
Showing posts from September, 2012

Sixto Rodriguez Jane S Piddy ( Stuff my sister shows)


How to snob a snob

image by pixie cold Wow what a title. We've all been there, were your going about your own personal affairs, and are constantly up against some snob who thinks their better than you. Looks down their nose, and takes the time to judge you, not even by commentary alone, but the old evil stare and the turn of the head with disgust. How do you snob a snob? My strategy is to communicate with everybody else,and simply keeping your distance. A nod, or a brief hello, will keep your conscience at ease, but when it comes to intense communication, laughter, jokes, time, give that to every body else. Snobs love to alienate people and feel as though the world should worship them, yet when you ignore a snob and make a point to not give them the time of day...despite their destructive energy. Snobs tend to seek you out, happen to walk past you a million times, be as loud as they possibly can,and some are just low saying any nasty thing they can think of about you. Suddenly the person they th

Beating the jaded and the jealous

Jealousy by lady imogen Jealous people are raw. They'll do just about anything say just about anything in an attempt to shred your confidence. Your happiness and free/ independant spirit is like acid seething into their bones, and you find yourself being the subject of gossip, and someone's hungry attempts to 'make sure you know your place.' Here are key things that will give you piece of mind. The person laughing at you, trying to ridicule you is not actually happy. That laughter is false and those 'brave' comments they love to say behind your back are actually helping you. Someone's jealousy is motivation for you to keep going, if life is a marathon, your exhausted beyond belief, that envious person might as well be your cheerleader, because their telling you, 'keep going, your doing something right.' I recently experienced the complexity and the frustration that comes with a jealous person, someone they valued took an interest in me and it ha