
Showing posts from October, 2012

How to keep your head up when your broken hearted.

Who would have guessed it, the dreams have become an illusion. Nothing leaves you as sore and mistrustful as dealing with a broken heart. All those future plans left cremated, and absence really does make the heart grow fonder. The longing is enough to leave you gnawing at your pillow in frustration. Enough of that. If it could have worked, it would have worked. There were two people in the relationship, and two people needed to put in the work. Give calling obsessively to ask why your partner decided to demolish both your hopes and dreams. The "i need to talks" lets work things out, i don't understand. The hateful rants and "how dare you do that to me's!" I dont deserve it. It's all blah for now. Give them space, but most of all give yourself the time you need to heal. You may need to talk just to understand exactly where you stand, fair enough, yet in the meantime. Hang out with friends Socialise Mix, meet new people Focus on a goal or set a

Knowing what to pay attention to

When I was younger and I had to fight my way through high school, I had a poor Habbit. It was a Habbit that made me popular with my peers, infamous for being gutsy, rowdy and fearless. I tuned my ears, tight, and would listen carefully to all the negative things other girls might have to say about me. Nasty comments, put downs, if someone was trying to bully me or make me the butt of their joke, I would confront them publicly. Ensuring that other people saw how weak they were. Despite the voracity of which I fought back, I began to feel negative about myself. Years and years later I realise my mistake. People will talk no matter what you do. Some of the greatest people in history were ridiculed and torn down, they translated the negative into a positive. They left the talkers to talk whilst they focused on building their self esteem. Growing and enhancing their authenticity. When people tear us down it can be devastating, it rakes up old wounds, different insecurities can be h


Believe beyond your circumstances. You have to it's called survival. It's the only way you can exist with a positive mindset. If you believe in failure, you will fail. If you believe in success, you will have that peaceful smile on your face whilst you climb that ladder a rung at a time. When the explosions happen, or even some dramatic flying saucer blocks your path, your mind is mapped for an exit. You have a goal to reach and nothing is gonna stand in the way of you getting there. image  by oshrit182

Icarus: Are you too close and falling?

Icarus. The story of the boy who flew too close to the sun and came crashing down, one of the most infamous Greek myths of old. There are many Icarus in our society, people who have reached for the sun with both hands only to plummet to the earth. The many Icarus of our Icarus breed warn us how much trouble our greed could get us into,Some give a kind word in our ears warning us of the dangers of our plight, the threats that lurk like ghouls in the air. We know though that we were out of Orbit, it wasn't sheer greed it was ambition, as ammunition. Risks don't always pan out. Then we dust our Ego's off, lull our insecurities to sleep the best we can, and hurl ourselves back on the bucking bronco. We're allowed to take risks, risks that lead to positive progress. You only live once image by catgirlkakari

Elastic mindset:How far can you fly?

Expect the best not just for yourself, of yourself. Have faith in who you are and what you can accomplish, a loosers mindset will set you back 1000 paces, a winners mindset will push you forward. When trial meets triumph, you'll be able to say with much amusement to your doubters, "see I told you I could do it." yet it's not about them, it's about you. How far can such an elastic mind stretch and expand. When I was younger I used to have this saying, "if you told me I couldnt fly, I wouldn't believe you." Now I'm older I say it, and despite all the mist and the smoke in my eyes, if you asked me what I can see?.....I still see that. Someone determined to push forward with such granite belief. We all have that deep within ourselves. Wether it's dancing, singing, being the fastest person to down a whisky bottle in a minute, if someone told you you couldn't do those things you wouldn't believe them, because you've seen it with yo

Recycling respect

Fury gives us amnesia. In rage we forget a friend who sat and listened to our tears. The colleague who supported us during a troubling time, and the family member who seemed to have the answers even when we thought we didn't need them. In fury we become our own lawyers, justifying everything with bullet proof arguments. I've been angry many a time, enraged, pissed off, but when the storm cools most days I can look myself square in the mirror, because despite my anger I'm not scared to put my hands up and say "I was wrong. Sorry."  There are people who literally cant bare to apologise, even if they know they were wrong. A potential apology is replaced by cover up gestures, maybe someone you know screwed up insanely and their bad behaviour is usually smoothed over by jokes, or a "i accidentally pressed your number on my phone," type of comment. Maybe there's a guilty tone in their voice, dont let the anger over take you. Be honest and say. "Ap

