
Showing posts from February, 2016

The sparrow

"Its time ," I said with doom in my speech was caught in my throat, the way food came up as vomit, my fingers trembled and sweat leaked from every crevice. His name was Michael, I had loved this man Michael ,though he had a wife and those two snot nosed brats had defiantly put prisms so high like barbed wire fences.They did not want me to love this man, I did not want to love this man. "We're ready mis but are you?" I glared at my reflection, a tangible self was fading in the aftermath of an emotional holocaust. I fixed the brown squared wig, looking like a psychic,investigating my brown depths for clues,  Traces of my former self. Where was she? The brown skinned girl with the big toothed grin, and the glimmer of hope in her eyes shining obnoxiously at the world like a silver dime. My happiness had been as robust as seasoned wife, and now my smile could be found in a casket with him. Nadia had warned me of this, " to love a dying man is li

Marcus butler how to deal with bullying


Black inventors


Inventions you shouldn't live without


Creative concoctions for brains that chime


Acing your ideas wall


The legacy of lost ones

A while ago I heard some idiot shriek to me, "your just a nigga!" We are more than this, I am potential,creativity,wisdom,enlightenment,growth,vision, passion. Growing up, I rarely acknowledged the social prejudices against black people, it was hip to be black, cool, and yet I am now a 31 year old woman blown away by the prejudices I've experienced, by cultures which were socially alienated themselves. On the day an Asian boy called me a Nigga, and a network of Asians laughed because I dared to say I find Asian people attractive, it has been clear to me, that there are people out there who don't see history, or a business background, or my years in education. At one point I even had a family who sell drugs sobbing me because of my dark skinned complexion. I was called a Nigga , a know it all, by imbeciles who police literally live outside their doorsteps. I have spent years building up a knowledge base that I am proud of, wearing a skin that I am proud