
Showing posts from July, 2016

The journey

The journey is long and arduous, many will perish along the way but you will not. It is your strength of character, your foresight your vision that will direct you to a well spring of ideas. Yet one of the things I've always suffered with is consistency, you must be consistent in order to accomplish your goals. Leadership is a lot to do with learning , as you are excelling you are growing. Growth is a painful process, rebirth is a painful process and yet here you are standing, breathing, believing still.

Avoiding negative people

Hecklers love to destroy the comedy stand up of others, and yet there are hecklers at life. Caught in their own prison of discontent eager to hook you into the bars that enclose them. It is a prison of the mind to judge everything with such negativity, it is with self contempt they provide cruel comments or jokes, because your making progress and they are not. When in the throes of your passion forgive yourself for listening to the hollowed voices of pain trapped in a cooling breeze. You are a visionary, you must listen to those who are ascending. Connect to those who believe in triumph. Evading negative people is the most empowering key to success.


It's the morning, and you know when a thought can spiral out of control,ascending you to a level of elevation, perhaps your mind could not meditate upon before. We trudge through the dreams of others, everybody real thing we see, experience, taste, was somebody's vision. The world creates more access and we listen to those on the sidelines saying it's impossible? What's impossible about it, research, goals, productivity, networking, building a stern foundation? Whenever you feel you are in an impossible place, change your frame of thought to a perspective of possibility. The comfort zone is something we challenge daily, letting a season of fireworks explode with the realisation, we can accomplish much, we can reach much, we just need to have a strategy.

Dawning of a new day

It's a new day and escapism is rife in the blood, we find ourselves wanting to avoid difficult scenarios. Challenge the fear you feel, stick it out and push through to validate yourself as a leader. It is not uncommon to feel anxious in New and different scenarios. We are a self that should not be denied full access. Change comes and it's often uncomfortable, we fear entering this new world,making ourselves accessible, and yet you must. You must taste the paradise you need to explore, engage in the self, that you would like to become. It is a matter of who you want to see when you look in the mirror.

The silent self

Yawn I say to people who try and tear us down, their boring. You have a right to express yourself and your strengths, you are a voice, you are someone else's sound in a mute world. The business and chaos may have flat lined temporarily, in the pursuit of noise and adventure we are privvy to sharp arrows and daggers at the back. No one should tell you who you are, you are the tiptoes when the world creeps into a lazy sleep.

In heat

In the heat of the moment we loose ourselves, and all sanity with it. It is a chorus from the self crying out to raise, to fight with daggers to claw at the enemy, and annihilate the threat. It is real when we loose someone we love and someone we care about. Loss is not something I often talk about, but it happens to all of us. The loss of a friend, a lover or a companion. People say you will heal, but it's as though a paper shredder has been taken to your heart, and you dare not sacrifice the memory. I don't know when it started to hurt the way it did, like acid burning through your veins, tasting bitterness on your tongue, feeling vampires float around you, draining your life source. I missed my best friend, it was almost like a dying and a reincarnation of the self. When you find yourself so close to where you want to be, so near to someone who truly understands you. The thing I remember most was her laugh it was like summertime and the click of shades over her pert fea

Other sides of a dusty coin

People won't always show gratitude at the things you do. You might meet compassion with envy, kindness with cruelty, hospitality with humiliation. Yet during these tough times, remind yourself exactly who you are and why you did the things that you did. Do not let the bitterness of others drag you to the gutter, life and the world is full and bursting with positive people, and over time you will learn to open up to them. These stings will not last forever, neither will the heartbreak. Time is a great healer, let it massage your wounds, and capture you in the bosom of its kiss. You are not alone with these feelings, many have worn your shoes, so it's time to undo the laces and put on some new ones. Maybe consider your path. For the road to ruin is laced with bitterness, and the road to freedom is merely a small orb in a chryssalis. Yet you must focus upon it and never loose track of what's important.

