
Showing posts from April, 2014

Weak moments are allowed

image by iraqiguy We all have our weak moments, what's even more pathetic, are the people who use your weak moments to validate their lack of self esteem. Your destruction is how they get their kicks, and if they break you, they believe they will be happy. Sadly people like this show themselves for what they are, the reveal the pieces that are them, the broken images, the jigsaw of a shattered reflection, they cant bare to look at. The reality is they invite destruction into their own lives, they reveal themselves to those around. The wallpaper cracks are very visible. Here's a reality cheque sometimes we need to cash, if someone invests that much time in breaking your spirit, in putting you down, they must be pretty damaged inside. No matter how small they make you feel, remember you must be pretty important for them to invest so much time in tearing you down. Just remember, our weak moments, our silly moments, vulnerable, embarassing, even our humiliation is all worth

The Legends were one

image by monephoto's The poets corner the silent streak We walk the night We fear the reek The silence of it all The crisis It is the crisis and the narrow minds sink still we think at large And not at will For those who dare We dare to dream The strength we hold we keep within For it was the silence it was the silence that captivated and the wrong one's still.

Taunting someone else's toxic spirit

image by aherim Sometimes people will try and tear down your spirit, they will break you down, spread rumours in an attempt to make you feel inadequate. It is important to always remember who you are because people often tear us down, when their dealing with their own insecurities also. I always say know who you are, when we don't is when we find ourselves in the most trouble. Love yourself and don't let others destroy your spirit, build yourself up. Use books, music, watch things that motivate you, make plans and set new goals for yourself. You can do anything you set your mind too.

High Tide

image by Nyktalgia High tide; The moon has sighed; Destiny is at your side, Confusion whispers; Sweet nothings, Conversations only god should hear Then I sit Or I stand here Double checking the promise of Thoughts left behind , Where are all your marbles, In this life; The ink is slick and wet; I quirk my brow I am perplexed For it is high tide; And the moon Bellows For I am a child once more.

You are the Fire

image Kuschelirmel You are the fire; You are the storm You are ambition Fully formed Like a well with water And a river with fish You are a sizeable dish, A meal for a starving king A brain that navigates With all it's fuel Oil Leaking Pissing into the veins Sweet liquid travelling Into Life's poetic motions; For we are the slim ones here; Sliding between doors And shades in between. Red ebony

Captured inbetween

image by dreamyeyes Deep in between Engine oil pain Puss of old love Yellowing as the Wound continues The root of pain we Decide unnecessary I am my today, And not yesterday I am the eyes that Seek a different Love The hands that Yearn to kiss new flesh And the smile that craves it's Polaroid existence As champagne rivers Drown us in irony, And the tears which Turn eyes to glass Belch out the History of our mistake Our hopscotch youth Recycles itself And the whisper of fear Leaves breadcrumbs in the darkness. Red Ebony

Loveless Shame

image by Beetleman This loveless shame and who am i To claim victory For a love That has no name, A love with shadows Love with Price a tag attached to walls of ice This loveless shame and who am i in this paradise A blind person with all my eyes Eyes cast downwards Eyes on shoes Refrigerator love is much bad news This loveless shame and who am i To claim victory For a love that has no name Red ebony

Completed with extra's: More to add

image by aherim There are warriors in us all; Lions fight Goliaths ten foot tall Though were scared and chomp at bits We climb barriers and out of it Pure vision lies with Strength within A soldier denies to let light dim Fight with passion fight for life we gasp for Oxygen to survive When you fail Fight to thrive This is you upon the edge Standing near a jagged ledge And all those questions That you ask Hidden in Your faded mask Wipe those tears beyond glass eyes For pain is buried Drilled in deep It lulls you when you fall asleep Life as punisher Life as friend Riddles at the start and end Your precipice Your recipe for success within let glowing lights shine and beam Detonate explosions of fear Hold your head up for your still here For your still The soldier rings the shrill alarm, We stand at ease, and remain calm snap our fngers Lick dry lips Tilt our heads Prepare

self in between self

image by Araturiel The inbetween self Of you and I Of me and you And when and why  As we move forward beyond the stills Of mountains dim,  Deep beneath our world Within This endless night.  We fight within  Of fear and flight We capture all the wild ones  Still And as we fight  We fight with fuel For Ghosts that sweep Beneath the realms  The possibilities of an unchained  Mind Leave us restless in our spirits, Hungry in our brains Starved for the knowledge  Our mind it craves. Red Ebony


image by elixite Glass half empty Mind half full You are a brain And watch it tick The clock crows For new wisdom  To be rebirth  The ticking clock  Moves with stealth  Participating in all your mansion Dreams And there you are  Cocooned in the poison  Desolate with fear within For we have risen Beyond Goliath, And thou our Soul  It fight and trieth The glass says  We are wise ones  Still So here we work; The mind a mule ; Enveloped in the whisper of  New dreams. Red Ebony

