
Showing posts from April, 2012

Dealing with anger: I love this video it's awesome

Parts of this video inspired me, some of it i don't agree with, other parts of it made me question myself and question my own unhealthy anger. I'd been angry for a while, some of it passive, others of it volatile and aggressive. I'd been in a lot of pain, it was festering, and it was translating. The object of my anger at some points seemed to be one of my neighbours. Now i look on, i realise it wasn't her, but what she stood for. I've been frustrated for years by bitchy people, or passive aggressive people. An incident that traumatised me had my anger spiralling out of control, and the target became her.I've decided to focus on building myself up, self esteem, self worth, so insignificant people don't suddenly become majestic. I realised wether their jealous, cruel, malicious, nasty, even in the tiniest of ways, it's not about them. It's about you, and how your dealing with your pain. How your dealing with your anger, how your working towards making

Dealing with the mother in law from Hell

The question is how much do you want to win,if winning is important to you,prepare to loose the love of your life or your potential partner. If you are dealing with a manipulative mother from hell do not make the mistakes I have and allow her to sink you to her toxic claustrophobia. You are on trial, you will constantly have to defend and support your independant route. Why you want to go on a holiday Monday rather than Tuesday, why the kids carry a rucksack rather than a sling shoulder bag, and why there's rarely any yogurt in the fridge. Despite all the kids hating yogurt and the local fruit store selling rotten contaminated vegetables. It is not you it is the control. She's not used to playing sub, and although like most mothers she yearned for the day she wouldnt have to fuss over her kids. Despite that being what she ranted and moaned about over the years, in true human form the time has come and she' s probably very anxious. If she is a mature woman she will expres

What to do when a guy is ashamed of you

panter 2022 Translation. What to do when your confidence is so low,your associating with a gutless guy,who has the nerve to think, he can be ashamed of you and still steal your time and attention. First of all , are you sure this knight on a white stallion is ashamed, or is a paranoid mind playing tricks on you? Does he avoid all public places you could be seen together. Does he seem panicked when you bump into anyone you might recognise, are you feeling like a cobwebbed secret . Cut him out

Aftershock: How to move on after a divorce

Wow so you didn't just have a mini breakup. Your about to have a breakdown. Your companion is gone. Your best friend is gone. Your lover is gone. But you and possibly some of your kids are still standing. This isn't just breakup central, this is the E.T, the golliath, and the juggernaut of breakups. divorce A little ice cream, and a trip to the cinema isn't going to do a merlin on this one. Here is what will. You are allowed to grieve. Allowed to sob and curl into your mattress delving into old memories, your allowed to the friends that will pick up your calls. More importantly your allowed to forgive yourself the mistakes that keep going round in your head right now. Could it have worked if you had done A, B, C, or D. Could things have been different, you're still battling the feelings of loss, and for some of you, the attraction you still have for your ex partner. When he comes over to see the kids, and you get a whiff of that aftershave, the new

I love this video on the vortex of creation: law of attraction stuff

This video is hillarious, entertainment bazaaar

How to effectively use the law of attraction

This is a video on how to effectively use the law of attraction it celebrates being abundant in who you are, embracing life

Handbag Hitlers: Who hasn't come across them

Who hasn't come across the handbag hitler . That woman you meet with the most gorgeous handbag refusing to tell you where she got it. Suddenly she feels like god, and she either lies and informs you she got it from some inacessible country, or her mouth twitches as she says it was a gift.....from my boyfriend. Great, so now your in awe with no information. Red Ebony's here to change that. As i empower you, and dress you through the most traumatic breakup, or breakdown, toxic friends, psychotic bosses,i want you to say the same thing everytime you get up and glare at that mirror. "Damn i look goooooooooooood!!"

Ear lingerie: Feeling sexy after a break up

The ears have it! in this case they do. After a break up its easy to get into intensely dumpy mode.Drag the ice cream from the freezer, curl up in front of the tv watching some old black and white romance, and whining to your best friend about what could have been. Heres what i've taken to doing, buying those delicious Ear lingerie , or glorious conversations asking you where you got your celebrity jewellery . Having people around you consistently tell you how amazing you look, helps butter up the ego, after it's emotional suicide. The sentence my ears love the most are always, "wow where d'you get those earings from? I've never seen jewellery like that before.

Law of attraction, cool video

Has anyone ever told you that you are what you attract?Let me expand this further. You are wahat you believe in. Our lives are a reflection of the systematic beliefs we hold unto, our grain, our path. law of attraction states that you are what you attract. If we want more we must focus on attracting it, cultivate ourselves in that meditative state of mind. Where essence is free thought, and positive thoughts and visualisations make us a magnet for the things we yearn for. Our deeper most positive experiences of life. Our visions made so clear, our dreams unfold before us like a movie we've seen, we understand, that still excites us. Change your life with these amazing books

Red Ebony's Righteous Playlist:Wizkid -Don't Dull

Something delicious for the summer , music for the waist, beats for the hips... wizkid

How to get over a guy who humiliates you

Imam ali picture The reason why someone humiliates you, is to put themselves on a pedastal and make you feel the size of a breadcrumb. Did you confess your undying love only to have the guy you like snigger about you with his friends and family, avoid you, and basically give you the worst label in the world. Guess what? The same guy will still want your attention all over again. What do you do with guys like that? Replace them!!! Simply show them they are not as indisposable as they think.They can be replaced. With someone kinder, more mature, better looking, more fun, more exciting.The feelings of humiliation your experiencing, the 'please dont bump into me, where can i hide, can i switch towns and change my name' has been experienced by some of the most beautiful women in the world. There's not something paticularly wrong with you, there's just something wrong with the choice you made. You wanted pizza and went to an ice cream store. You emotionally invested in

Looks Like isn't is: How to stop projecting your romantic feelings unto the wrong guy

We go through phases, where we see something in someone that not only doesn't exist, but is dangerous to our self esteem. Recently i saw a kindness to the wrong type of guy, i put a + b together and came up with a+b=z. As we usually do i defended my action, it would have been different if the guy was less shy, it would have been different if his mother was less insecure and catty, it may have been different if his brother was less of a snooty brat. The problem wasn't with any of these people. The problem was simply, that i had let loneliness drive me. I'd become so emotionally isolated that i'd believed a guy who was simply parking in front of my house out of ease and comfort, was doing this for some radical reason. Boy did i get the wakeup i needed.I'd stupidly dropped a note of apology on valentines day. Funnily enough i had no clue it was valentines day at the time, and even more hillarious was the assumption i'd offended someone who didn't even

Money Motivation: When were broke we need to hear this

This is the motivation motivatin that you need right now. Tke action people!! As much acion as you can.

Brilliant!!! 100 greatest movie insults of all time
