
Showing posts from June, 2014

Disecting dreams: Championing Change

image from Li Newton We talk much to ourselves, little we hear aloud. You are your vision, see yourself soaring above the clouds, you are in your element, we are all products of our own minds. You become what you believe. Believe in who you are, fight for yourself, for dreams, for ambitions, because you are worthy of them. They deserve you and most of all you deserve them. Imagine your dream wrapped in a tidy present box, cocooned in silk wrapping, with a bow ontop, on an Island just waiting for you. Waiting for you to make that trip to endure that journey, to see that vision, see it, drink it in, and create momentum. Every big step begins with a little step, we are not daydreamers. Remind yourself that people have accomplished your dreams before. Smell your dream, taste your dream, feel the experience of it, it is yours if you claim it. We are our own paradise, it can happen only if your willing to take on the challenges, defeat the obstacles and cup your dream in your hand.

Distinctly defining yourself

image from wonderfulengineering Sometimes we find it hard to like ourselves let alone love ourselves. Others may loathe a confident air, some may see it as someone needing to be brought down a peg or two. Yet here it is another desert for us to peel away at, the banana peel most of us slip on.  The world is full of different types of people, different types help it orbit. If you are a positive person, know this in your spirit, others have a habit of seeing something great in someone and deciding they deserve it for themselves. Then earn it. Don't be the entitled brat in the corner saying the World owes me, just for my presence alone. There are great people who started in life and their journey's defined them. It was their struggle that made them reveal that greatness within. Why not celebrate it. We are magnets and the people we attract to ourselves is often very telling. We want to attract positive people with a healthy self confidence. There is nothing wrong with

Feeling inner friendship: How to fight for the confidence within

image from It is an interesting thing, learning to allow the insults of others fall on deaf ears, yet's something i plan to fight to keep hold of. People have a habit of trying to kick us when were down, and yet not all of them. There is  a world of people out t here. Not hundreds, not thousands, but millions, billions, and possibly even trillions. While we sit disecting the actions of the few, you are more than their narrow minded thinking. You are the way you are. Often times we fix and adjust ourselves according to size. Someone feels threatened so you humble yourself more, someone thinks your arrogant , so you ensure you express humility. Guess which lesson i had to learn the hard way this year. No matter what you do, there are people in life who will find ways and reason's not to like you. Yet for everyone who doesn't there are probably ten more, 50 more or a hundred more who will. Just as you are. Not needing you to negotiate y

Hindrance and haste: Moving past Waste (toxic people how to beat them)

image by Lovebun " Oh my gosh he did what?!" Yes, actual verbatim, you don't need your best friend, sister, or even your Cousin screaming this guy is an arsehole run. You already have your tracksuit on and your trainers to make a Speedy exit. Often times we sit debating why, who, when, are we being over sensitive, is it really as bad as it seems. Just ask yourself one question, are you feeling like crap? Yes. Arseholes will often try desperately to defend their actions, claiming mightily how you drove them to such destructive behaviors, the toxic friend who winds you up then stands in awe as you detonate, convincing everyone else that your the problem. Here it is in a nutshell. In some way we are all the problem, we all have problems, yet how these people choose to relate to you, shows their challenges are clearly "mightier" than yours. It is easy to allow people to overwhelm you with their stuff, you snap, you pop, you fizz, you sob and you weep, wonde

Keeper Love

image by Camilladerrico I am your keeper I am your love I will protect you I am your glove In Somewhere less perfect Than simple minds here I'll rub your lotion I'll eat cheekbones and tears For in the summer I covet your smile Winter time I aid your Mile And as you Crumble to bits of sand I will rebuild you Just as we planned

The Inch

image by Butchermebeautiful Even an inch Of a  self less thought a world knows little and still not sought Then we hunger For the keepers inn, Finding lanterns Somewhere dim and they Crucify the timid self, The empty picture We need the help Our silence betrays But tears do stream The Onion from a Soul within