space and the productive mind

We all occupy a space where we feel we need to find the right energy. The right balance in life. Kudos to those who have found it, but when your on a path to enlightenment there are certain questions you must ask yourself. One of them is how can I attract the right energy to me so I can be in a place of abundance. Wealth is a state of mind before it's actualized in reality. It is a complex mix of imagination and inspiration, a cocktail of losses and wins. When you find yourself in the thick of it, ask yourself how can I adjust? How can I come at this from a positive angle, how can I engage myself in productive activity, or sometimes the universe wants you to sit and be still. Capture a list of some of the greatest quotes that inspire you, line them up beside your bed and every morning wake up to them and speak them out into the ether. They will help you access good thoughts and connect to positive emotions

Self and sacrifice

When we rise we need to create distance from the tormented souls that would anchor us to bad memories. It's true that sometimes it takes a village to raise a child, yet I believe it takes a determined mind to arrive at their own destination. The reality is life won't make a challenge easy for you, far from it, from the more, a Phoenix will be reborn. It is with great clarity I explain your struggles are not your own, you are in good company. You are focussed on changing your life and this is the first step. Take the risk on your boldness and your creativity, your dreams and your passion, but be willing to make sacrifices, the challenge won't be easy, but you must access pure internal growth.

New skin

 It is that time again, to water the seeds of your imagination. It is time to reveal the strength of your character as the obstacles align. Self is sufficient. I would ask you to believe in yourself,but this has been asked many a time before. Look in the mirror what do you see, is this a version you want or could you be a better self. Many of us are frustrated by the images we see before us, questioning a reflection which has history with pain. Yet when you are preparing to move forward with boldness, there will be a cry from your former self. You are leaving your old self behind, and you are reaching for a new version. A version that has come through many a trial and is ready to bounce back.

Whispers in the daylight

It is Tuesday morning and I'm thinking about the challenge of facing a busy novel with a lot of edits. I realised something as I walked my dog, each day we edit ourselves. The compilation of different selves, becomes a complex individual. With thoughts , dreams and actions. We play a role socially , we play a role with our domestic selves, always the challenge of the public and the private self. For both selves I would argue in order to accomplish your goals in life, you have to know your destination, know what actions you mean to take to steer you into a more comfortable position. Read as many books about your path as possible, and books that will inspire you like Paulo coelho the alchemists, The richest man in Babylon, white orleander and my all time favourite, rich dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki. These are great people to model when it comes to the journey of success, challenge yourself to read a book a day as Tai Lopez advised. It is important that you take time to cons

Daily mind

When you set a great task for yourself. You wonder whether you'll be able to accomplish it. It is important to know, the mind does what it is challenged to do. We are information portals, access moving through time and space, wisdom in experience. A chorus of womb babies eager to triumph in the real world, let your mind take you to a farscape where there are no limitations. Let your passions arise and soar high like lanterns orbing like stars. You are magic in your existence. You are the bold steps you take, the vision you strive towards and the dawning of a new day. Life has its adventures and you have plenty coming your way, folding them away like old calendars or keeping some in the merriment of your heart. Life is priceless, enjoy it, and feed the mind daily.

Life and it's cycles

It matters much what you do with your time in this life, because it echoes into eternity. Casting vivid shapes, and lighting the road up with lanterns perfumed with old knowledge. Life is for the living. You are a rider, grab your bike by its horns and shoot off like a rocket into the promise of positive change. It is real to be fearful about life, to be troubled about the threads of chaos which come our way, strands of discontent , molecules dancing in turbines. Yet you must remember you have only one life, only one self, love it, care for it, and make adjustments where you can. Whether it's old pain knitted to your skin, knotted in your hair, curling your lips, release its heavy burden and free your mind. Open it up to the wisdom of the world, you are making an impact, day by day, remember to enjoy the journey.

Migration of the self

Do what you love and put some elbow grease behind it. Today I had a funny day, someone unhappy with their own life tried to go for mine. Life is a funny thing, it's not here forever so while you have it leave a legacy behind. Do something you'll be proud of, something that makes you look in the mirror and say wow I did that? Me? I accomplished that? The human spirit is a healer, when you feel pain, destruction, exhaustion, over time self confidence begins to return. You will not be your former glory, you will be a greater version of you. Believe in yourself and take bold strides for you are on a journey, that journey will lead you to a place of strength. You are migrating from a former self, to a self that has armoured steel.

