
Showing posts from August, 2015

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Neil Armstrong.The first man on the moon


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The warrior

There are warriors in us all; Lions fight Goliaths ten foot tall Though were scared and chomp at bits We climb barriers and out of it Pure vision lies with Strength within A soldier denies to let light dim Fight with passion fight for life we gasp for Oxygen to survive When you fail Fight to thrive This is you upon the edge Standing near a jagged ledge And all those questions That you ask Hidden in Your faded mask Wipe those tears beyond glass eyes For pain is buried Drilled in deep It lulls you when you fall asleep Life as punisher Life as friend Riddles at the start and end Your precipice Your recipe for sccess within let glowing lights shine and beam Detonate explosions of fear Hold your head up for your still here For your still The soldier rings the shrill alarm, We stand at ease, and remain calm snap our fngers Lick dry lips Tilt our heads Prepare for  abyss it'

top 10 most expensive celebrity homes


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Naomi Campbell's explosive interview


moving forward

  The thought of allowing an envious person to win., should go beyond motivating you. It should be your hunger, your food, the first thing you think of when you get up in the morning, your sandwich and your lunch at night. Your success is sending a clear message to a jealous saboteur, if they want to take you on, they have to play fair. Not use sneaky pathetic tactics to validate themselves, not try and draw you into a hostile situation,seriously some people should learn to stay in their own lane, if they continue to watch you they will loose the battle and the war. Sadly with most envious people,that's exactly what it is, a war. In their kinds you have it all and they have nothing, the little you have their desperate to take it from you because your made of something their not. It's called guts. How many people watch others spend their time whining about not having this and not having that, when in your mind all your thinking is Jesus Christ, you want it that badly go f

Be the mission

Paint the scene A bloodied red A tarnished colour For doom instead It's buoyancy Sedated all things A dominant forever spring I hAve a dream I admire Never clock Never stop Roam like wildfire Entertaining legends In the wake of my existence Only to be persistent This is not a day but The dawning of time Request syllables That reflect your mind Escape cosmic order Now your on the Border Will you jump in Never dim Have the strength Your a fighter Jesus still salutes you God is blessed He promotes Whatever You do Still concocting visions A dream on a mission Be persistent

poverty price

Poverty was a Price for men We hold it still It whispers then Clapping hands  Which cultivate pain The trauma of clowns Left in the rain Jester where  Will you go Still I taste my dreams Cinnamon at will Poverty Will you slip away? Let me buy the shoes I claimed Wear the dress I've crowned and named Buy the house  With lock in key Poverty Please forget  About me

we become

Who do we become When they take us away Batter our dreams Disrupt our day A sullen candle Willows in wind The smoke it carries The night air has sinned Who do we become When they take you away, No room for a chalice Or a place you can pray No chord for a vocal Or guitar for a string No ammunition For muddied things Who do you Become When they take you  Away Disappear into darkness And quickly you fade Despite your longing For things to change Life is subtly Rearranged

into darkness

Fade into darkness, Disappear before light We are the howls That carry your screams  We are the voices That terrorise dreams Concluding a fact We're not ready to see This becomes you Unworthy of me Mosquito man No ambitions become you Let your hate and  Stupidity Quickly become you The truth remains There it will stay Certain truths Can never Be washed away

The urn

The urn it cries With death inside Quickly I defy The odds Changing paces Debt because The layman's tango Has captured fears Mosquito man Each coming year We sip the silk Of years that come We roam the streets For where We long Please find me  My beating heart The throb of a vein A pulse that whistled If I'd begun From the start To avoid this thing An ancient vessel

Somebody stop

Somebody stop me I rattled and cried This shattered window The blood inside The empty tomb For once I.laid The sullen self Of yesterday Somebody stop me My aching womb A breathless Wanderer Cast aside No cupboard scape For me to hide I hear the steps Of the chain man's song Don't dangle me Neck strained And long For I am the words Of which you eat Your vegetables, Your fruit and meat.

Wicker man

Wicker man With your broken dreams Your aged stems And your ttear stained Pillow Am I to fix The stretch of pain The aged tusk That wears you still The damaged cheekbone Soul without will Wicker man With your aged tusk One day You will Own your must

lost in rain

Where we belong We sing our song The ocean bed It cruises still I count my broken thoughts  At will To condemn the martyrs That summer fades Do we gently rearrange A simple thought  For slender minds A battered heart A sullen cry Even where the wounds  Are kept That was the day  I easily slept Who count the sun Chorus the sky It's many steps A winking eye We blink  And champion  Those in vain For all our dreams Are lost in rain

many somethings

So many somethings Amount to one Don't harbour fugitive Thoughts Hold Sun's That glide you Into successful wake To be a man You don't Need a cape Honesty Dignity Courage And still Delicious spice Within your meal Let them marvel At what you've kept Don't be exhausted Come collect With plastic bags And army suit To regiment The day that suits Neither a borrower Or lender be You are the jewel That belongs to me