The Black Question

image by Graveunicorn It started with a letter to a guy who had absolutely no self esteem. His name was J he like the other members of his family walked with their eyes glued  to their feet. He had no self confidence, and had a habbit of Parking in front of my home. When i walked he'd drive his car at the pace i walked, he'd called my phone once, and had a habbit of asking my sister questions about me. She'd come back telling me, he  had a soft spot for me, but i should never do anything about it. I listened to her advice at first amused and also flattered, and then one day, the truth about him began to reel it's ugly head. It was a childish thing, black women are over sensitive about their hair, and there are some days you don't want to see anybody. I saw him as i came outside with the bin, yet for some reason rather than greeting him with a flirtatious smile like i usually did. I panicked and ran. It was something in my gut. Then sensing from his expressio

Shadow Child

image from literature voodoo Five pence, Six Pence Three bags full I was a penny But worth more Than you You whip at my name Pour acid on it's ink Piss all over the Wisdom I think And then with burps You say Mistakes It is no common place To be cruel And fake, To hate black skin, Insult our complexion I'm sorry my shade Destroys your erection But god Never Lied To Me, He's tired And worn Sick of people Who choose broken and torn Eat heartbeats For breakfast Suck pulses for lunch Chomp at your brain Till it's Sunday brunch This hateful Self You choose To be I am Charcoal And proud of me Blessed are the dark ones Womb of the sun, Whether they cripple Or emotions leave you numb Staggering into a stupor Of pain and Bliss Remember your skin Be proud of this.

Isis Shock

image by besides that Isis wind a storm i see It lights a flame and comes for me In the still Of twilights dawn I rest measured bones Yawn The verge of alcoholic tears a bitter quiet Eats up these years How mighty is the promise For the tide Sweeps in


image by Dewaroquier We blame you much for the life you lead You took the plant You sewed the seed and much askew once were your thoughts an empty thread Of sign by nought We calculate the time to fade bewitching hour? Do behave For Wizards spin a  Dominoes Sire We are young Yet truly tired Exhausted With a life was Once Lately i look for my chance

Once upon Pinnochio

image by acquasio Once pinochio told his lie The world looked upon him and we did sigh how empty are your dollars? A silk purse from a beaten hand the blackbird perched right where you stand The crinkle of age beneath the fold we are fading this im told and yet how empty are your dollars friend? For me to smile and much pretend the wake of life The shoe on foot I wipe the years of Chimney soot and yea though i say How empty are your dollars friend?

Canway Island

image from "We are the strange one's " he said, " the broken ones." I pondered that for a minute. My fathers verse on life and identity, my brothers tongue on pain and growth. " We sacrifice much for this land we live on," we scanned the fields vast in their empire. From an emerald green to a season of tropical flowers, we had built much on this land. Despite a lack of a shed, and a small pillar home, this was our box. It was our cover from the rain we worshipped how sacred it was, and how infinite it would become. I drank in lovers mile, easing my eyes along narrow streets, taking in a world that belonged to two little legs which screamed for adulthood. "You are young, yet old still," "i know father," i replied in a soft tone cloaked with emotion. "I will never leave this place, this is paradise," "it's the fruit of an old man's dreams," his tone was groggy, bitter with the ste

Doorways and floorways

image by Picasso The open door, She yearns to please On crowded floors and bended knees Termites in the things she read We suck the blood Inside our head Canvas Vampire Skin I am light yet dark within and all the cries the egg doth scream Mother, mother hear your team

Bottom Barrel

image by Picasso I scraped the bottom barrel Whilst chomping on my tongue limbs would close on dreams days when times were wrong and all those shattered schedules Of a nuptial day The dreams that kiss Then fade away, the mouth that feeds into the silence ideas are bloody they bring minds violence and yet i seek the acid the thirst of an idea quenching this sand mouth silk on throat Liquor in blood I am a verbal alcoholic

