
Showing posts from August, 2011

The Sex Bully:Side effects of low self esteem, and a user in action.

Not knowing what your worth is a dangerous thing. I've always been insecure about how i looked from a young age. People have called me beautiful, attractive, stunning at times, yet their words seeped through my skull like water in a sifter. In my mind i remained the ugly tomboy that nobody wanted to kiss in the playground. How dangerous is low self esteem? Yesterday i spent the morning in front of a police man "Would you like to press charges. Would you like to write a report?" He asked. I stammered some more. "It sounds like stalking and harassment, what your ex boyfriends doing." He spoke cooly and supportively, i felt sorry for him, that i was wasting his time. Due to my low self esteem at points, i allowed a man with more inferiority issues than i had, latch unto my life, attach himself to me, like a leech, and then suck the independance out of my spirit. At first the attention was nice. When your 'the ugly chick in the playground' a man who refuses

Stanky leg : A dance move red ebony's desperate to master

It's funny how i catch up to things really late. I've been attempting an old dance new school, it's called the stanky leg. It's so cool,yep it's spectacular watch! I had to add this one shaky footage, but top energy.faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab!

How to be happy

We all go through these days of discontent and sadness, we want to be happy we just can't figure out what the problem is. Something feels missing, something feels lost and the pieces of the puzzle don't seem to fit. What sucks the most are those moments when you are with people who are genuinely striving to be happy, you love them, but you feel a sense of envy. That joy, that laughter,you may be so down it's almost painful to watch. Here are a host of amazing literature, guides and advice that works wonders for the soul. These books will help you feel less disconnected, and inspire you to push for that same strength, and the empowerment you need. These are instruments of joy, and freedom. Happiness is priceless. how to be happy

How to beat failure:CHANGE YOUR LIFE NOW

how to deal with failure

Help with Heart Surgery: Useful books and reading

Heart surgery

Question Hotspot: How can you tell if a guy wants you or just sex?

Wow have i been here? I was once seeing a guy who began to put so much pressure on me to be intimate with him, everytime i met him it felt like a court room. Originally i had convinced myself that my wit, personality, and charm made me incredibly irresistible. "It must be cause i'm so intelligent. Intelligent women are sexy," i confided in my sister. But she knew what i soon discovered. This guy was just extremely desperate. how to say no to sex He lacked the self confidence to go after the women he desired, and because i was available to him as a friend, and once shared an attachment to him, he tried every bullying tactic there was to convince me to have sex with him. It was pathetic. Normal conversations about politics, social commentary, or even video games, would wander into discussions about why i was in his manipulative terms, being immature, selfish, difficult. Every emotional course of attack, every thing i confided in him, was used as further proof t

Moon baby

missing piece Fragmented time Finding thoughts To cement my mind Daddy I love you Nuclear head Daddy I'm lonely There's noise instead Voices that chorus And canvas my day Talking me off ledges Gun salute to paper planes Knotted laces overhead Fences Daddy I'm older With even more Defences Daddy I'm charcoal And chalk on a page Daddy I'm battered As a boxers rib cage This life It's style One crib saloon Daddy I hate Being the One On the moon

Weapons for battling Social anxiety

Panic attacks and social anxiety sucks, here are some weapons to kick ass, and beat the hell out of them. This is us, giving social anxiety the middle finger, or at least trying too. how to beat panic attacks social anxiety

Young love:What to do if you really like a girl (For guys)

Buy her diamonds. Just Kidding. The common answer is "ASK HER OUT!" Yet what if you really like her, and your really nervous, asking someone you like out isn't that easy for everyone. Find out what her likes and dislikes are, be respectful and polite to her best friend, or close friendsip circle. Take off some of the pressure. There's a lot of pressure that comes with thinking you have to ask someone out.You start to think i have to be super cool, it has to be awesome. Step back, and think of phase one. mens dating tips Phase one is: Your hot, i think your hot, i don't know who you are yet, but i'd like to get to know you. Find opportunities to spend time with her, ask her interesting questions when you do. Any reasonable question will suffice because in general people love talking about themselves. If you want to be remembered, ask a memorable question. Feed her ego with compliments, but don't go over the top. Women, just like men love

Question Hotspot: How do you get over a guy that was once a friend, but never progressed to anything more?