tedx talks


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Beating writers block

Its not perfect and yet it doesn't have to be. Writing is about expression. If your sstruggling with dialect, taking your character from a to b, designing a scene and....corrupting the page with it. As a writer do not give into your sensitivities, you are not writing for everybody else, your doing it for yourself, because this is your passion, your escapism, your fruit for the day. It is the way you meet your dreams and conquer your enemies, writing is a journey. You can write something imperfect and come back to edit it another day with a fresh perspective, your perspective, you renewed. If your intimidating yourself by comparing your work to others, stop. Write as though it were your last day on earth, you started enjoying the process, you knew it was a gift, so share it. Give it validity. Prose is not immediately perfect, there are many things which go into producing a bestseller, or simply a good piece of work, read and right till your exuberant, enjoy the process, you ar

loosing will

  I run a lot  I hide  I duck A pot of soup For my good luck Never a beauty queen Was I Never a dreamer  To paint the sky  Florid Yet in this horrid Cardboard box I see a light Once null and void Shift my Eyes To avoid The longing Which belongs to me Salt salivates Upon my tongue A wrinkled hand Yet face so young The scan of a dimple The pain of a cleft When I see My reflection I am bereft With needs upon  Such hostile needs And deeds that mean I plant some seeds A taste of soil mouth Yet I remain  My north My south The compass self Of wounds bestowed Whatever's left Honored I own As paperclip people Traffic still No dense am I But I've lost my will


Ink boy With your beagles eyes Within my Palm I hold the sky's I hold the dreams Young boys Once lost The story's That they tell you cost Go chase that Dream Clutter starlet sky Ask those questions For who And why Reap rewards of Things once found Canvas places far renowned For a dream will make you And a dream Will take you The world will see And not mistake you For ham in a sandwich Tucked beneath fold A piece of lettuce A chef once mold For its our dreams we eat On charcoal nights A virile dream Is out of sight With life's realities Bombard And prick When we ponder It comes down to it How badly do You want The sale of an organ A throbbing heart Within Your Palm I say with Much too Much Alarm A spoonful Of hope Is medicine To cope With the chaos Life brings And creeping fears That sing

Into the darkness

 Into the darkness Where I belong, Screaming the odds At a tainted song Lonely the wanderer Blissful am I Quaking a storm Counting butterflies I saw the shadows shift Saw the great divide Which caused a rift Bed of roses Tiptoe on thorns Toes that bleed Feed anchored On stilts Do I crawl under Mother's quilt I face the day, The lies that come As I fight I do become A stranger in Where chalk outlines Align so dim And on this Meadow I shall rest Within the soil At nature's breast As much as I Seek hollow dreams A fading girl Meets troubled things

writers block

One wall One block I come Unstuck Unglued Unhinged From bright lights Dimmed This beacon of truth A hub despaired For within my reach My brain is there A fossil United upon tree top One flow One dream That awkward Stop gap In time Clear my throat And collect my rhyme Fix those demons In your shell Remove the slime From whence You fell One wall One block I cannot stop

a shadow of a doubt


Pakistan Hotspots


Palau Hotspots


Panama Hotspots


Martin Luther king


The rain on my skin

Gentle rain on weeping skin Swallow me Left in between, The cuckoo's nest, A Gatsby song Recently I scribbled All alone Wisdom planted Tiny seeds Waiting for an awesome Deed A hue to bleed With raspy leaves Where hands they Stretch Like eager sleeves Nature sobs For ocean bed Tumultuous wind Gasps loud instead The sun it shrieks Crossing sky A carousel Where ancients lie Give me a Palm A hand or two Shake my fingers They belong to you Coat my flesh In dazzled light Let it wink Way past the night And symbolise what we have Seen And all the greatness We have been Our complex circle Our broken threads The laymen watch Our conjoined heads Nature passes with a kiss I yearn for days That belong to this.

From post to power: understanding social sabotage

In this lifetime people will try their very best to sabotage and bring you down, they are called toxic people. Neatly packaged to appear normal yet you have no idea what chaos roams in the secret crevices of their mind. It's easy to allow envious people to drag you down, to let them steal from your energy and your chi, yet there are ways they cannot win. When you fight to stay happy, to build yourself up, no matter the cost, to celebrate your achievements, have the guts to think with clarity of mind and say in this moment, I am strong. No matter what is happening on the outside, envious people have an inferiority complex. Their hunger for power makes them even weaker to themselves, when they look in the mirror it's a self they hate, and that's usually projected unto you. Human beings crave positions of power, know this and no matter what experience you have in any scenario, or workplace, you will be prepared for any nonsense that comes your way.