Compass love

image from fine art america A compass love Is all i seek You search things through I pine so meek Crave the destruction Of misunderstood selves I am the bad read you picked from the shelf My crusted corners an old man's scribble In your shoe I am your pebble Water colour mesh Love the colours i create As we bleed A virgin page

Worm Storm

image from The worm the storm, a blackened eye i wiped the ash I barely cried For i arose like dawn to death Wakened from my peep toe head, and how the quiet ones watch me Whisper whisper Go the mice I am indeed a handsome price A coal black heart A throbbing sung I use the spine which jabs the lung

Sound Noun

image by besides that It is the flowing, the swaying, the gentle lilt of a faraway thought, like a cool breeze gliding into your ears i am noun hear my truth i am adjective feel the void, i am knowledge Mango flesh tattoo me to your tomb I am irreplaceable I am Sound Control me

How to accept when your crush doesn't like you

I remember it clearly, a crush on a guy i was so fixated on, i couldn't read the red hot signals of rejection. His body language said it in black and white, yet i fawned over him consistently, convinced that my good cheer, poetry, and charming intellect would steal his gaze. I became a laughing stock. It is tempting to believe that you can wear some down, charm them, even bribe their affections, yet in the long run, they have to fall for you naturally. It has to be your smile that tempts them, your eyes that fill them with much intimidation, your gaze that locks upon theirs, and your intellect that makes them navigate closer and closer. There is nothing worse than a Beg date. Beg date's don't get love, but most of all, they never get respect. Any respect is quickly diminished, and as others look on, they will also puzzle at your behaviour. When someone likes you, they like you, who you are, your flaws make you interesting, your quirks make them curious, your insig

The form

image by MichaelShapcott The thick and dense Of Crippled things I aid my floors and spin my lens I wipe the troubles From my side, i ease the tens i often hide And how i creep at corners dim To Sacrifice the light within You grow I burn I pine for thee My wounded soul The aching me And how a heart Bleeds a thousand stones And yet i stand A throne alone

Houdini and words

image by Pajunen Houdini the Maestro Shakespeare the song Where are the poets as were still holding on I chew on the leaves The roots of a spell Working my way Not knowing to tell For words Words are slick things Jam on bread You wolf them down They jingle in heads And all those pretty words With flower and prince It's no Coincidence Houdini has left.


Here lies the boy The old lady said He dreamed too mu\ch It shattered his head Brain lays wasted Pool on the floor Spit and vomit Fingers once gnawed and yet Legs still jux ta po sition wrap pen in feet and scribble resistance here lies the boy The gate keeper said He sits on the side walk Fixing his head

Jelly Baby

image from nicksayswhat What dreams may come to those who wait Jelly baby Your not in haste Eagles; evict your door You will be triumphant Yesterdays more For Failures  thick For those who climb Courage spoon for those who hide Jelly baby, Jekyls at shadows mist Grant Mr hyde a Virgin kiss Knock Knock soft knuckles at doors Bruised with age and ribbed with hair Making others eave and stare For Jelly Boy to enter the bowl My jelly Baby Take control

Suli Breaks speaks the truth

Love it!! Suli Breaks

With Each Surprise

image from Surprise Surprise It's in your eyes The swamp of tears A net of promise Ionic bonds leave a jumbled mind You Klever one the world is famished For things we pick and cotton wrapped Sweet balls Rotating orbs of life Look at the wild ones Their in distress The kiss of death has come near miss They ache for Rope and Sorceress Hand me a robe for naked skin the soul that's left whose died within A sip of hope a lick of promise Devastated by polished Leather shoes.