Motivation masterclass

Another day in the motivation masterclass, whatever your doing right now, pick up your pen and write three words, I am capable. It's easy to feel inept , especially during tough times, life can take the fight out of you. Yet if you grit your teeth through the process of evolution, and stay focussed and productive. Change will come. It tiptoes in like a stranger, arranging the chaos on your life and folding order neatly into shelves. You are not boxed in right now, you are not trapped, you need to look beyond this vein of strand, you are mightier than you give yourself credit for. It will take imagination, it will take accessing your faith, it will take making a promise to your greater self that you will one day unveil it. A changed perspective will carry you into the promise land, freedom and abundance. Yet you must work to earn it. You must create the change you want and believe whole heartedly that once you invite it in, it's here to stay. This will take passion, persist

Tasters of talent 4 billion hits

Do you pull a rabbit from the hat, dance on one crooked finger. It is your talent, you must support it. It is your passion, you must water it for it is a thirsty dragon. Hard work will get it done. Not simply talking about it, gossiping, whining, complaining. It should be your early Monday and your busy weekend, the glowing afternoon orb, and the evening sky lit with purple haze. You are in the thick of it. In the thick of it , there is forestry everywhere, it is hard to find your path. Clear your mind and release positive thoughts , remember to enjoy what you do. It is not your prison, it is your promise.

Days of becoming 4 billion hits

Let the fear sleep, you've worked it too hard. Sometimes we become anxious afraid of our potential, and the promise of success for somebody else. Sing it a lullabye and let it snore sweetly, the power is in your hands, you must do your tasks to completion, you must be the best version of yourself. That means setting up a challenge and doing it consistently no matter how hard it gets. You will know whether you have tried enough, whether you've worked hard, whether your producing the best of yourself. You want to look in the mirror and smile at the reflection you see, you want to conquer your ghosts with wit consistency and intelligence. You will become tomorrow what you work towards today.

Keepers of the past 4 billion hits

Have you ever been so stuck for words you have no idea what to fill your page with. I wanna talk about the complexities of the human psyche, the secrets we starve away in the shadows, isolating them from the world. The past haunts you like a scent, it creeps behind you like a shadow, then suddenly you stare it square in the face. It has glowing eyes and lips that move avidly pronouncing old pain. The reality is, we all have history. Do not let the past define the present. You are evolving each day, the knowledge fed into your soul is transforming you. Pain doesn't evaporate, you use it to push yourself forward. It hides a multitude of sins, secrets, you become a sedative self, scared the world will peel open the curtains and the light will shine brightly on those gems we covet so much. Yet in crisis we grow, and in chaos when we step forward we take giant strides into the future. You are your now and your tomorrow.

Collaborating consistency

Consistency is more than the key to success, it unlocks a wealth of potential and turns into something that can be used. When I was younger I was always that kid that had so much potential, brilliant,bright, yet now I'm older I realise the danger of just having potential. Some people go to their graves with potential, others access their potential and turns it into might. You want to be more than potential, you want to be creativity seducing the world with your brilliance, weaving a spell around the imagination of others, hooking them in like claws. It is snagged blade to sit on the edge of potential, to be the talker and not much of the doer. Take action today.

A race with life 4 billion hits

Don't let life slow you down, do not let negative spirits overtake you. It is your essence it is your drive that will get you there, your passion, your creativity, the promise of faith and your potential to be productive. Don't let life or others take what is truly yours, you must fight, you must believe with absolute certainty. That every dream you have, will take form. You are unique , your style is distinct, your passion pronounced, your creativity is your passport, your access to a more triumphant self. You must lead by example. Face that blank screen and let the words wriggle out of you, come what may. It is your chance to shine. You are an orb, your pen,brush, camera or tools are your escape.

The right to love 4 billion hits

They never said it would be easy, the harder you try, the more envious people will rise up against you, secure in their numbers. No matter what they say, always be kind to you, it is yourself you are going on the journey with. It is yourself that will one day see and feel triumph. Something happened to me and I became the butt of a jealous mobbs jokes, people who had no self confidence, people who had failed at life, and only had bravado to engage their audience. I became a target for their cruelty, and was used as a platform for others to connect to them to like them, to respect them. Yet nobody respects a coward, and nobody respects a bully. I shoved my self deep into my work, collecting loose threads of information here and there, capturing my creative essence. I began to explore my inner self, wants needs, strengths demands, and I realised something very pure. We are who we are, what gives other people the right to tell us who to be.