Climbing Fences: Trust and why you should Let the world in (again)

If you let me see beneath your beautiful; If you let me see beneath your wonderful..... Emily sande and Labyrinth lyrics How often do we find it hard to let others get close. Close enough to see beyond the barriers we put in place. Barriers that sometimes look like tidy garden fences, then you get close enough and you see it's the great wall of China. Some of us are bold enough to flood the world in. We say to ourselves if you can take me, then i'm ready for you. Others have been made shy through pain, trauma or damage. We let them tip toe in like fingertips across a new keyboard. We invite our 'strangefolk' one slice of pie at a time. We are so neatly cotton wrapped in old regrets, the fear of sinking to the bottom and watching everything come appart, watching those who we grew attached to leave, because their too many flaws we had which they didn't see coming. Suitcases packed, jet pack at the ready. Here's a lesson that I learned the hard way. When your

Navigating to need: How to get things done!

Make what you want what you need, so there are no room for excuses. There's nothing more frustrating than being stuck on planet idea, with no consecutive action towards it. You find yourself amongst a lifetime of great ideas and bad strategy. The worst strategy of all being the favourite, curl up in front of the tv, talk to your friends about how great-no amazing your idea is, and hoping people pat you on the back for how intelligent you are. People will get tired of giving you high fives with absolutely no action and no result. Laziness is the poor man's best friend. Hopefully we are trying to proove to ourselves, not only are we not lazy but were also not afraid of a challenge. Here are the top key needs that are necessary before you face this. 1) First of all smile, it's not torture. You are setting up a series of events that are changing your lifestyle and changing the way you see yourself. 2)Remind yourself why this is fun! Fun! Fun! 3) List all the reasons w

Anger: How to deal with narcissistic people

Anger is defective when dealing with  nasty narcissistic people. You may think sparking yourself up with fury, being the one person that will take them on makes you the hero. Sadly sometimes by default we find ourselves turning into that which we despise the most. Push down on your clutch, that is not your destination. Maybe youre the type of individual that believes if i just show this person the error of their ways, they learn they cant do cruel things to decent people, they'll change. Change is a choice that comes from within. Let their own vicious spirit disempower them. Focus on running your race. If you become the target of their abuse, or malice, make yourself like teflon with your goals,passion, and eagle eyes on your own life and ambitions.If you can make a positive change in your own life, you can make a positive change in the lives of those worthy enough to deserve your attentions. Everybody has insecurities and weak people especially narcissistic strategist will g

How to stop jumping to conclusions

It's easy to jump to the worst conclusions, especially when you've been through the worst. Everyone becomes a suspect for our fear and old wounds release the puss that makes us emotionally chlaustrophobic. An ex cheated on you, your current boyfriend is consistently running late, a best friend was spreading lies about you, what are all these secret meetings your other friends are having without you, your boss wants an impromptu meet, your nerves have gone into over drive. Have more than one conclusion you jump to. Conclusions are such final things. When we consistently make the wrong ones we keep ourselves paralytic with fear and paranoia. We begin to separate ourselves from people were close to. Making snap judgements whilst treading on the eggshells of our mind. Accept this, no matter what someone's intention, agenda, or feeling is, you will rise above it like a phoenix.Maybe it's gut instinct that has the wheels of your mind spinning in motion, there's so

How to deal with feeling left out

Feeling left out? As though your things for sure your not a Martian right now. Who knows maybe Martians are actually cool. Youre allowed to feel different and experience that platelet shift of not being like those around you. Guess what? Connection is needed.Venture out seek like minded positive and ambituos people. Dressed up,or dressed down, remind yourself that you are something special.Worthy of love and companionship. Meeting new people can be exciting, it's not always plain scary. Seeing what you have in common with them, inviting them for dinners, parties, keeping them up to date, and hearing their good news. That's fun. We all have moments when we feel left out, or the people who knew us, begin to feel like aliens in our carefully padded world.Talk to the people you love and care about explaining that you feel slightly estranged. If it's not being able to find the time to keep up, make time....there's always a fold somewhere. Reach out