Peak moment

image from youqueen Taste like us Sesame seeds on bread Dry yet organised I miss the corpse Of romantic spring The words that i thought You'd burp what i think All our Cheesecake time Eaten in quarters Man with a wife Not yet to be daughter What of the matchbox house we built? Cling film stair were never a rough Yet as i scan We were never enough The lipstick on drawers Paint on Fabric, I needed a dreamer I needed elastic, What of the keys i stole from your pocket Gemini i will hide and seek you

Walk by your side

image by livbee A walk by your side Sets the tone The daylights lit were all alone I bite the oxygen Of endless words Whisper the nothing The something you've heard Before Before all this and us amiss The calamity of life Which creeps like oil Are we bone To bone Or flesh to soil Honestly You were the beginning of me

Redebony: Into the Dark Room (My truth)

image by Dashinvaine Black divine Black divine Let your beauty often shine Let the world know your place and others see your handsome face In the thick of it where you stand let others see Your gods fair plan

Lovers Keep

image from Galleryhip " You make me want to ask the world a million questions," Aisha Croft sat at the edge of the Silver lake, her feet tingled with it's Icicle promise. Leon Ridd to her left. Aisha pressed forward for the promise of a kiss. Leon leaned back, the moment was burdened with an awkward silence. " It's cool," she muttered, the stain of disappointment clearly on her expression.  She liked the long walks with Leon round Lovers Keep, she'd watched Lisa bones get pregnant from her window, wondering how someone could engage in such a private act, in such a public place. Then Leon came with his Magazine smile, and sultry brown eyes, and they visited Lovers keep together. It was a magical place, especially in summer time. The pearl swans were your lookout, the rosebuds in bloom, yellow daffodils and aztec flowerpots, buzzed with the electricity of Grasshoppers and angry Bees. The fish in the pond were distinctly different to the lake, some


image from carmencham.wordpress It was the words that sung to him, chapter and verse, words that clung like film , soaking him in the wisdom that was truly kept. He liked her stride, a quick confident March as she sliced the air, ever organised, the ease of which her day was kept. Beauty was an unconventional thing, and for him, Jada described his wife as no Oil painting, neither a monet, but in his eyes gems were hidden behind those two orbs. The greenlight was a dimpled smile that Captured those who dared, slide closer. Chapter and verse, she was his, and it was a closed book. Yet when Jadan Arian Mitchan looked at the open shop doorway, summer breeze blowing his dreadlocks away from his nape, there his wife stood, his afternoon conversation, sharing dialect with Satan X. Satan X he'd nicknamed the man was the ultimate stalker, Cassidy could go nowhere without a call from him pinching strings of her time. Be it Spring, Summer, or Autumn, Jasper always had " a situation

Star Catcher

image from tahoeculture He catches the wind Blames it on stars The art of the weather Keeps him  miles appart For in this Paradise Of Souls which lost The storm hold captures The Jesus Cross Breakfast bleeding Teething limbs Spine is missing Blind ones dimmed You captured the star? She croaks Just for you Just for tonight "I captured the star."

Best friend

image by ladyfern It was our time The world was a place to be conquered We captivated it with our smiles The jubilant laughter Of skins slipping into body And now i say Where is the scent That was at my side The demons that haunted us Could not hide Then they ripped and dragged and clawed We saw versions We'd never bought before It was our time Eclipsing world Stone throw fences Catapult into space Rotating hips and grinding lips We were the sunlight At it's peak Eyes that scattered Dust mite Sins of stray Kittens Nonchalance Taps hand on shoulder Out here in the wilderness Where the sea is ink I thought becomes The fears i think a burst of voice From Sombre Place, Best friend where was the smiles on our face. These broken teeth and polaroids in eclipto No more music for our Calypso Best friend You were my song of choice My eardrums hearken For your noise.

Damien Rice: 9 crimes ( poetry in motion)

This video is a must watch.


image rezureketed Blank, love soap, washes of in stages The guilt of our shame nestled in rotting flesh Fingers hold secrets Mouth covets chapter and Verse I am like iron here waiting for you to love me once again The eyes that fell Glue eyes Robot man you were For the hay in the corner we miss the screws which crawl through chink The tired whistles in the dark Spit flagging, as the icicle queen melts statues of indecision I am leaking Where are my hands