The quest for the great self 4 billion hits

It is with the stroke of a pen, we tap into infinity, slipping into a madness so tasteful it consumes you. Writing is passion, we are informing the world, yet when you write with consistency, you are honing your skills, challenging devil's that dance, and mock for with this quill you are omnipotent. Life will give you material, you will be consumed with subjects to discuss because life is like anaconda, snapping at you with its jaw, shattering your paperclip form and scattering you amidst the dust. You must collect yourself now. You must ease back into your vision taking bold strides into it, claiming the world and exploring the covenant you made with self and pen. The key is to dream a little and write a lot, to motivate yourself out of the shadow of black dogs, to conquer giants with one winning slip of the pen. It is dangerous to simply dream. When we dream we walk on the outskirts of life. When we take action we put in the knowledge that has grown within us.

Seeking the giant 4 billion hits

It is not a dream anymore. It is a bold step towards branching out for a different reality. It started a long time ago for me this dream of going into the property market, it seemed impossible as a creative. Financially I was stuck didn't have connections, until I changed my mindset and started to see opportunities spread out like rivers of gold. You have to not think from a place of lack, you have to think as a leader who has a passionate business position and stance. It is more than small talk or whispers in the office, it is more than closeted secrets of dreams, you have to look for an entry point. Be the captain of your own ship, the master of your dreams. It is impossible, should not be a sentence on your mind, it is possible, it is doable, it is changeable.

The island song of a creative

You are not an island, you are not alone, welcome to the network of creative's. You are actively putting your message out there, and sharing your brand. It is so easy to loose yourself in the rat race, reach for your creative self to fill a void, and shut the whole world out. They say we're loners, being creative is a lonely past time, others tell you to get a job, yet they don't know the brilliance that lurks in your mind. You are the thinker, you are the revolutionary, caught in a prison of thoughts that beg you to set them free. Ideas that jiggle like jelly, make a palette for your tastebuds. When I was younger I always wanted to write with a lot of grit and focus I produced my first book in a series lunch box millionaire, before long it was a ranked number one on Amazon and a bestseller,the newer version will be coming out soon so keep your eyes peeled. I want to talk about being consistent, it is important for passionate people to be consistent with their goals.

Creative enterprise

Its true what they say about being greatful for the things you have in order for the universe to attract more blessings your way. It is delusional to believe the more you gripe, moan and complain, all places of lack the great voice will speak blessings into your chapter. It is unrealistic to simply hope. You must take action. That action begins with planning and strategy. Your strategy must be to learn how to market yourself and your brand, first produce a quality product. Make sure the content is ripe for a plucky audience, make sure you hook them in with an effective title, and when you describe your product, dont make it sound good, make it sound amazing. You have invested time and effort, and you want to bring in capital. A lot of creatives complain they cant think with a business mind and market their product, because it is in fact their baby, they abhor capitalism, and condense many feelings of lack into self fulfilling prophecies. Your product will sell if you do these key t

Creative financial access

Money, it makes your tongue salivate, your mind whirl and your heart race. It is easy to become consumed with the access that money provides rather than focussing on the labor you have to produce. You have to do it, not because you'll get paid for it, or your enemies will scatter with bitterness in their hearts. Do it because it's your oxygen, it's the food you eat, the fuel you need to get through the day, and your heart is deeply invested. Your dreams will come to pass so long as you are consistent and precise. Set measurable attainable goals, have a strategy in place. For example in promoting my book lunchbox millionaire I contacted various social media sites, restructured my links and backlinks. Was regularly posting on such sites as Twitter and Facebook, along with a database of article websites. I have everything ready for my campaign and I'm consistently producing materials. Wealth creates access, yet you must be aware that to get to your wealth acceleration

The mind of a millionaire?

