Amber: Signs that he likes you, but is simply dragging his feet
First question: Why is he dragging his feet? If the man of your dreams is giving you lingering stares, going out of his way to call you, text you, talk to you, and of course my favourite happening to bump you by accident....uhhhhmm. Yum yum, red ebony loves sensual flirtations. If he's always asking you to spend time together, laughing at jokes you crack that makes the person beside you two push puzzled eyebrows together, if he's not that obvious but as a lady you sense some kind of sexual tension, uhhmm. Go amber, but don't starve. Simply put there are other things that women feel interfere with a potential partnership. Shyness is one.As endearing as that shy guy with the hot chocolate baritone, and those sensual eyes might be, the consistent overwhelming nerves begins to frustrate. Drop hints if you must do flirt with compliments, but whatever you do, DONT BEGDATE!!Begging date is anything from ripping your knickers off, and going I WANT IT RIGHT NOW!! To somethin