This is literally a rite of passage. heartbreak Every woman goes through this or something similar, you are not alone. The best way to get over a guy friend/ potential boyfriend, is cut off the ideal of them being a potential.If he liked you enough, he would have taken action. It's got nothing to do with how pretty or attractive you are as a woman. Think about it, if a guy was dating you just for your looks, the pair of you would be in the most miserable relationship EVER..You'd feel violated, and he'd feel bored. Often times, women who can be quite insecure, confidence get attached to the 'here in the meantime guy' basically the one that's giving them the attention she needs, but ultimately emotionally craves. This guy may have all the particulars, good looking, smart, kind, or bad boy, social renegade, rugged loner type...'i'm just being creative here.'If he doesn''t have those feelings, there are over a million guys out there who w

Question Hotspot:How to make it up to a boyfriend if your playfully hitting Him?

Not every guy likes to be playfully hit or punched.In fact most guys confess to finding it slightly annoying after a while.How do you make it up to a boyfriend your playfully hitting? The two obvious ones would be food and sex. Cook his favourite meal for him, take him out to his favourite restaurant,make sweet love to him, or even just buy him a Teddy bear and jokingly say "This is for you, you big softie." But give him a formal apology. There is another part to the question. Wondering if your being a good partner or not. Many people who have entered or are experiencing a relationship, stock up on information books to help them build that knowledge base, and aid them with improving key aspects of their relationships. The key to any relationships are trust, communication, and honesty. But i've also known people who despite being in 'successful relationships' gorge relationship books by the dozen, and it makes a dramatically positive change in them and their r

Argentina Hotspots:Very KOOOOOL!

I have come up with a list of some of the sexiest places to check out. Argentina is definitely one of them.Are you a photographer, a writer, or just desperate to escape for a few weeks. This is the vibe spot for you. Beautiful landscape, enchanting scenery. If your hungry to write your first bestseller, worldwide album,blockbusting movie....or simply just be.This is the vibe spot for you. Feel that Argentinian wind in your hair, the tingle along the back of your spine, and those cravings to explore. Enjoy

The greatest song ever?

Have you ever had that one song that makes you feel like falling in love? The twirling, the spinning, the sighing. I imagine when i do eventually fall in love, i'll either be lying on the beach, or on a grass field, maybe i'll just be sitting at a bus stop, it's raining heavily, i'll lean my head back against the glass, and i'll be listening to one of the greatest composers ever...Hans Zimmer's you're so cool. Celebrating magic, mystery, escapism, here it is people. True Romance, Hans Zimmer, you're so cool....and of course the amazing True Romance starring Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette.

Question Hotspot:Are men ever sensitive about what nicknames their called?

As long as your not shouting "hey dickhead" to the guy you like across a public forum,i don't believe men are over sensitive about being called such things as babes or baby. These are common terms of endearments. It means we are comfortable, familiar with that individual. Note to self:If calling the guy of your dreams babes, baby, honey, sweets, cutie pie, makes him flinch...stop doing it. It could mean a number of things he feels uncomfortable with these terms of endearment, and finds you overfamiliar. He doesn't like you giving those around you the wrong idea, or ....he may not really like you too much. Words like babes or baby, are often adopted to show warmth and a closeness to someone,even when certain 'crony phonies' people who have a need to promote their popularity, and show they know everyone may use words like babes or baby. Simply put, you may know everyone but can easily forget everyone's name. The point is, if a guy reacts negatively to a ter

Fighting Fear: Top ten books to help combat fear + one more

Everybody gets nervous, anxious, scared, terrified. Yet for many problems there is a solution. To counter your fear with positive input, talk it down verbally to yourself. We often think were scared of the situation itself, yet it is often those feelings of unfamiliarity that lead to this paralyses of fear. We fear things that are good for us, bad for us, indifferent to us, fear stops people from moving forward. In life if you don't move forward, you simply get left behind.The world keeps on changing, evolving, time waits for no one, and if your stagnant your dead. Facing fear is like going into war, you need sturdy ammunition. Here are a list of the best books to serve as incredible ammunition,enabling you to fight hard and feel strong. Extraodinarily cheap prices and timeless information.

Question Hotspot: Do compatible signs make compatible people?

