
Showing posts from December, 2013

Coping with Change: Understanding evolving relationships

image by BlackmoonLilly Relationships change and sometimes it's the hardest thing to deal with. The ever changing push and pull tug of what did i do to change this dynamic, could i have been a better version of myself? Could i have been a more patient self? Could i have acted more as the person they gravitate to. Then we realise, we are who we are. In life the people who love you are supposed to accept you for who you are, wether it suits them or not. Sometimes you may love the bones off someone and the next day, not like them so much, the reality is we are only human. It is not a crime to be you. There was a point where i had so many people consistently telling me there was something wrong with the way i was, who i was as a person, and then i looked with disgust as these people would try and imitate me. Or people who tear you down to friends and relatives, wait till everybody's gone, try and get close to you, then when their frustrated they can't you become the bad

Merry xmas everyone from Red ebony! Make sure it's a happy one.

image by Nurnurich Xmas doesn't guarantee that we will automatically be happy. Yet your happiness is vital for the day. We fight for our cars, jobs, people who are abandoning us, homes, fight for your happiness day to day, because in life there are distractions. I once made the assumption that simply because you decide to get your life on the right path, the whole world will instantly agree with you. Everybody else will fall into line, everybody will high five you and give you a pat on the back, and tell you how awesome you are. Just for the heads up this Xmas remind yourself how awesome you are no matter who is trying to tear you down, we deal with trial after trial, jealous attention seekers, assuming that if they shine a light on our flaws nobody will notice theirs. In life you are allowed to have flaws, it's called being Human. Celebrate your life.

Signs of a bitter ex: Absolutely hysterical!!

This is absolutely hysterical, i almost wet myself true to life.