
Showing posts from May, 2012

Are you dating a jerk?

This particular species of man breed is what i'd call 'le petit arsehole.' Women can be very loyal, we can also be very naieve and very stupid when it comes to the guys we like or date. Sometimes in order to not have to take responsibility for her emotional state, a woman will brainwash herself by saying things like 'i'm probably just being dramatic,' or 'i'm probably just being over sensitive' or my favourite lay out all the horrible, nasty, mean spirited things their guy does like a desert pallette for you to nit pick at, then boom five minutes later she's all 'he's such an amazing guy though.' Seriously, is that why she's always crying? Is that why she's gotten ten times more insecure than she used to? Is that why she's a hundred times more jealous of the little joys she witnesses other people experiencing? Relationships will always have their ups and downs, yet in a nutshell, if you are seeing someone that constantl

How to raise your standards:

See it as simply as this. If you dont raise your standards not only will you experience the frustration that comes with crumb getting, or picking guys at the bottom of the barrell, you'll experience sheer humiliation when you discover. After having turned your head, gotten your attention, guys like this will simply languish in the bliss of it, not having to put the real work in. Recently i experienced this. At an extremely low point in my life, depressed and quite lonely from time to time. I let my head be turned by a guy who had no self esteem, no self respect, no courage, and absolutely no scruples. This same guy who always seemed to want me to notice him,loiter and hover to get my attention,park literally on my doorstep if i didn't pay him any mind. As soon as it became potential public knowledge that this guy might actually like me, rather than being a man and stepping up, because the people around him didn't like me, he quickly joined them to tear me to shreds.From n

Iyanya Kukere:Awesome African dance music BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!


Daredevil dating: why it's alright you took that risk

poluted,by andrea Becker If you've been kicking yourself for the wrong guy, it's time to stop. So you took a risk on a looser, gave the jerkoff ex boyfriend a chance, went after a guy who turned out to be completely gutless. Guess what? It's a rite of passage. You are just a number amongst the millions of gorgeous women out there, whose dreams of prince charming, led them to the scenario from hell. Lauren hill once sang the road to hell, is paved with good intentions; Boy did you feel that, crying alone in the dark, or whining about it to a friend who is soon to avoid your calls. Sometimes in life, you have to experience what we don't want to realise exactly what we want. Often times the media are the ones telling us what we want, those polished movies, that person that walks in from out of the rain and says, 'you complete me.' We forget all the basic things like okay he says I complete him, but around friends and neighbours he makes you feel humiliated, rid

Wow Petty women? Interesting video


You've just been dumped or ridiculed: Iconic ive just moved on dresses

Nothing says screw you for being an arsehole, louder than an iconic eye catching dress. It says i've just moved on, im out of your league, i can do so much better than you, and most of the time, we really do. These iconic dresses are meant to inspire you to get your groove back. Whatever he said, did, or tried to do, you'll ensure that you look unstoppable. They can shake you, but they can't break you. You are hot!!!

21 signs a guy is a jerk (Great video)

I love this video, awesome!!!Guys like this actually exist, and it hurts.

How to deal with a cruel rejection from a guy you like?

Pretend like he doesn't exist, literally. You dont have to play nice because...he was an arsehole about it. Yet if 'mr i need some publicity' suddenly gets an attack of the conscience and starts playing uber nice. Going out of his way to bump into you, doing the whole 'hey didn't you hear me calling you routine?' yawn, yawn. Just remember he had the opportunity to be a gentleman, and decided to take the low road. A road that meant he didn't mind, ridiculing you, humiliating you, and being cruel. After the glory of looking like a Kingpin has worn off, reality creeps in. People constantly need new things to hold an audience. Mocking you was hillarious for that moment, sadly the moments done, and the people who lack self esteem, need to be validated with a nasty story about someone else. Maybe you were always really nice to him, great to talk to, fun, inspiring, well his dmb arse has just driven fun and inspiring away. He needs to produce a strategy, that

Why he cant take his eyes off you but wont ask you out?

Picture by beautiful nobody How frustrating. The guy of your dreams keeps looking at you, and it's not the yikes you disgust me kind of look. Its those lingering stares you see in the movies, you know, the ones that make you freeze midway into your popcorn. Damn, you want that moment, the hypnotised stare, the nervous, "i er..i like you a lot, will you..." Yet your cap'n Romeo stud slash prince charming is turning this into a marathon. Simply put, you wont actually know until he tells you, or he gets comfortable enough to tell someone your close to. Maybe you make him nervous. I remember liking someone that made me so nervous i used to cross the street everytime i saw him. Hypnotised by phoenixkeyblack Are you sensing this dreamboat is trying to get close? Is he always licking his lips, do people keep telling you they saw him watching your bum,  asking questions about you, likes and dis likes, finding ways to be of assistance,  warming up to it. He just n