
Showing posts from July, 2022

Fighting Fear

Everytime fear or others fear tries to stop you, you must keep going. The fear of others, their jealousy y their envy, their insecurity, and of course sometimes the need for things to stay exactly the same. For the status quo to remain the same. The truth is, that you have to believe that you are more than what any body says of you. More than the put downs, words to damage or destroy self esteem, what you seek, you must put in the work to find, but put in the work you must. Hard work, focus, determination, planning, development, consistency , momentum, these things sound little, yet they are so hard, I have failed at them many times. Yet you must keep pushing yourself and keep trying to propell yourself forward, take time out to heal, and take time out to rest.

Things to remember

In life it is important to remember that you are not just words, you are energy, chi, heart and soul, but most of all, you have a secret, You have a power, a power and a light that others cannot see straight away, that others may not feel, but it is the power of your creative insight. It is the power of creativity, the power to extend, the power to become more than what you are. Sometimes people are not what they say they are, sometimes people are not what we see. Sometimes life just plays a trick of light on all of us. Sometimes we must believe that we are so much more than the words that were laid out before us, so you must fuel yourself, feed yourself , with you knowledge, consume books, literature, videos, acquire the support of mentors, and advisors, get great advice and insight from people who saw before others could see.

Insight and growth

One of the things I am starting to learn about life is the importance of finding happiness. Fighting for your happiness in your private moments. Joy in those times that are not easily defined as wealth, and abundance, but you will find joy within them. Family, friends, and learn from those who are close to you, those who love you, learn from their stories and their experiences. Let them inspire you if their positive people let their words be fruit, let their wisdom be fruit, and let them help you grow into something great. Something and someone, a world and a self, that others will be inspired by.

Boldness towards the dream

How do you make it real? How do you make what is unseen, be seen,? How do you make something that you've hoped about , dreamed about, the passion to travel, to have a business, to magnify an opportunity, to free yourself of poverty, and challenge the restraints that have been put on you. You must be the architect, you must strive for each dream to be more than a conversation within your spirit, more than talk, more than whispers to yourself. You want the ideas to be more than chalk outlines where you stand, you want them to be more than things that were once called upon to comfort you as you eased into slumber. With your words, with your actions, with your skills, and with your courage , you can create so much opportunity for yourself, but you have to be bold enough to believe that the world will not play a game of hide and seek with you. You must go out there, and you must be the hunter, adventurer , explorer, sometimes life will hit you with disappointments, sometimes tra

Beyond the zone

Sometimes you will feel like it is impossible. You will feel like the dreams you want to accomplish will not be developed, yet you must develop a team, and know that for a dream to be realised, it takes, hardwork, good positioning, team work, great connections, which means stepping out of your comfort zone, investment and financial support and lots of learning, growth and the input of mentors and advisors.

The desire to win

It is never finished cometely the work of fighting fear, beating the jealous rivalry of others, you have so much promise and the potential to thrive, so you must focus on your strengths And develop on improving your weakness Try and build momentum See it in your mind See it, feel it, taste it, Position yourself in positions of strength, connect to positive leaders, mentors, advisors, people who share the right information and resources and encourage growth.

Learning and Growing

There is so much to learn about the world around us, so much information that we can access, that we can utilise, which can be used for our growth. Which can be used to create new opportunities for us, and enhance the knowledge and develop the resources that we have built. So why do so many people abuse the information around them and take it for granted. This is because it's so accessible, many of the things we have access to easily, we often take for granted. We often abuse because their right there, there so easy to access, and they often make us feel as though they provide no real value. Yet they are invaluable resources. What you don't know can make you lack in key areas where you could progress, the lack of information can deter progress, lack of info about programs, about funding, mentorships, grants,community resources,development programs,learning hubs, mentorship hubs, The right research on social media platforms like LinkedIn,quora is a great platform, Face

Cultivating confidence

Sometimes you will find that people want you to explain why you are worthy of your self confidence. They want you to be validated by them. They want you to explain away your existence. Who are you, to dare to dream like this? Who are you to think you are worthy of these things? To believe these things are possible? I'll tell you , because you can make them possible if you are willing to do the work consistently, make the right choices, engage the right people, let them see who you are, and let them see your strengths. My father used to say to me, say to the world "here I am," let the world know who you are. I have learnt in so many ways that you can't get access to opportunities playing hide and seek with the world and blaming others for claiming what is out there for everyone to reach, so go out there and get. Be bold, get rejected, be confident in your strengths, believe that it's alright to fail and accept the rejection. Rejections will come, people are

The creative mind

The creative mind breeds opportunity, it gives us the chance to access and tap into our own inventiveness. To explore a side of ourselves that allows us to invent , allows us to create, allows us to become the architect of our content, and develop such incredible things. Sometimes when you feel there are blocks in your chi, social blocks, outside you it is important to tap into that inner self, where there is an abundance and wealth of ideas. An abundance of insights, and knowledge that will draw others to you and encourage them to connect to you and engage to you at a deeper level. Creativity inspires deep thinking, analysis, conversation, engagement, it encourages us to explore,it promotes inclusivity, the right project the right concept can help with monetisation, finance, income and wealth. Yet what creativity also does is remind you that great minds were meant to be free, not held hostage by the fear of others, by insecurities and entrapments. Yet that we need time to ourselve

Dynamism beyond normal

What is the concept of normal? Many of the entrepreneurs and leaders that are out there, taking great risks, being visionaries, leaders, and having bold ambitions, did not focus their lives on fitting in and being normal. There is so much pressure on people , especially young people on fitting in. They get inside your head and tell you you have to be normal, you have to act this way, and that way, to subscribe to a certain way of thinking. Yet most of the leaders who have accomplished great things have thought differently, they've thought outside the box, and extended themselves creatively. A lot of the times it's more than just belief, you have to beat procrastination, engage with people who are different to you that you can learn them.