I love this video Joel Osteen: Knowing what to ignore

I love this video. I probably posted this already, if i have i'm happy to posting it all over again. It is impoortant to know what to ignore. It's tough to know what to ignore. We are quickly and so easily dragged into someone else's mess, unhappiness and frustrations. There are many times in my life i wasted on negative people, only to step back and reassess. I'm not like them. As bitchy as they are, as unhappy as they are. Everything they say is a reflection of their own discontent. You could have ten people, a hundred people, even 10,000 people joining them to criticise and condemn who you are. Especially if youre a positive person or attempting desperately to move forward joyfully and gracefully with your life. Learning to ignore saboteurs and back stabbers is one of the hardest things we will fight to accomplish in our lives. We have to accept, they are unimportant people, crowing to hide their insecurities about themselves behind you. We are all flawed a

Crucifying your critics

Words hurt. Their like chipped glass breaking the surface of the skin, letting the blood taint flesh. Words hurt. I've experienced words that are a corker and catapulted the most immaculate insults. No matter what people say it can not take away simply from who we are. Critics love to criticise, haters will always hate. They do this because you are a threat to them in some way. Because their jealous, or because their not intelligent enough to invest their time doing something more positive. They think the universe will wait whilst they Throw stones. They expect time and age to take pause, or take some leave of absence whilst they shine the dirt off their stones and bring out the binoculars. When I was in high school the ladies had a saying for ridiculous people that do ridiculous things, "you've got time." Now that we're older I understand these girls understand the relevance of this statement. Remind yourself that you are Teflon and fight to hold unto your

Laughter as strength medicine

Laughter is strength. People don't know this, we watch action movies van damme, Bruce willis and so on. We decide that fighting is all about fists, but it's about so much more than that. The strength to laugh during tough times, to find humour and appreciation even in the little things is a building block for greatness. You'll know that when the shit really hits the fan, after you've crumbled, and fallen to pieces time and time again. You've got that quirky little smile on your face that says, you just can't stop me. Give it your best flipping shot. image by meadowkite

Stirring your wheels of momentum

Walks Tape recorder Spidergram Mini sketches Rough list wearing out the living room carpet whilst talking to yourself with tape recorder on Playing music Going for a jog Reading articles Talking to your friends or family about an idea, or a plan, saying it out loud excitedly every morning If you dont start, you wont finish. If you dont start you wont get to the really tough bit, that delicious gooey middle. Only when it's a task it's not delicious, most of the time not so gooey either. It's blocked. This is the challenge that will really test you, really show you exactly what your made of. I've been there many a time. The middle bit comes with a flamboyancy of emotions, From frustrated to furious and in between. It threatens our pride that were actually getting on with something. We begin to feel hostile towards our project and the feelings of inadequacy it may produce. We feel like were back at the beginning all over again. In a sense we are this is ne

Music in the must: Why stalling isn't the answer

What is your must? Anthony Robbins said whatever we make a must we do, things that we say we 'should' do barely ever happen. Or if they do happen, they happen in consistently. There are thousands probably millions of contrived bestsellers with snazzy titles, some are cheaply priced, others cost a fortune. Each book has a series of significant tips, yet things we already know, we buy them anyway, to make it appear in our minds that were doing something. I'm gonna be successful because i bought a book. There is much to learn in literature and self help books are fantastic. Yet there is a simple key, something that stirs within us and purrs like a kitten. Knowledge. Hardwork is key, consistency is the platinum key to any success.Daily repetition, having a goal insight and repeating it with obsession. Research away of course, is what you're doing working for the guy whose worth 3 million, billion, thousands. Is your formula strong. I spent years not taking the righ

