
Showing posts from November, 2014

The Road Not Taken

by: Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,  And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;  Then took the other, just as fair,  And having perhaps the better claim,  Because it was grassy and wanted wear;  Though as for that passing there Had worn them really about the same,  And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black.  Oh, I kept the first for another day!  Yet knowing how way leads to way,  I doubted if I should ever come back.  Somewhere ages and ages hence:  Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by,  And that has made all the difference.

The Victor

by: C. W. Longenecker If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don't.  If you like to win but think you can't,  It's almost a cinch you won't.  If you think you'll lose, you're lost.  For out in the world we find Success begins with a fellow's will.  It's all in the state of mind.  If you think you are out classed, you are.  You've got to think high to rise.  You've got to be sure of your-self before You can ever win the prize.  Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man.  But sooner or later, the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can.

That girl

"She's mad, and i told him because he needs to know that the woman he married," i sank on the seat opposite the mirror, " Is terrified of age and punishing the world for it.My wife my Wife," Leanna Mimimicked. Her fathers praise rang through her eardrums turning her stomache like a washing machine. "she tried to kill her because she's jealous, because she's ugly rotten on the inside, mad and forgotten," "What do you mean forgotten?" " Mum feeds off attention. you think its about how we feel, or that men on the street don't wolf whistle at her anymore, she lost a job that made her feel powerful, and here she is cooking up ways to destroy the life of a girl half her age if she could kill her she would, but not for us, not because we feel bad," Leanna took in a long sigh. " Because she's sick of herself, and nobody sees it but us. The dresses that dont fit. The friends who dont pick up her calls anymore, she

How to be a blockbusting bestseller

Business isn't just for a brilliant mind, it is accessible to everyone if you have knowledge of the digital platform. Search engine optimisation is key to success, whatever your marketing tool. Know your analytics as effectively as you know your brand. Have a keen eye and a unique selling point. What is yours ? What is the angle you aim to connect to your target audience? They speak in a language you can understand, but listen carefully. It is beyond simple questions, it is the engagement in sources that are trending, the celebrity impact, media, and culture. Know your audience like the back of your hand, how would they navigate the aisles to find your product. If you could pitch your product in simple, precise lines, how would you do it? For example Lianna is releasing a new self published piece to assist the promotion of her work. How will she market her piece and her brand.  She would promote herself with useful and resourceful articles about her area of expertise and cre

Destination of a dream warrior

image by Gilad Life is a game of charades, everybody playing their social character. To yourself, always be true, be honest, know who you are. Dont let anyone steal your greater self, it is the promise of a burgeoning future. We are not icarus. Man has looked up at the sun, landed on the moon. We are visionaries, and with hope, we pick ourselves up and lead to our destination. Those who hunger to be great, it is a journey, and we all take our own clever route. As you hike up that mountaintop, dust from sandstorm stinging your eyes, know what you may become. See your infinite potential.

Strengthening Self esteem and fueling Self forgiveness

For 3 years someone tried to make me feel so bad about myself , so insecure so small, because they themselves felt inadequate. It was a choice they'd made within themselves, and it was supposedly my fault this person hadn't built up a healthy respect fort themselves. Validated their self esteem. I was called a Nigga consistently, by a black family, ridiculed, made to look small so they could entertain their guests. Here's what i say to people like this. In the long run those you try to destroy can build themselves back up from you as far away from your toxic self hatred as possible. The people you try and ridicule them to, are like smoke, you know when it's present but it will never last. Everybody likes attention , everybody likes to be given attention. This happened because once upon a time id had the empathy in my heart to show kindness to a guy that was lonely, lacking and had no self esteem. I didn't judge the job he did, or act superior or as though i

How to spot a looser and run

Losers are people with mental and emotional drought.The guy who lacks creativity, ideas, but most of all wisdom. He may have a child, yet his focus is not on the progress of that child, his focus is on competing with you and what your doing. How else do you see a  looser? Looser are always seeing that others have done things wrong. Their like a cancer always eager to suck your life energy and your time bringing about tales of everybody else's failure, yet you look at the state of their lives, this person doesn't even want to try. The only way they can win is by tes. They are the gossips that distract you with tearing down the spirit of others, they are the gossips who distract you with tales of every life story, every disappointment. The worst thing in life is to be a second hand victor, that means you succeeded only because you either encouraged the failures of others, or you took great pleasure in glorifying yourself as things went from bad to worse for them. Their disa

condemning the cowards

What makes a coward? A selfish person who wont deal with their unresolved issues. A discontent manipulator who is too involved in your life, to want to deal with the discontent in theirs. A man who feels brave enough to take on a woman but never has the backbone to face men his age. Someone who spends time looking for the trouble of those who they believe are weaker than them. Those who can never take responsibility for their poor actions. Those who do malicious things and try and jusify them to themselves, choosing to ignore the balance of right and wrong, those who neeeeeeeed to be the centre of attention constantly, as though the world needs to revolve around them. The forever victim, No one needs people like this in their lives. Life is hard enough.

Mincing the manipulative

Its not that manipulative people, dont understand boundaries, its that they dont respect them. Your boundaries are up because you respect yourself, it is your way of protecting yourself. Manipulators are takers by nature, if your dealing with someone who is selfish and controlling, you have to ask yourself one question. How long am i going to dishonour myself and put up with this. Clever manipulators are reciprocal at times, they can appear giving, but consistently despite their behaviour being wrong, they will look for consistent validation of it. Is this person forever contacting you to have their needs met, and not yours. Is this person forever playing the blame shame guy with everybody else, but they can do no wrong? If you are someone who is consistently being told what to do by an entitled manipulator, how long will this lifestyle be paradise. If your a man how much longer will you be emasculated like this, their behaviour continues because your an enabler. Enablers get wal

This is you: Poem

image from amiller designs I stood still,  for you  Time couldn't,  She's like clockwork.  You're not.  I've wasted 3,656 days on you  Work it out  It's a troubling equation  An ideal,  Holding idealist hostage  A crack heads illusion,  Tainting realities fate,  Hope was brown eyes,  Sparkling with charisma  You were the speech,  The gypsies promised.  You were the speech The gypsies promised   We dreamt of things  United in our failure  A fading bliss  The world would punish  We left salt in our mouths.  We left salt in our mouths   We marched corners of  A postcard  Grinding our teeth  Roaring oxygen out  Clothes have been folded  For over a year  Folded clothes have been here  for over a year  I hold my breath,  You have nothing left,  This is the you  I should have met. Written by Otatade Iseghohi Okojie