The courage to fail

There is much to be said about failure. To fail is an opportunity to learn. To learn is an opportunity to grow. To grow is an opportunity to triumph, without the questions that come from failure, you wouldn't seek answers. Answers give us the information to develop projects, and concepts to their full potential. These projects help us bring in income, bring communities together, allow us access to the world, allow us to engage and connect with leaders ,mentors, and those with great vision. To fail is key to facilitating and often empowering a project. There are often these statistics online to thwart people and to scare them away from taking risks, the fear can hold you hostage, it has you cemented, and we find ourselves procrastinating or playing hide and seek. Yet where there is fear there is opportunity.  The term the obstacle is the way I remember.  So sometimes that fear of failure stopping you from going after that project that you want to pitch for, t

Success and striving with mentors

Success looks like courage, courage through the chaos in life. When your young there are days when life will throw you many challenges, often times as a young person we feel let down by others, there's a way we assume our life to be ,especially upon graduating university, or leaving high school. We are so electric with the promise of life's potential,  Keeping your confidence Trusting yourself Believing throughout the rejections, throughout the no's that you can find a yes. That you can find an opportunity that will give you access, that you can somehow be so much better than the self you began with. We begin with a self, we begin with a self that is rough and jagged, eager to accomplish so much , eager to be a self we proclaim inside our heads, eager to be a version of ourselves that we see. A self that is triumphant. Sometimes we are held back by fear mongers, the fear and the failure of others, their experiences, and their trials that have broken

Going for Success

Success looks like courage, courage through the chaos in life. When your young there are days when life will throw you many challenges, often times as a young person we feel let down by others, there's a way we assume our life to be ,especially upon graduating university, or leaving high school. We are so electric with the promise of life's potential,  Keeping your confidence Trusting yourself Believing throughout the rejections, throughout the no's that you can find a yes. That you can find an opportunity that will give you access, that you can somehow be so much better than the self you began with. We begin with a self, we begin with a self that is rough and jagged, eager to accomplish so much , eager to be a self we proclaim inside our heads, eager to be a version of ourselves that we see. A self that is triumphant. Sometimes we are held back by fear mongers, the fear and the failure of others, their experiences, and their trials that have broken

Believing in Your Potential

It is important to believe in your potential, believe in who you are and what you can do, believe in the possibilities that are out there, where others see lack , you must see the gap you must see the opportunity. Wether it's volunteering, wether it's work experience, the chance to engage others to connect, to communicate , to showcase your strength, your ideas, to allow your skill set to be shown and the value you can add to the company to be acknowledged. What can you bring to the table, of the company you are trying to integrate yourself with.  Do you have excellent communication skills, are you a great networker, great negotiation skills, knowledge of finance and economics, knowledge of bidding and procurement, knowledge of marketing, and SEO , of different social media brands and algorithms and how to acquire high profile on each platform It is important that you show all your strengths and your experiences, how did you use your time in other work or social sce

Access to the evolving Job Market: other opportunities and other ways to get them

Access to the evolving job market: Different ways to find new opportunities  It is important to believe in your potential, believe in who you are and what you can do, believe in the possibilities that are out there, where others see lack , you must see the gap you must see the opportunity. Wether it's volunteering, wether it's work experience, the chance to engage others to connect, to communicate , to showcase your strength, your ideas, to allow your skill set to be shown and the value you can add to the company to be acknowledged. What can you bring to the table, of the company you are trying to integrate yourself with.  Do you have excellent communication skills, are you a great networker, great negotiation skills, knowledge of finance and economics, knowledge of bidding and procurement, knowledge of marketing, and SEO , of different social media brands and algorithms and how to acquire high profile on each platform It is important that you show all your strength

The top 10 ways to generate more traffic with your site

Social media gives us access to the hottest trends, great opportunities, and to access new markets and niches. There are new products, projects, and new influencers, engaging the market every single day, new leaders positioning themselves at the top of the traffic tsunami, getting a large audience and converting all their views to revenue, and hot sales. yet how do we learn from them? How do we get our products to trend, and our websites to get massive traffic,promote hot items, and generate an increase in sales. first of all know your search engine lingo. what are your consumers typing into the search bar for your product? what questions do they type into google,what questions do they ask, what sites do they go on like quora , and other question and answer forum to ask about similar products in your market. who are the leaders in your industry what sites are your consumers going on? what keywords will you use to link your consumers into your site Tag your contacts, fri

Hotbox guide to having the confidence to sell

Sales can be very challenging, especially based on your product and your concept. It can also be hard to sell the benefits of a product, platform a package and the opportunities that come with it. Often times we deal with so much rejection,we are afraid to reach out and attempt to introduce new products into the market and showcase the strengths of the items we have at our disposal. Its important to know you will have to go through Many no's to get through the yes's , build up a lead list first of all, build up a list of contacts that you will engage and warm up , regularly. Try and build up a relationship with these individuals, people are not just buying the product, they are actually buying you. Be confident when you sell, make sure you have a product that you are proud of, make sure you have practiced your pitch, list your products strengths and the benefits of the consumer buying this product. What does the product do, how will it solve a problem? Are you offering