Compatibility of sign!!! Does it give you a guarantee that you are meant for each other? If your sun sign, venus and mars are all compatible or lets say all other sign in birth chart...does it give a guarantee that you are meant for each other? Or Astrology is just something that give a person an idea of how others behave, react, feel, deal w/ others according to their sign. And the rest is still on the hands of our creator above Nothing guarantees a perfect relationship. Astrology in it's entirety does not define a superior immaculate relationship. We may find that we have certain things in common, with certain types of individuals, but this isn't always to do with star signs. For example Sheila may feel she is constantly in sync with Libra's, "I always get along with Libra's, their such a gas." Yet here's a key question. There are over 600 billion people,some of them are Libra's. Has she met every Libra in the whole world? No. Infact there are

The Semi Crush and I

My scenario with my semi crush has gotten so ridiculous, even i don't know what to do next. He liked me first, then acted like a prize idiot because someone close to him was implanting her own conscious poison,like a 3 course meal. For a while i think he's been wanting to talk to me, but i just ignore him. It's gotten so silly, that even when he's swerving his van, beeping his horn, waving, i completely blank him.It's not out of pride anymore, or even out of principle, it's fear and panic, and shyness and mistrust. If he hadn't chosen to be such a follower, despite knowing that i'm not a saint, but my family and i have always been kind and warm to him i think id be acting differently. The shoes are now on the other foot, and unike him, i'm not acting cold, and unfriendly because someone whispered in my ear. The funny thing about crushes is we have scenarios and literally pole volt them out of proportion. It wouldn't surprise me if he'

Top 10 Reasons to break up with your ex

We've all been in those situations with an ex that it's not so much they can't move on,they just refuse to.You become bombarded with Empty promises, illusions of a better future,some even stoop to begging.Yet once your back, you find yourself caught in the same sandstorm. Here are some things to look at, in order to break the cycle. 1)If it's wrong, it certainly aint right. Shades of grey will keep you trapped in a situation that isn't moving forward. Do they say they love you, yet still act weird when others refer to you as their partner.Does it become extremely awkward when people 'SEE' you together in a date scenario, and it's definitely not your first date. 2) Cheating. Cheating isn't about the sex, it's about the act of betrayal. When people cheat on us, it brings up all sorts of insecurities.We feel emotionally violated. Here's an interesting logic. If you invested a million pounds in your bank account, two days later you find th

London Riots:How shooting of Mark Duggan sparked riots and what they're really about

The death of young Mark Duggan shot in the face by a policeman last saturday seemed to be at the route of the London Riots. The family started a peaceful protests outside tottenham station,arguing that it is unlikely Mark pulled a gun out on the police, he was most likely mouthing off....well..well...i bet the police and the government didn't see this anti authourity rebellion spiralling so completely out of control. The fury seems to be that black life is devalued by the police, government and other bodies in authourity.Young people often complain of being fed up with constant police brutality,harassment, treated with suspicious regard, hostility, and some police officials abusing their power. The tension between young people and police in general has been stretched, it took such a painful incident for it to explode. It's clear the message is 'you think you can do what you want, we'll do what the hell we want also." I don't agree with the looting, the viola

Comedians show ow it's done: Nasty people

Usually when some prat who lacks skill, and the gumption to face their own life comes after me, I start spitting fire. Become furious, and explode. These comedians are showing a far more hillarious way of shaming saboteurs off the scene. I found this on the Hecklers blog, fantastic!!

Joel Osteen says it in one: Toxic People

Joel Osteen is both hillarious and insightful. He's brilliant people watch him and be moved.

I love Lucy:Lucille Ball and The enigma of life

Americans everywhere have gone crazy celebrating the centennial I love Lucy show. Yesterday was Lucille Balls 100th birthday, ball died aged 77, in April 26th 1989, after a blood vessel ruptured. The Hollywood museum are holding a special exhibit running through Nov. 30. The actress' centennial is also being commemorated on TV: Hallmark will broadcast 102 I Love Lucy episodes, ME-TV will air 100 episodes of various programs including The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour and The Lucy Show, and TCM will show 14 of her films beginning on Saturday. I'm joining them to celebrate the life of an enigmatic performance artist.Some people should live forever, yet sadly they dont.

The moon and back (Short Story)

"It's very simple," i projected in my most smug adult tone. "Admit you're in love, crazy, smitten, hopelessly, painfully, ruthlessly in love with me." I fashioned myself to my full height, fixing my toddler hands against my hips, pouting watermelon and posing opposite an organised reflection. My brown hair fell loose, in a tangle of waves down my back, and the kiss of blue i added to heavy eyelids made the gold of my eyes shine like medallions. Teenage Fever. Last Week i'd hated Jason Emille cross, this week i'd studied him walk up and down our crowded school corridor for fifteen minutes. Analysed his discussion with Mickey Bults in front of Mrs Kafan's lunchtime vegetable spaghetti. I can lip read so across a twenty second distance i saw their mouths, rotate and halt.It was an intensely political debate about Xmen versus Batman, the original animation. I grit my teeth as Jessica Jones trotted by 'slag' swinging her huge buttocks from