I just had an idea and I have to share it with my amazing audience, for new subscribers thank you for joining and welcome to the journey. Imagine if you could sleep and wake up in the mind of your favourite entrepreneur, what would you like to know about them? What secrets lurk in the mind of geniuses? One of the secrets stated by Tai Lopez is consistency. I'd love to master the ability to be super consistent. Great leaders and thinkers swear by it, it provides momentum. Things speed into motion, ideas gravitate towards flow, vision is preserved. Who would you wake up in and why before you took the trip back into your own body? Genius is all around with the books we consume both audio, and print or digital, we are able to tap into the imagination of those great thinkers and share some of their liberty. There was only one Einstein, and yet now there are millions, probably billions of people with untapped genius. Challenge yourself expand your thinking ,and embrace the knowledge

Conquering your creative fear

Did you know there are thousands of people scared to create because their worried about the outcome? Scared to loose themselves to the black fog which descends on those who missed several bus stops and opportunities. Ill say this. I worked for various different creative companies, even a branding company, and each time it was the same result. I would quit because I was searching for something deeper. I didn't just want to create for the purpose of capitalism, I wanted to build something of my own free will, invest time that I needed, to lift myself from a sedative state. Many people are in a sedative state convinced that their discontent and their longing stems from feelings of inadequacy, frustrated and annoyed at self and life. I used to suffer with such intense panic attacks, request the  doors and the Windows be opened, paced up and down, at times I'd even stress myself out so much I'd have an epileptic seizure. I wanted more from life, and was ashamed I wasn't

Expanding your mind

It's true what they say about grit, determination it is your steel that will see you through. There will be tough times ahead, the days will seem more blurred from tears of frustration or seriousness, but you are using your will to pick up momentum. Your word is your bond, your dreams are your paradise, and you will get yourself there. Fate is not sleeping, but right now you need to tuck in your shoe laces so you don't trip over the stones, right now you need to hold unto the belief, the gift of promise you gave yourself, that when you have a goal, you'll chew on it until it snaps and swallow it whole. That when you have a vision you will allow yourself to be temporarily blinded by its beauty and you will take bold steps to see it come to pass. It's not about competing with others you are in a race with yourself , you are in a trial with yourself, how far can you push yourself where are your limitations? If you have any. You must believe in your potential, and consu

Seeking the great 4 billion hits

When the body is slow the mind keeps ticking away . Have an aggressive mind , have a hungry mind as though it were a wolf starved of fuel...information. knowledge leads to abundance, many of us complain about our finances and yet how much are we educating ourselves , how much are we instilling laws and rules of success, and willing to sacrifice a life guaranteed to give you a comfort zone. This as all my discussions are debatable, so everyone get active and get involved. What motivates you, is it pain, is it heartbreak, loss, the fear of unemployment. Fear too often and it will eat you alive, do not fear the lengths the mind will go to to ensure you meet a goal. It is easy to believe in others at times, yet when it comes to believing in ourselves sometimes we find ourselves lost in the deep blue ocean with no boat but anchor. Try for this year and the new one to believe in your potential. You are the greatness you seek.

Releasing radical 4 billion hits

So I ponder often about life and the challenges that come with it,about how to keep your head above water yet make sure your feet still touch the ground. In business, in goals it is important to have vision. Just because others don't see it doesn't mean you can't. The vision deserves real praise, you want to reel it in like a fisherman with a hook. Looking yourself very briefly in what is. What if you just kept building on your strengths, nullifying your weaknesses, dumbing down the doubt which seems to tip totaling your spine. Crunching with its heels, arrogant that it's claimed another victim. Refuse to be a victim of circumstances, be determined to be a leader within your arena. Real leaders know that life is no spectator sport, it is a trip wire and something that you could get tangled up in. Blind the world with your brilliant ideas, until they shine like stars glittering in a midnight sky. You are not yesterday's mistake if you choose, you are not you

Cheating challenges

The challenge is to keep your head about you when all around you are looking theirs. It will not be easy. You will be judged as being cold and impenetrable, insensitive , and mostly some type of robot. Yet there's no ice in your vein, there need be no quarrel in your throat, you are just boss, the fight has come and you are ready. It is easy for a season of onlookers to dismiss it as being unaffected, yet this pain which has come your way, these obstacles you will use them to motivate yourself. To persist against all odds and defy every single challenge, they will give you unstoppable momentum.