Crooked places

image by Senju Hime Crooked places and we need love with broken faces Eyes that bulge and sweat with salt what i was Then who im not And all our little gypsy thoughts The stray ones we once were I wander bus stop Catching tongues Tripping wires Of scents that burn Time snaps it's fingers Distant mess A ringing phone is in distress The purse of lips with smoke Cloud in the air For all chalk people Wander here Beneath the brook Of trees that sit A sky is dimmed With grey scales lit The cheese of day Electric Night And all our little Gypsy thoughts Voices hiding in armpit soil

Cool conversations: The importance of effective intelligent communication

Image by Xeuszulumedia It began with a smile. I was sitting outside a stall with a woman who designs clothes for Naomi Campbell, GMTV, and a host of other well known celebrities. An old man approached us, he was stammering on his feet, stumbling, his words seemed to flow into each other like wine from one glass being tipped into another. Despite looking extremely well dressed, long overcoat, neatly and well ironed, he looked very much like a drunk. He sounded like he'd downed all the ale in the local pub. Instead of judging him,i simply looked up and gave him the brightest smile.He introduced himself as "Lord .... of Hamil." When i questioned the people around me, it seemed they knew him well, and were also convinced he was a lord. Anyway long story short it turned out he wasn't a lord after all.Simply an older man who has a thing for "beautiful brown skinned women." The key to effective conversation is Listening. We often overcompensate for the ins


image by borda Artists Sculpting hands and pillowed feet I weep beside the bed of you This paradise of dreams We hide from an emerald world Coccooned in your musk Biting down on the punch  Of your desire Question me about the days That sweet talk us Charm the cages of kaleidoscope  World Eat my lips  My words will be yours Swallow my heart I am a piece of you Climb my veins likeRopes Then carry my shoulders Till your hunched back And the eyes weep  Perplexed For we are more than wonders And the shadow of pain Resides near our Achilles throb

The promise

I leave with haste Somebody new came for you The snap of a branch The whisper of a cold autumn breeze Chill of ice as winter tiptoes near Lend me your scarf My Island Jezebel I remember days When you were smoke and mirrors Curling in the wind Afraid of your own reflection Lend me an ear Let me whisper the promise Of the freedom we've crawled into Rock you awake Be your Lullabye Pigeon toed As you stand a strict march Let the scent of your perfume Rest upon my lips As I nestle soft lips  Closer to the stem Of my long necked swallow And let me praise you For Oysters love Pearls that keep them

Tula the Revolt: Stunning masterpiece

Tula the revolt Written and directed by Jeroen Leinders,starring  Danny Glover, Jeroen Krabbe, Deobia Operia, Paul Bazely   is a captivating cinematic piece based upon the leader  of the  1795 slave  revolt on the Island of Curacao for over a Month . Today he is recognized in Dutch History as a fighter for Human Rights and Independence.It explores one slaves rebellion against a prejudiced economy in Curacao. Tula a slave who works in the field receives word that The Slaves have been freed by way of the war in France. Tula tired of being abused, for both skin and labour, champions an epic revolt, which catapults himself and the other workers from their simple understanding of inequality, to a passioned fight for Justice. A civil war ensues on the land, and each slave finds themselves pitted off against their master, fighting for the freedom that comes with self and a pride in identity. This Epic Cinematic piece is based upon a historical tale on the Island of Curacao. It is a s

The brotherhood of men

"There's a difference between you and i," Callifa looked hard at his twin brother. Isolated in that small space disengaged from a world of childish things. There was a difference, and it was becoming more scary, annd more real. " How many did you take this time?" " Enough to fade," " What are you running from man?" " From my fucking shadow," Ryan bit back. " Jesus from you. We wont be joined at the hip for the rest of our lives, ya know?" It was the drugs talking, as much as Calliffa knew this, he felt the stinging, like a blunt shovel being dug into the heart. The dreams started in second year of high school, those clammy sweat filled dreams, where he'd have to rock his other to sleep, and tell him father wasn't dead. He was just a selfish man that's all. One trip to the corner shop, and he'd disappeared, a whisper in the darkness, their father was a myth, a story mum shared at dinner parties with