Lesson learned: How to deal with ignorant people

Nobody could have predicted my older brothers success exploding as it did. Especially not those women who took it upon themselves to say something nasty or cruel.It was their own need to validate themselves. When I was younger two black women were walking past me and my older brother. My brother is good looking, confident and charismatic. We were simply minding our own affairs, when one woman had said the words "African monkey," and her friend had laughed. I was eleven or twelve at the time. They were not stunning, photoshopped magazine or catwalk models. They were of the older generation, black as we were black, dark as we were dark. I was livid, and stood there foaming at the mouth fist tight anger pronounced. Then I glanced at my brother and to my shock he didn't even care. I couldn't believe it. How could he ignore them, they'd crossed the line, how could they use words like that especially as they were black. I learned early that people who try and mak

Tieing up loose ends with the toxic friend

Man where do i start on this one. We've all, okay maybe 89% of us have experienced the dramatics and calamity Jane Tv that comes with having a toxic friend. You love them, they may even be your best friend but as a relationship you dont function well. The balance may be all off. Maybe your friend is selfish, needy, self involved, great when you have something good, then completely off the radar when your struggling. Do you have a friend that's a complete attention whore, a control freak, or your rolling your eyes because you've realised your friend is all of this and more. I'm gonna surprise you by saying the loose end needs to be tied up within you, and it may not all necessarily be his/her fault primarily. It takes two to tango. Did you constantly have opportunities to tell your friend his/her behaviour was inappropriate, wrong, annoying, yet you specifically chose to take the passive aggressive route? H-E-L-LO Maybe you gave your friend ultimatums constan

Reigning in your resources: How to make money with no money

If you can make money with no money, then you are a king. Making money i've learnt isn't about how much money you have to throw away. Making money is about financial education. How much do you know about what you want to invest your money in and your time in? If you don't know how can you acquire that information for free? Which seminars can you go to? Business networks, or communication events? Who do you know that has done it before you. How can you model what they've done and replicate it, obviously without pinching their ideas, which are probably patented anyway? Who can you go to, friends, family, organisations that will guide you through the reproduction of this.Does this one seed of bloom have the ability to expand internationally, globally. I attempted to run my own business before and learnt very quickly money isn't about how much money your willing to throw. Taking action isn't always about exhausting your piggybank or in the grownup case.....Ban

Victim vanishing act: Focussing beyond sadness

Were allowed to feel weak, vulnerable, fed up, depressed, angry anxious, panicked and them allow yourself to begin to feel empowered again. Focus on a goal you made for yourself and start tackling it. Remind yourself that you are worth more than gold, diamonds, are priceless, and worthy of a royal parade. Okay very über diva. Don't just remind yourself your accomplishing a goal, celebrate the fact that you are doing it. Cultivate a mind of praise rather than fear. You say what you do, and do what you say. Your not a talker, and the world is full of those. Time does not wait for self pity. It's nothing personal life just has too many things to do. Yet when youre in that mode dont beat yourself up even more for feeling down, because guess what?.... You'll feel down for even longer. Remind yourself in life you will have your up moments, and your down moments. It's only human, people wear masks. Sometimes the people we see flashing teeth twenty four seven are not genui

The muscle behind motivation

What drives you do you know? Sometimes we're motivated by anger, resentment, the need for change, the hunger to find ourselves in a better financial situation, the passion to prove a point and the need for escape. If we are the guns, our drive, which forces our actions are the trigger. What happens when a gun is fired? Instant impact. I am very much against the use of firearms, so this post isn't to encourage anyone to pick up a weapon. Actions are like bullets in the air, you never see a bullet being fired out of a gun, what you do see is the damage and the chaos once you hear that sound. Let's make positive impact instead of the negative. Once you've sounded that alarm about a goal, an ambition, a choice you are to make ensure, the impact takes place within you.This means instantly celebrate the fact that your taking charge of your personal future, instantly celebrate that you met the demands, and didn't hold yourself hostage by praying for the back handed hig

