it's design on the front cover, a link and a comment
- Give out tshirts
- Give out Key rings to make your blog memorable
- Have a sponsored event like a sponsored walk to raise money for your blog, website and dinner
- Have a sponsored dinner where you serve rare dishes to raise interest and money for your blog
- Hold a blog/ website launch party
- Give out drink bottles with your branding on it, everyone needs to drink water right
- Hold a sponsored auction to raise money for your website or blog, offer businesses the opportunity to pitch their business ideas and contacts for one minute
- Offer a sales and marketing course on your blog/website where people get the chance to market and pitch all their great idea
- Write an ebook and offer advertising space within the ebook
- You can make money doing Surveys online, some Companies pay you a small fortune just to sit at home and give them the feedback they need
- You can hold a block party celebrating the launch of your blog promoting items and products that are your website, business or blogs signature brand
- You can offer your own business kit and call it business on fire the top ten simple steps to successful business branding, it's important to predict your success rather than see failure. In business sometimes you must see the glass half full in order to succeed
- You can have your own blog radio station where listeners tune in and call a premium number to take part in debates and arguments. Build up your blog, website or traffic audience and you will recieve a flurry of traffic.
- You can sell products for specific companies and recieve a commission. For example two of the more familiar household brand names we know are forever living and Avon, yet there are thousands of companies eagerly looking for Sales men and Sales women to market their products online. Every business needs a Salesman or Sales woman and you will recieve a tidy commission from every item of theirs which you market and sell
- You can be paid as a freelancer writing articles on a particular topic or subject, some people leave their jobs and do this from home primarily
- You can be an infographer freelancing for an infographics company
- You can be commissioned for an idea
- You can organise a raffle or a lottery ensuring you have built up your traffic to monumental heights, whoever wins gets a free prize
- You can organise your own online business centre/ forum for startups or people like you, to find staff, negotiate business deals, buy products and of course advertise. The more interactive your business/blog or website is the more audiences will want to be part of it. Know whats trending, understand the Social Spectrum. You are not just guessing the needs of your target audience. Your visiting the sites they visit, taking in the languages they use, understanding the topics which spark the most interest. Audiences are not robots. They are passionate at times, vulnerable, angry, excitable bored, driven desperate for opportunities looking for keys that unlock the gates of success, they are human. Individuals who are complex and with much sincerity you have to understand the complexity of their needs. You will not succeed if you do not take the time to negotiate the interests of your target audience
- You could hold a focus group inviting people of the right age bracket.Join me on my journey towards my million
- Facebook:Otatade Okojie, redebonyhotspot, Twitter: @redebony1
Million dollar countdown
Self belief is the master of success. You have to believe in not just what you can do now, but that you can push the boundaries and meet your targets exposing your potential. It is you and yourself, your in a race with yourself, allowing neither demons or the insecurities of others to corrupt you. The more you try and succeed the more people will talk, and try and pull you down, you have to keep your head up because the path to success is riddled with curious obstacles which choose to come alive. It is your discipline that will get you there, it is your focus, but most of all it is your mentality. Put your brand out there, and navigate through the masses, advertising your niche.
Many people make the mistake of making their target audience too general. You need the right strategy, and that strategy means engaging your audience, and compiling a list of strengths of your product, and why it makes your clients lifestyle more accessible. That's right have a client in mind, be age specific. market your brand on or sites, social media like Facebook, Twitter, histogram, hub pages; drive traffic to your site by offering interactivity. Your mind should be a place of infinite ideas, your audience is out there, you just have to either do some market research yourself, or outsource to a media company offering a percentage of the commission for each client they refer towards you. Include recruitment companies and speakers to get the word out there, there is power in spoken word. Network at key events for example utilise your business centres, your community centres, even your ground centre, definitely where an audience gathers, because each individual is a potential sale.
Be realistic, and empathetic, why should they give you their hard earned cash, because your offering another saleable, microwaveable product. A product that makes life much easier, you may have a tight pitch, but you are not a salesman, you have experienced some of these problems yourself, and are trying to instigate a positive and productive change.
mindset towards a millionaire
Friday, 5 January 2018
Meghan Markles season of deliciousness: Hottest outfits to hold
This Vixen has brought a fashion flurry and delicious delicatessen to our doorsteps. Since the arrival of Meghan Markle we have not stopped flicking through an array of clothes in our cupboards. Maybe it's that dimpled smile, the elevation in her step, the polished Hollywood Glam, yet something about this new addition to the Royal Household makes us want to empty wallets and put on some international charm. Whether your old, new, wanting something borrowed , or feeling a little blue, her charisma is not lost on you, and with this Fashionista making trends that's turning heads, sending Ripples all over the continent, check out Meghan Markles top 10 hottest style seductions, and don't be a fashion fugitive.
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