
Showing posts from September, 2011

How will this look on you: Phenomenal Jewellery for fantastic makeovers

Are you looking your best,or is there room for improvement? Could you be the next style icon? Are you feeling that urge to turn heads? How will this look on you?..... expensive diamond jewellery

Beating procrastination

Procrastination is the prince of poor decision. That's what i know yet somehow my attempts to do the most spectacular things are thwarted by an obsessive need to cook or clean.Mirrors become spotless, new recipes with even more delicious names, and curious ingredients suddenly consume me. celtic jewellery Why do we procrastinate? Is it a fear to do, or a fear to face. What do i mean by that? A fear to do is the process of hardwork, engaging in the systemacy of it all. Yet a fear to face. Is the terror to even think about your prospective outcome. Simplifying it, "i couldn't bare the disappointment." Syndrome. It's alright to be hopeful, and disappointment sucks, but it's better to have tried and been disappointed, than not even trying at all. They say there are loads of excuses for failure, but none for success. So what happens if you don't even try, are you mute and have to leave the room. Just do it, just go for it. So whatever positive progressive

Million Dollar mindset

I started another venture or attempt to make my first million. It's crazy right? A woman whose barely got a pound to her name is actually attempting to make a million pounds."I must be high as a cloud," right? Possibly. If life has taught me anything, it's that every achievement is about having the guts to even try is an achievement within itself. You learn from mistakes, and attempt to make positive change, and progess for your future. Success even in the smallest things is about stepping out in faith. celtic jewellery Originally when i attempted to succeed i was seeing a glory haze. You know when you get so arrogant you think you can do everything yourself? You'll be like your own greatest saviour? Well this time round i admit i need assistance to raise funds, and make a positive difference in my life, and others. If you see anything you like feel free to shop freely, and securely here, and purchase with joy, passion and freedom. Or if your even tempted to do

A crush , a snob , and i?

I don't know which one to harp on and ramble about first. My shy crush, or once again the frustration that his mother is an insecure overzealous pitbull. I wonder if she's one of those women that always envisions the worst that could happen. "What a date? A baby? Relocating to another country?" Seriously man, some people have an imagination to top J.K Rowling. What i'd really like to discuss is the danger of simply following. Not asking your own questions, drawing your own conclusions. The frustrating thing is he wants to talk to me, but his shyness is overwhelming,along with his guilt. I want to talk to him, but there is mistrust there. How much conversation can you make with a guy whose mum simply whispers, and he's already jumping up and down like he's been electrocuted.It could be my amateur dramatics, and this guy is head over heels in love with some Barbie, and fitting a ring to propose. Yet no matter what the scenario. You knew, in your heart,

The Euphoria of Jewels

Lets face it. There's a feeling of real Euphouria everytime you don yourself with some glam 'ice.' That belief that this new item, this sparkle, will add that glow to lure the man of our dreams, or hypnotise passing strangers. expensive diamond jewellery I call that moment the eclipse. That shining moment. I heard a fantastic metaphor recently, it wasn't just about jewellery, it was more about life. Someone said, when you light a candle, it's not placed under a bed, but in broad sight, so this candle can what? So it can shine. I don't know about everybody else, but it feels real good to glow. I love the amazon selection of jewellery and accessories, because for one, i feel less guilty about shopping online, for two they have items which i've never seen anywhere else, and for three the hottest guy approached me a while ago. His opening line was, "i like your earrings'." Sadly a shallow side to me was exposed, as i quickly whipped out m

XFACTOR: Lil Homie what you tripping on? Great song, Chris Rene

I'm tripping on this guy. He rocks people, vote for him on the x factor. His music has soul, it tells a journey, shares a story. Chris Rene thank god you made it out of rehab. You are incredible. This song is being bought by me, as soon as it's released. Real. Raw. Talent.

Frustrating Crushes

Not all of us get to marry the president, and become first lady.Most women want to marry a leader, not someone who simply follows the masses, and has their identity in rotation. crush I personally find a man very attractive, when he knows what he wants and can't be manipulated, or puppeted by someone insecure, or even just bored. As much as i still look through the window when my crushes van appears,or get those excited tingles, and chills, when i sense he's following me in his car, but too scared to say, 'lil homie what you trippin on,'he he. I remember those days when i wasn't so shy around him, more confident, more openly friendly.Then i also remember the other times when his mother would start acting up, all clingy and controlling. Advising her son to cross the street, or roll up windows, ignore me if i politely said good morning. I remember the nasty bitching and backbiting she did, and how despite knowing i wasn't a bad character, Despite calling me

Juicy Jewels: Jewellery to make their eyes pop

People who don't understand jewellery as part of an intimate healing process are so wrong. Imagine being dumped, ridiculed in school, being rejected by the guy of your life 'highlights.' You bop in with a pair of these and your suddenly a standing ovation. Some may argue that Jewellery cannot transform a whole life experience. sexy diamond jewellery Yet to be sexy, sassy, saucy, stylish, doesn't that transform the mind? Dont we all deserve a treat every say lifetime? Hell we deserve treats for even living. Celebrate your life, your creativity, and your swagger, check out the stash below....and that guy didn't even notice you....a new look, a new wardrobe. You never know...but you might as well try.

Simplicity of Respect

Facing up to bullies takes a lot of courage. People close to you may disappear into shadow, decide after agreeing with you, that your beliefs, your argument is wrong. In life there are those who will always side with who they believe to be the strongest. On principle have a right to a simple courtesy called respect. respect They don't have to bow when they see you, start singing your praises, and tooting your achievements, you can be the perfect invisible person, so long as your invisible enough to partake peacefully and effectively in your life.It won't cost them money to be polite, to have some class, they're not trading in every semblance of the rational, they are simply giving you something they require themselves.

The Maybe Guy

Wow, so semi progress on a crush thats going nowhere, it feels like. I realised yesterday, okay, today about the object of my current affections. First of all his mother hates me, and humanity in general, Second of all his mother hates her lot, as in 'is this how my life is, is this what i got for just breathing with so much skill?' Please honey, get in line. I've noticed from the tidbits of raised conversation she has, which strategically sail through the air. Her favourite line is 'it's not fair, it's just not fair.' However back on point with him. There are other guys i'm seeing,nothing magical, just communication. Anyway, these guys are passionate, and ambitious, and know how to take charge. He hasn't taken charge, and i'm not sure if he ever will. I get a vibe that he's attracted to me, and he wants to get to know me, or get close...maybe i'm highly disillusioned. Yet that's the point the maybe guys are such over hardwork. T

Hot vibe:Funniest things on the internet

This is one of the funniest and most embarassing things to hit Nigeria. You said it. Vic-O and his amazing lyrics. I nearly peed myself laughing,seriously this guy toned my abs. Vic-O Oh yeah and Vic-O may originally have been 50 tyson Next up as if x factor isn't comic enough, here they are..The duos. They sound like someone dying,or under attack...whooooa don't let them sing at your birthday party. Isn't it really funny how people who can't sing for shit, look at the judges with such seriousness at the end of their performance like 'hey how d'you think i did'.....are you kidding me? Here are The Duos That was the link Has anyone seen South African Idol. This 'lunatic' sang killing me softly, she really was killing eveeeeeeerybody. What would Lauren say if she saw this? AAAAAWFUL, AAAAAWFUL

Sexy Saturday

Today is sexy saturday think sexy thoughts people, sizzle while you walk. Your too hot to trot. This is a day to look good and feel incredible. sexy