Sizzle of social networking:Why i love them

I'm sure there are loads of negative things about social networking, if your desperate enough to find them. For example Jeremy Kyle the talk show hosts hates social networks,it gives already bored people, the opportunity to waste more time stir trouble and evade employment. social networks are extremely successful because society is driven by a need to connect.People who appear cold and distant as format, come home from an exhaustive day at work and guess what? They want to bitch about it. Not just to people at home, but to those outside of their bubble. "My day was crap," "i'm being terrorised at work," "my ex girlfriends moved on and is dating a guy i hate," " my boyfriend might be cheating on me." Translation? Is anybody else going through this agonising pain i'm feeling, the hollowness of depression, the bitter after taste of rejection and a flood of thoughts that are literally strangling the simplicity out of the world

Can winning the lottery ruin your life?

There have been a few documentaries on how winning the lottery ruined the lives of people who literally overnight became worth millions. Can they truly blame it on the money though? People who became human ATM machines, or complained their money either alienated people or brought about a sense of paranoia. Money has and always will bring certain traits to light. If someone has a selfish character, or the people who were in your life show up just to play sucubus, who they are will become more apparent because their greed has more to acquire.If you feel as though your being used, take a stand. Dont throw expensive parties to exhaust what you have, and then complain the people you were advertising yourself for, actually showed up because of your advert. There are loads of lottery winners who managed their money well before hand, and managed their friends well also. When that million came, they probably handled it the way they handled most of their money, bought a few treats here and

Fighting fear with Fire:Tugging at creativity

Some lies are allowed. Like when your confidence is on its last legs, your struggling to find the motivation to take charge of a task and your goal seems so big because inside you feel so small.Talk yourself up. If anyone can do this i can do this. I've got the confidence, creativity,strength and the guts. It's already been done before. If it hasn't been, im the one to bring such a positive spectacle to light. I have the charisma, the drive, i'll find the structures to drag this rogue bull by it's stubborn horns.... i'm just about ready to show it whose boss. Maybe i am encouraging delusions of grandeur in my audience, but guess what,we are not deluded. From walking on the moon, building Spaceships,Christopher Columbus refused to believe the world was flat. For his 'delusion of grandeur' the travel industry throughout all the 'international incidences' is guaranteed to make millions every year. He unleashed the Christopher Columbus in all of

Ditching the dating Blame game

Unintelligent Cringe worthy So not my type, I scribbled another list of why I should move on from the wrong guy, feelings of pain and bitterness etched in my heart, I realised something. I could spend a lifetime pointing the finger and insulting the guys I'd made the mistake of showing affections, or I could take responsibility for the poor choices I was making. I chose them. Despite knowing in my spirit these guys weren't for me, they were not guys who would respect me because they didn't especially have much respect for themselves. Life was teaching me a lesson. I could either rot where I was and end up bitter and twisted or embrace a key message, there was a lesson to learn here. Value yourself, respect who you are, and celebrate the positive choices you've made within your life. This is your life and no one else's. You are bound to make mistakes.There is no such thing as an immaculate human being. We are all deliciously flawed.The importa

Bounce back mentality: Combating negative self talk

Today was about to be a kick myself day. I had a plan, and hadn't predicted that when the morning rolled in, not only would I have missed out on some sleep and wake up exhausted, my frame of mind would have sunk to an almost depressed compressed state; there would be a string of rebuffs, rebuttals, insults for myself a mile long. I was furious with myself. Things needed to go according to plan, and I needed to prove I could validate myself. Life doesn't always go according to plan. We'll have high days, low days, moments when energy is sucked out from us through a straw. Do what you can on that day. Listen to what you can if it's classical music motivational speaking seminars, exercise, and take everything a step at a time. Do not overwhelm yourself with negative self talk, you will slip up and make mistakes from time to time;yet for your goal to be accomplished,these moments are where you learn the most powerful lesson.Crippling your imagination and growth wi