silent song

You didn't fail, I told myself over and over again. It was a race, this life and I needed to finish first. I wanted to provoke that I could do the impossible, I wanted to prove I could change my own destiny. Therefore I fought with tooth and nail, climbing deeper into an abyss of thoughts that would soon consume me, it was real, and it was important to me that I keep moving forward, that I keep steering forth and nothing or no one could stop me or get in my way. I glared hatred at the tiny grains of golden sand as I shuffled my feet to the left and awkwardly to the right, tossing the sand in the air until it blinded me . Today I'd picked a fresh cotton white t-shirt, some brown shorts, timberlands and hoop earrings, I wanted to be so much more than what I was. Believe so much in who I am.this hunger this vision shaped me, I identified with its need castrate me from all simple things, for I was a complex individual. I'm a teenager now, I told myself , with hips that s

once before

All by myself Upon a throne , Where ancient things Abide alone History flakes A cooling dust I understand We're one of us The creatures whose splendour Lies in between The sheets you soaked Nightmares you've seen And when I dance Upon the moon A sirens cry Will follow me soon Oh dear tempest Weak from the Moore's An estranged self We've worn once before

The psychology of self motivation


Love and loose ends


The Obsidian

I swore I could catch fire, taste it on my tongue, watch it dance, a majestybinside my mouth, snaking its way down my esophagus. That's how it felt to kiss an old wound, have it explode between your teeth, the fragrance of blood dripping from your damaged lips, and they are damaged too. I knew about Marty's episodes, I knew about his broken dreams, the map with the ink stain across it, a map with no treasure. We were both buried amongst our tidy things, two clowns staring at a world full of contempt. " does it surprise you that I'm different," " to what? Your carefully constructed self," " the public versus the private identity, and who Tod I pick?" We laughed. " to be a name in an address book " we both chided. We'd seen it in one of those black and white detective movies, the ghost and smoke series, I'd rebelled in the awesome dialect, whilst shoving confetti sized popcorn down my throat. I was sixteen, and there was

the looser

it was her, her attempt to show kindness made him feel weak. Why should I appear vulnerable to someone like you? Timmy price thought on his way home from school. When others had laughed at her, he'd teased right along with them. He hated her smug and self satisfied look of happiness, the bliss that seemed to vibrate from her, why was she so happy,? It made him jealous, it made him angry. He wanted to be like that. Wanted to be Loeffler no reason but having a buoyant personality, wanted people to respect him, and yet he had nothing to show for it, nothing that meant he should acquire that respect. Today somehow as he'd canvassed the playground he'd managed to feel both angry and empty, people like her, he would chant to himself, people like her, they make me so angry, yet he could never tell anyone the real reason s why. That when she spoke in that clear voice with a tiny of a posh accent, it made him feel dumb, or why he's told his friends to take glue across her h

The solemn ones

Social alienation. That's what I got for putting myself out on a limb for a coward. I stared hard at the ripples in my coffee cup, it was charcoal black, I imagined myself being a fish and diving into its depths, escaping the judgement of others. All eyes were on me, like Pleistocene stuck politely to an art form, or the chewing gum you accidentally sit on whilst visiting a bench in the urbs. Life was as shallow as the people were, and yet my brain felt dense, heavy with the burden of so many split marble thoughts. What does it mean to loose yourself in the ghosts of the pasts, chasing you as smoke from a lit firework, a life once an explosion of colour,meets with the buoyancy of other people's inadequacies. I looked along the hall of Mike's busy yet somehow tainted bar, I ignored the voices that parroted themselves in my hrad,weaving a spell, binding my confidence, swallowing me in between gulps of pained questions. Why does the world seek to destroy you so much whe

Dreaming on a dashboard

Who told you you couldn't do it? Whatever negative things others are trying to force feed you, don't force feed yourself it. As a human being we are allowed to have strengths and allowed to have weaknesses. Let your mind take you beyond the 'real' and carry yourself, beyond the bracket. Each person has their own journey, your miles are different to those around you, your face tells your story beyond your words. Captivate your audience, hook them in and sell your strengths. You are more than a label, more than a geographical statistic, you are your own mount Everest and with each challenge you are beating the obstacles ahead. People will try and grind you down, break your spirit, make hostile suggestions about who you are, but we are not supposed to fit in with everybody. We are not supposed to be a uniformed block of cells, we are a collective when we choose to be, and can flow independently from the malice of others. Shut your ears to haters, blisters, and people

luxury homes for your lucrative mind

Who doesn't want to live in a house like this. With intensive hard work, training and self belief you can. Visualise yourself holding the keys to this new mansion, after pulling up in the driveway, smelling the air, and stepping over the soil with your suede moccasins. Beauty is in the detail, in every part of your life, so hold unto your vision and just keep going. Follow me on Facebook : otatade okojie

moment to moment

People don't owe you anything, your nice, you overcompensate,but for who? All of these people are ghosts themselves. Laugh because it's a time and a place, you will transition and elevate beyond them. Do not be beaten by your own bloodied cheeks, swollen fear, tears that leak off your skin. Take pride in who you are, life is a battlefield, wounded, or lonely, there are warriors with armour just like you. Spirits that sing like a gospel choir, a dream you can pop like a pill. Taste it, swallow it's freedom, let your belly explode as gin for angels,give you the might to fly.

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Mansions in a minute


Lifestyles of the rich and famous: Harry Redknapp


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