Moments and mist 4 billion hits

It takes only a moment for your life to change from one financial bracket to the next. Moments of focus, moments of clarity, moments of belief. All these moments add up to that singular moment you and the rest of the world awe at what you've done. Find themselves glued to your vision of paradise, and hoping that one day they can construct what you have done. One day they can impact loves and community the way you do, and celebrate with the boldness that you have in your heart. Moments of sacrifice, moments of pain all lead to this. How will you impact the lives of others you meet, how will you help them become a better version. Connect more, be a self they'd recommend to anyone. It is those moments that will lead you up to this, and yet, it hasn't arrived yet. You pace with frustration, gnaw at your fingernails, check your phone. And slam the keyboard down with disgust, nothing. Yet something is in the pipeline, you can feel that you are on the edge of an iceberg re

Catch me keep me motivation and avoiding distraction 4 billion hits

It's easy to get distracted, thoughts creep in like spiders, swallowing your brain in joys of escapism. Why not run, why not call it a day for now. They tickle your nerves making you giggle with the excitement of a new project, and yet ....well some of us get really stern about the prospect of a different horizon, one that may take less work. Yet work you must do until you have sweated out the pangs of hunger, quenched the thirst to see the vision. Those distractions will only make you a Jack of all trades and a master of none. They are as flakes of time crumbling before your very eyes, folding, collapsing, then splintered. To leave a legacy you must triumph above a self that commandeers an exit. You must focus on staying in the here and now, and yet still having the ability to visualize your successes , demonstrating you had the strength not to beat any demon. To beat insecurities, fear, and the obsessive compulsion to begin from scratch. One day we may find all we do is scr

Life in the next morning 4 billion hits

So it's the next morning, and I'm taking up my 4Billion hits challenge so spread the word people. Right, tomorrow has come and not only does the goal seem far away, you have birth to the idea but have nothing to water it with. The answer good literature. I was on the Tai Lopez site and his tip for motivation is to read a book a day. I say engorged, swallow them while like crunchy sweets. Warm  Yourself up with passion and remind yourself you are propelling your dream forward. Taking bold steps into a grand oblivion, discovering new things. You are still on your way, the journey is long and arduous but you came mentally prepared for it, step outside of your comfort zone and prepare to change the world around you. You will impact, because you inform, you will develop because you have grown, you will champion because you have lead. Push beyond that comfort zone  , and thrust with all you have. Life is consistency, engagement, drive and spirit, make sure you hold unto yours.

Thoughts for tomorrow 4 billion hits

Wow so another day unfolds, we find ourselves pondering a lot about the past don't we? What we should have done, who we should have been, all the versions of ourselves that light up like chandeliers. You are a creased shirt, life is ironing you out, you are developing keen senses and creating structure for yourself. We flick between past and present self, shape shifting always. What if you focussed on the version you were today what would happen? You focussed on taking charge of the future and stopped romanticizing or vilifying your past. When life strikes which it does often, you have to be ready for the blow. We tell ourselves we are fragile, vulnerable, breakable, but this is unmistakable, you are more than what you told yourself yesterday , and you will be more than what you tell yourself today. We are allowed to build ourselves up from the inside out, validate our self esteem and celebrate our passes , near misses and soon to be's. Click the follow button or subscrib

Preparing for your vision

You may not have been ready before, it's a goal at a time.It will take you a while before you get there, not everything happens to fall in our laps. It is with ease we often expect everything to slide into place. Yet this challenge welcomes a contender, someone ripe who wants more than to speak of it. You are ready now. Enter contender, ready for challenge. I play a lot of tekken with my brother, and I remember always interrupting his games as a new challenger over the years. If you identify the challenges in life as games that require strategy you are part way there. It is real. Its like running a marathon and as you come into the end you can see the finish line, visualise that finish line daily. It should be your morning , your afternoon and your evening. When you do complete this goal you will be fulfilled, you will see the vision, and you will arise. For it was a long time coming.