Whistle while you work: From vision to action

Sometimes big picture visualisations, distract us from present picture reality. The project or idea we've been working on is going to take actual physical sometimes intense labour. As delicious and juicy as big pictures and starry skys are change needs work. Work that demands sacrifice. Work that makes you exhausted, frustrated, dealing with other's you may not like or plundering through miles of research, gems, and then drought. Methods, strategies, and action which you may not be ready to pat yourself on the back for. It could be years before you see even a glimmer of success, or the people around you start boom boxing their ooh's and ahs. If you dont put the work in you wont get the dream. This is what i tell myself when i'm feeling lazy, or dragging my feet. I believe in the law of attraction, and harvesting a positive mindset attracts positive things, yet when your trying to get past a milestone, i believe a good balancing act of action and reward gets the job

Tuuuuuuuune: Raveonettes Young and Cold

Awesome track. My brother played this for me in his car, and i've been a fan of this song since.We definitely do not want to be young and cold or old and cold! Lets focus on fighting for our happiness.Great music!!!!

Wishful thinking wasted time: How to piss over procrastination

Wasted time. We can never get it back. Wether it's those five minutes, ten minutes, twenty five minutes of our lives we spend in procrastination mode. That clock shows no mercy. Take action, take a risk, on something you care about,are passionate about, or find yourself quizzing that stubborn wooden brain of yours. Be the sponge. Take the risk, even if we fail. We cannot spend or waste our time quizzing ourselves on what could have been. We beat ourselves up in life,kicking sawdust in our eyes. It could have been perfect if we'd only done it like this, or worked our way around that. No wonder why many of us spend much of our lives walking on pins, tiptoeing on giant needles. What if i told you you'd fail the first time,second, twelfth, tenth,100th, how many chances are you willing to take on something you can visualise so perfectly in the peaceful waters of a calm mind. We fail, and we bounce back. Were sore, damaged, broken, cautious, but we bounce, and we have a story

Drop dead dick donkey: How to get over a jerk

As much as i love the concept of karmic retribution, there's another concept i believe in which is that of loss and gain: What do i mean?Drop dead dick donkey. This means after a guy you like has humiliated you, ridiculed you, made you the butt of everyones joke, there's something else. When that laughter fades and that feeling of false heroism. Basically when all the attention runs out, because attention is like....soda, or a burger even...i cant believe i'm going there, but i am. The same things that person found attractive about you,may draw them curiously back to you again. That's right, they actually may have liked you. Maybe they weren't attracted to you, maybe there was some sort of connection there, or a potential friendship. Who knows don't play hard to get, play not to get. Whilst your licking your sorry wounds, train intensely. So you feel good in spirit and your body looks good in shape. Drowning yourself in self pity and garbage food wont leav

Driving Life backwards...How to focus on moving forward

I wanted to scream and shriek. Fling as many things at my target as I could. Bruise an eye, batter a lip. Then I realised I would have done too much damage to myself. Often our fury, our rage is not circumstantial, we are fighting the demons of the past. Pain that lurks with cigar and glass in hand, asking us if we'd like a drink. We often comply then become drunk and dizzy with the memory of our own vulnerability. Growing up I was always told that if you left the lid off food, it would go rotten. Everything had to be covered, protected, guarded, yet the reality is if you leave anything to linger unchecked for a long time there is the possibility of rot. Check yourself, even if it's day to day, looking at goals, acknowledging old feelings, looking for ways to grow and progress. We are only our past if we live there. Driving forwards and looking backwards only guarantees a crash. Focus on the now,and get your clutch ready as you drive into the future. This is your journey

Those mighty mistakes

What do you tell yourself when you slip up. Make a you call it. What we tell ourselves during the down times, when the lights are low and the shadows pace rampant define who we become. Adversity defines strength, chaos is an opportunity for courage. An opportunity to show yourself, what you can become. You are not watching anyone else's window, hovering desperately at someone else is door. You are facing yourself across a chequered board in life's wicked yet at times delicious game of chess. Many times we belittle, insult, and sometimes disregardthe work we are putting in. Disappointed that we are not getting the validation from the rest of the world, we succumb to invalidating ourselves with the fierceness and sharp acuracy of a bully. Why did you do that? That was dumb? Now you've proved them all right, why even try? You try, because the person on the floor in the ring is you, and right now you are also their support structure on the side. The c

David Blaine: Dynamic.Crazy. Or you?

