
Showing posts from September, 2016

The evolving self

Everybody goes through challenges, everybody experiences life and it's heartbreak. One thing that should always help you is that you triumphed against it. You are still standing, so you have the opportunity to channel your potential, do you believe in limitations. Don't believe in them, don't feed into the fear these obstacles create. Sometimes we walk through life blind folded, eager to find ways to fix our sight. Yet one should always remember, passion is vision, it is hope for the future , this will give you sight even on your darkest days. You have a self to celebrate, a self to discover, you are a version that is being shaped and moulded. A butterfly locked in a crystals, yet someday soon the ghosts that clamour inside, clawing at your skin, the demons of past failure and pain left like a scent will disappear. The new you will be the self the universe promised. You are in the process of development, platelets will shift, biochemistry will be unpredictable for a ti

Liaising with life

Life is a season of moments,wrapped in a neat cluster for selves to pick it apart. We are not islands, we are characters striving through dastardly seas of change, no helmet on, a whirlwind on our tail. Life is not easy, easy is for the lazy, and lazy people either get eaten by the wolves of their own demons, or remain fat stoic pumpkins that are fresh for mouths, and beyond that...... Here's a reality chewue for those of us to cash, time will change you, yet progress is not guaranteed. We are two sides of a musty coin. Yesterday I got asked a stupid question by someone I despise,today the voice tried to utter another poisonous question to slice at my confidence. Yet I realise I have an answer to all her many scrambling and put downs, it's quite simple. I just keep going. We who choose to explore our strengths are of great minds travel may not be smoothe but vision dedication and commitment will get you through.