never mind the narrow 4 billion hits

Don't let narrow minded people tell you who you are, I was this way for years. Listening to the voices of those without vision, yet being frustrated, that my dreams weren't coming to pass. We all have fears, sometimes they lurk in the shadows difficult to counter. They are the ghosts that leak echoes in your ear drums, they are the chorus that song us to sleep, yet how does it feel to chain a fear, to conquer it, and allow yourself to be consumed with passion instead. I will say what I often say with regards to the journey, have a hungry heart, you are starved, there is no room for indecision, maybe yes, maybe no. Know your potential and capitalise on your strengths, remind yourself through the chaos, you are who you say you are. You can do what you believe you can do and that is what others deem to be the impossible

Leadership and lessons 4 billion hits

Is it really impossible?What would happen if you pushed yourself beyond your comfort zone. There is no success questions, it will not one day be your turn. One day starts today with your actions, your decisions, your choices and your discipline. It is great to be inspired by the concept of the future , in the long-term these things could happen, might happen, would happen. What if you took a bite out of time to make them happen now,each day you committed yourself to a goal or a discipline. You drive yourself outside of your bracket , to test if that new bike you bought works. Can you ride it, will it flourish, will it grow limber in the sunlight out there in the open with eyes upon it, or will it defy all odds and stand tall. Plant a seed today , a seed of vision , a seed of hope, a seed of aggression, use your creativity , let yourself be consumed by this passion. You are more than just a statement, you are a bold announcement of fact.

Pushing through to progress 4 billion hits

Imagine this, the challenge that frustrates you is your only acess to food water or some type of income. If you push through it you will become the great Ness you seek,yet if you continue to mourn it you will listening only time but options. Yesterday I started my favourite past time,I have a habbit of checking out the mansions of the rich and famous to motivate me. It is more than curiosity, their world is a reflection of their minds, their input, if they can input such creativity why can't I, we both have time in common. I ponder these things often when I look at the wealthy. How did they get there, why did they get there what was the motivating factor behind their a tions, how many rejections did they receive before they decided they would put themselves in a position where they would have to leave the rest of the masses behind. To be a great leader you cannot be a follower, you have to lead with instinct and good direction, you have to drive your message home. What is my

Not becoming the obstacle 4 billion hits

I'm currently reading the obstacle is the way, and I find it is great literature to get yourself out of a piteous slump. As a writer there are days when depression slopes into your skin, tiptoeing along your bones and turning them sand. You want to, but sometimes you think to yourself man I can't. The obstacle is often ourselves. We may not be content but we haven't experienced enough pain to propel us forward, I've said this many a time. Use something to push you, to propel you forward. Maybe your being bullied at work, or you simply hate the job, maybe it's too systematic for you, or your dealing with something as simple as a broken heart. Or even better you can visualise your arch nemesis grinning as you fail, so maybe you just want to wipe the smirk off their face. So wipe it off, imagine the look on their faces when you do accomplish your goal, imagine how disheartened they'll be, they did everything to sabotage you, and now here you are, tasks comple

The whisper of dreams

I woke up this morning having had the strangest dream, and I could write about it, but I'd like to discuss something else. The power of dreams. Most of the time when I have a dream I look it up on the internet to see what it represents, troubling times? Success? A past betrayal ? Whatever your experience of dreams are,  just think about this reality  cheque until you put pen to paper and take charge of your destiny step out of your comfort zone, you are always still dreaming. I write because in five years, ten years from now, I never want to say I had so much potential. There is nothing, worse in life than waisted potential. You can tell fall the stories in the world, make all the excuses, but when you look in the mirror you want to see a self you respect. I want to be a self I respect, so do we all. We are consistently moulding and shaping ourselves according to the whims of others, yet the. Triumph is in knowing who you are. Understanding your strengths, and driving t

Claiming victory 4 billion hits

Deciphering those questions in your head, the key ones that help you glide into your perfect stride. It began with a list for me, a list of numbers. Each number represented a different dream so I would use the numbers to motivate myself, every time I got stuck I would count until an idea entered my head. What is it for you? The hope of a vision coming to life , something you forgot a long time ago? Whatever it is. Use it. Do not deny yourself that glowing smile where you look at your reflection and you announce I have won, I've done it,to satisfy that thirst you feel within. Like I say often to my followers quitting is the easy part, once upon a time I quit so many times I became bored of quitting itself. This time I wanted to see what it looks like to finish. We've all been there fleeting like rabbits from one fox or another, yet when do you find your hocme. Where do you arrive and call it your destination, plant your flag and say I claim this victory.