In David blaines ted interview titled how I held my breath for 17 minutes underwater. We awe at his ability to do impossible things. Things that many would define as infinitely crazy. Some of us seek out articles about other brilliant people, hoping their genius and their gutsiness will rub off on us. There is a universe of bravely impossible things that lies within all of us. The ability to master our mindset, turn water into wine and inspire those around us. Look at who we became on that journey, look how high we thought we could soar, we couldn't fly there so we climbed there, each step, each trudge discarding the burdens of our troubled souls. We got rid of friends that said it was impossible, negative influences that turned us into oil in our skin, we put antiseptic words on scars that took years to heal, and reminded our shadows to stay at our sides. This is your journey, you

Naughty vs Nice: Nice guy nausea...Do girls really just go after bad boys

. aurora demasi Girls don't go after nice guys, because nice guys are too nervous to ask them out? Nice guys are too nice? Too easy to leave....give me a break....Pish Posh, i read something like this in a series of articles where guys have harped on as to why women abandon them for mr hot and nasty. I know...Let's play the chameleon game. How about sometimes those 'nice' guys are not what they seem, and even more delicious, Mr nice can turn out to be Mr nasty. Some women tend to chase the hope of a good guy, no one wants to believe they made the wrong choice, and went for the wrong character. Captain charisma who turns out to be nightmare on elm street Neil. There seem to be all these generalised posts online telling men, that if your nice, you'll be walked all over, stamped on. So much lovely advice only leads to delinquent dating. You get genuinely good guys, some even slightly geekish, catch a chinese whisper and the next thing you kno

The question of the shy guy

It's that moment of spotlight.You're the apple of someone's eye. They may hide true identity beneath the blanket of nervous cautious gestures, a series of behaviours that make you feel platformed on a pedastal distract you.Those hypnotic stares, curious appearances, questions about you, or potential ways to be near you and share some communication. Maybe its that quirky way you twist your smile, or that belly deep laughter of yours that could warm them from head to toe. Whatever it is, the ego says yum yum i want more of this....Beauty is a minute, dumb is forever. Have you asked yourself the real reason why you are interested in this shy guy, the real reason why conversations with friends, and all your questions keep you hoisted on this one character, have you asked yourself if it's real or not. I can give you a list of positive experiences with shy guys.....which other people have had...And truly negative experiences with shy guys...truly memorable which i've

How to deal with those who say you cant: Facing the impossible dream

Everyone loves's a dreamer. Their ambition melts off the tip of their tongue like churned butter. They are the artist painting a vision of beauty, and the sales person who has you mentally on the fringe. We all like being dreamers, and someday, sounds so exciting, and so safe. Yet in this lifetime you'll meet people that will choke your 'someday blues' aggressively ask you the intricacies of such a master plan. "Who, what, where, which time, give me a date, give me a number? Explain this goal thouroughly to me, it makes no sense." These people are your best friend. They force us to take actions, make plans, provide timelines, and prove ourselves to ourselves. Talk is very cheap. Anyone can define themselves a mastermind, a leader,a guru of some kind, yet without the hard work and the goals, the structure and discipline to complete these glorious visions, they are heading for a huge fall. Failure is talk without discipline, goals without strategy, a lack

The Bully and the puppet

If your expecting a puppet to be independant and speak up for themselves let alone you, your living a long wake dream. I remember many a time experiencing a bully, and their little side platter friend, and thinking "speak up for me, you know you want to," sadly the reality is, the weak dont suddenly transform themselves into superman over night. The bullies weak side kick, are just happy the attention is not centred on them. So long as their not the butt of the jokes and the laughing stock it's all good. What they tend to do is either join the 'mob' of critics, and crusades against you, whilst pathetically sneaking to your side when no one's there, or conveniently disappear off the radar. Some puppets will allow themselves to be brainwashed, parroting the words an envious bully has provided, or my all time favourite, a weak bullies side kick will try and compete with others for the bullies affection, trying to show how nasty they can be. " I'm