Short story: The Detective

image by aherm It was the wayward ones that requested for life to begin. Asking questions of a life that paralyzed them. They wanted so much more than this, and as the world belched out, the pain of promise yet to arrive, held them in a state of captivity. It was done, and it was questionable, Menelik hated playing hero to young girls who were starved of all their dreams. Girls who took a wrong turning in life’s obstacle course and here he was, the defender, the protector, the healer of all wounds deep. He lit the Cigarette, felt the Tobacco swell on his insides, he gulped and swallowed hard, as he wrestled with discomfort in the seat of the green Toyota. “Why do you hate being a detective, so much?” “Because I have my own life to save.” He glanced briefly at Vivien Marx, he hated her idealism on most days, but today, she was the worst version of herself. All sunshine and daisies. It was too much for a Monday morning Midnight Stretch. “I just think…” she began, then ra


image by ahermin Enter challenge And the world it spins  I walk topsy turving, tilting on my head Travelling with my dreams instead As high heels click with typewriter precision on the slabbed pavement.  We tip toe on high heels,  Smoke filters into the darkness  Scent of hunger attaches itself to my skin, I am a dreamer and starving still, I am seduced by the night sky  A beautiful black  An Ocean of stars  With each thought picked by me, Enter challenger; Here we stand ; This giant fist This iron man This wing upon; A holy throne When we walk; We stride alone Feet itch They stretch and glide Sweat clasped hands held  Side by side Bodies melt like oil Mind moves with machine authority Click click goes the  type writer of the brain, And when I leave  The smoke remains For the mystery of a life with questions  Sits in corners  On once upon a busy street.  Red ebony


Resonate your Eardrum image by Martinigoesdigital Echoes of a mind well spent Beyond the self That we resent A version of Our shattered selves, We struggle towards our Climactic dreams Epic illusions Of fear Cascading Waterfalls poison pen leaks Heart stop Veins burn Pulse throbs Yet life says You are breathing still Red ebony

Warrior spirit

image by irion1w11 A warrior spirit Cannot be broken still, We fight  With discipline We fight with will Jumping hurdles of the mind Our fears We leave Like Ghosts behind As we inch towards  The ledge  Glaring at an ocean  Where a river is greedy  With dreams. We gaze up at the sun And we say A warrior spirit Cannot be broken still Red ebony 

Eating self education

image by Ml1k The conflict of miseducation leads us to believe we are less than we are. You are more powerful than you know, it is important to look within. Your spirit cannot be broken. Battered or beat. It is simple, refuse to say no to your dreams. Refuse to allow others to tear you down or break your spirit, because the world is full of people who try. If you find yourself attracting toxic people , keep your distance. Toxic people are contaminated, they spread poison, and it is important to build yourself up to Epic proportions. Have your vision in sight and keep moving forward , keep striving toward the change you need, and don't let anyone tear you down.  Or steal your joy. Sometimes people who are unhappy within themselves, are blood thirsty, and hungry to see you fall appart. It makes them feel better about themselves, it makes them feel like they have something in common with other people, Focus on building yourself up, when others are working so diligently to tear

The practitioner

image by dioxx Promise of practise Discipline here We work like mules For dreams that stir The womb of mind With creations within Ideas are your pleasure Ideas are your sin For here I sit Worshipping imagination, As I pivot to jubilation Quizzing, questioning Wondrous worlds Heads are busy Buzz with energy Of our electric world within Red ebony

A choir of us

image by fadinglilly A choir of us and here we chime This love with you This you and I Here we sit Your eyes on me You are everything I see The world it whispers Through pupils Star gazed eyes You are my Atlas The world belongs to us The ocean The imagination we gulp Luck our thirst dry It's you and me And the starry sky Red ebony

Quest for love

image by Tealove A quest for love We search within We perch on Tins  Of broken dreams The chain of life's Evaluated obstacles Questions that collide With answers that refuse to reveal Themselves; This is life with stepping  Stones; Jump, leap , hop  And strive towards freedom,  A well of imagination Of scribble pads, and romance books,  We came we saw We're eager and took. A quest for love We search within Always to arise and win. Red ebony

Beauty of the skin your in

image from: Peel the flesh  It's the skin your in Your wo some tides Your lights were  Dimmed No stranger sits  Right at your side For their aware The mask you hide Unveil the theatre Of old pain The stain of promises Changeling that you are Promises leaking oil and water, Messy dreams Chaos of your mind within Peel the flesh It's the skin your in, Your wo some tide  Your lights are dimmed. Red ebony

The beauty of your own reflection

image by Zhornik Beauty is your souls reflection Celebrate within Abolish self rejection, Age with grace A timeless mind For imagination was never crime; Dreams that lurk in secret caves, Minds that travel beyond graves And all the legends we mistook The answer is; Yes please I accept my own reflection Red ebony

Starving to become you

image by Jeanfan We fight for  What's right in our mind Contesting against Judas's of time Those who lurk And swallow dreams Then gulp it down What a pretty pill they swallowed Here you sit Quivering, Blood pulsing, head thumping Stomach rumbling Throbbing Aching For you are starving to become you Red Ebony