Growth 4 billion hits

A goal should never sleep, it is unwinding, uprooting itself from the content in your mind, to the prospect of productivity. You have been ready a very long time, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is pArt and parcel of the course. People often say know your limitations , I say defy your limitations. There are men and women walking on moons, visiting planets , and your challenge continues to fade with every whisper of caution. In life we are the obstacles,your mindset defines how you will end up and what you will accomplish. It is real to believe that yes you may get tired, the Jekyll in you might come out and Mr Hyde is conflicted once more. It is not easy to chase a dream. Dreams are smug little things, like children they like to be chased round trees ,charmed, but they can never be seduced. There is no way around it, you must do the work. I swear in school I was the laziest kid, popular, likeable , but lazy. I could always charm my teachers with a smile, concoct the

Branding your life 4 billion hits

So everyone I'm sitting in the living room with my crazy beagles, and it has me thinking about my real passion, my real addiction, my writing. Everything I write I hope echoes in the hearts and minds of my audience, discussions of branding, creativity , art, expression, because these things are the politics of life. How you brand a product matters, it gives it distinction, when your branding for your target audience, remind yourself consistently why? What is the why behind the investment, what is the strategy plan you have organised for yourself, who should buy your product and in years to come what will it mean to them? When I think about the time it takes to construct an idea, an ideal, I visualise the impact it will have on others. When people pick up my novels will they lose themselves in the idealism, or hide within the realms of the shadow? Is there a character they can connect to? Is there a hope of which they never experienced, they'd like to see in my books,or a

Lighting up your literature 4 billion hits

My hope is to get people excited about literature, blogging and their own independent productivity. Passion isn't just about a lucid state of ideals, it takes intense hard work, drive, focus and determination. It should be your morning meal, your afternoon delight, something delicious to engage you in the evening. It must be like this the whole time you work on your projects, and pick up that pen. I have a challenge for you. I have an issue which most writers deal with, sometimes you pick up your pen and you have nothing . Yet you must lay the ink on paper as though it were a child reaching for its mattress, yawning heavily, and limbs exhausted. They say the pen is mightier than the sword, the pen is more stubborn also. It is easy to quit when you get blocked, but visualise that end product. Whether it's your blog , your book or an invention your working on, you must see it come to pass. Imagine yourself beaming with the gratitude of success, grinning to your doubters,

Out of the mouth of babes 4 billion hits

My journey as a writer began with a crush. I had a crush on a character in my head and id had it for years. Every night before id go to bed, id dream up creative ways he would meet his match with of course, a fiery domineering, troublesome woman like myself. I remember visualising him each night before id go to sleep, then attempting to write half stories on the things he saw, did , felt, the adventures he had. It was as though his spirit coursed through me, and over the years he became more sophisticated until he had a new name. Taurus Jones. In my novels which will be available on the digital platform and if my publishers allow, Taurus is an eloquent chocolate skinned detective with a mute cousin who has the ability to piece the puzzles of the chaos within their lives. He is a gentleman, dapper, handsome, and yet troubled by the severity of life and his poverty stricken arena. Yet this is his playground to solve cases, and gain some sort of insight into what makes people tick. Ta

The honesty of goals 4 billion hits

If your honest with yourself your goals require some adjustments, you need time to include research. Research is the foundation of any major project, and it will give you avenues of which to look at gaining potential capital or revenue stream. When I started my blog I wasn't thinking of any other point of sale methods, outside of the google ad sense chapter, yet as a writer I believe your blog is your soapbox. It is your platform to promote your brand , engage with your target audience and drive more traffic your way. First and foremost you have to love what you do, no one else will buy into you , if you don't buy into yourself. A blog or a website is online real estate people, so what do you want people to see when they come to your house. Are they to be blown away by your knowledge and your insight,your wisdom and your experience, or are you taking them on a journey. What is your niche , write a page about your blog or site, it's strengths it's weaknesses, ho